Portico Update Feedback

Guys, can someone tell me if in Messaging app even google talk can be integrated. I could easily see SMS & Facebook automatically getting integrated, but google chat is not!
Guys, can someone tell me if in Messaging app even google talk can be integrated. I could easily see SMS & Facebook automatically getting integrated, but google chat is not!

No google talk intergration.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
3. Battery consumption changed, after discharge from the wireless charging plate for 24hrs the battery percentage goes from 100% to 74%

Battery usage after update is a miracle. Since my last charge with wireless charging plate after update to Portico Firmware, it surprisedly improves. You can see in the below picture, without power saving on, but NFC off, Bluetooth off, Brightness Low and turn on automatic adjustment, data connection off, super sensitive touch off, But Wifi ON. And use as I normally use it, text, phone calls, social networking, youtube sometimes, etc.
On over 2 days and 6 hours, has 10% left

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
hi am new to windows phone.. can any one tell me what is portico.. advanvantages of doing it & how to do it :)
hi am new to windows phone.. can any one tell me what is portico.. advanvantages of doing it & how to do it :)

"Portico" is the codename of the latest available update for Windows Phone 8. You'll get an update notification on your phone when it is available (since portico hasn't rolled out for every phone/country yet, still in progress!).

For more Infos about "Portico" visit this Link

You can also compare your Version/build number under Settings --> Info to check if you already have it.
Ok so after getting Portico for my L920, there's just one thing that I need to know if someone has the answer

Oh my signal bar I used to have 3G or H+ but now it just says L ... I have no clue what it means lol...and no I don't have LTE
Portico alias PR1.1 for "Unbranded = Country Variant" finally arrived in South Africa without any problems. Like the improvements.
Hi, tell me guys why there is so big difference in release date in different countries? Can I change software on unbranded ?
WavingReds: L does indeed = LTE, why it can say L >or< LTE I have no clue, but Windows own site says that it can...
My feedback is Nokia is taking the proverbial. It is absolutely ridiculous that those of who had to wait longer and pay MASSIVELY more for an unbranded device should be forced to wait months for an update that is already available and finished.

Sucks ! Its a brick! Im in mexico,so here are not at&t to replace it- sadenly stop working,then, check on the net that pressing power and volume down will reset and back to normal but fail, stock and freeze- one week headache traying to fix it visiting several websites with no success! Im going to smash it with a hummer !! And back to iphone !!
We need more update. Not an update though. We need a whole new service pack. There's to many lack for key features. Especially closing background applications. Closing background application is a suffering.

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