Positive Windows phone news thread


Active member
Nov 29, 2012
@ODwyerPW isn't dual standby? not active? like I have 2Gvoice and LTE with data on the other. If I'm on a call via 2G, I can't use LTE data (but can use wifi data if in wifi zone)

I probably don't understand the terms. Bottom line, I will only buy dual sim phones from now on. One phone is awesome.

Fred Drummer

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Apr 28, 2017
Ao que tudo indica e que vem contrariar as ideias passadas pela net, o Windows 10 phone vai vivendo criando uma estrutura solida fiável rápida e universal. O caminho não tem sido fácil, habituados as empresas a lançar produtos e softwares de copias fáceis de vender, Microsoft segue um caminho mais arrojado independente inovador, tendo ate já chamado atenção da Apple para mudanças no seu iphone 8. Sendo estes dispositivos com caraterísticas de performance estável agora no creators update, Microsoft segue para o próximo passo Onecore, já se tem vindo a reparar nos esforços feitos nesse sentido, algo que nenhuma outra marca o tem feito, a loja Windows já começa a disponibilizar softwares de pc para telemóvel, apesar de ainda não dar para instalar, a interface caminha para o mesmo sentido, Neon que ira dar um ar mais Windows 7 ideia que ficou esquecida e que iria dar ao sistema operativo um ar mais clean e cristalino. Neste momento a próxima build ira prazer mudanças interiores e algumas de teste exteriores dando uma profundidade e dimensão ao sistema operativo mobile.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
As a longtime Windows Phone User (since 2013), all the articles around the "dead of Windows Mobile" makes me very depressed. And I've switched for myself to my 2nd Phone, a Nexus 6P. But only for a few days. Google's Apps are terrible (in fact for Mail, Calendar, Contacts, Office and others...), the camera is bullsh*t, Google Drive not so good as OneDrive, Google Notes is crap in comparison to OneNote and there's no beautyfull Mozo Backcovers! Conclusio: after less then a week, I'm coming home to my good old Lumia 950! You must tear it from my dead, cold hands!

Jack Ciriello

New member
Jun 1, 2013
Wanted to create a thread for the positive news about Windows 10 mobile as hearing so much negative is becoming depressing!

I still love my Windows Phone and will hold on to it as long as I can.

Miffed at microsoft for killing essentially killing a good thing but as long as my banking apps still exist I will be happy with Windows Phone. Unbeatable UI in my opinion.


New member
Sep 12, 2015
Man, and all those who jumped ship for the Android variant would be kicking themselves. Though Samsung is happy to take their money too, yet they would also clean house on all the remaining Windows Fans, and it might hit VZ---if the rumor turns out true...

It'd still lack some apps and W10M is still far from perfect in regards to stability. But it would be an awesome hardware and software combination.


New member
May 24, 2013
tonye5 , Which Fitbit do you have? my wife has a very new one and I would like to get her updates/notifications working also.


New member
Aug 15, 2007
FITBIT Notifications are WORKING on windows phone!!!


How did you get that done? I have a Charge2 and read that notifications are working with the CU update, yet, can't get mine working. I do have a L735 though, that could be it.

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Francesco Bosso

New member
Nov 19, 2015
Wanted to create a thread for the positive news about Windows 10 mobile as hearing so much negative is becoming depressing!

The best MicroSD support. Android sometimes has issues, for example I can't set the MicroSD as default storage when installing apps, only for some roms.
Full support for mouse and keyboard, and external storage like hard disks

Rahsna Asurac

New member
Dec 2, 2016
Running one 950 XL with broken screen on insider in continnuum only
One 950 XL as daily driver now with one of the few remaining Mozo cover.

Good Windows 10 Mobile times :cool:

Keith White Jr

New member
Feb 21, 2014
I just received and email from Crackle telling me that they have a UWP app coming in June for PC, XBOX and Mobile!


New member
Sep 29, 2014
Windows phone benefit ,In Indian occupied Kashmir govt of India blocks all social media sites also all google service including play store,gmail,you tube etc android phones become deaf,dumb.😁😁😁😂😂

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Active member
Feb 6, 2015
I just received and email from Crackle telling me that they have a UWP app coming in June for PC, XBOX and Mobile!
Awesome! Can you please submit this as a tip to the blog along with a screenshot of your email? I'm sure that others would love to hear this too!

Sent from mTalk


New member
Dec 24, 2014
just to add that some things have not been mentioned in this thread but I find very important! one being that android does a horrible job at several things, like voice dictations of txt messages, or the horrible spell check or horrible keyboard and KB layout, and also the OS of wm 10 is way better than android, I used my LG g5 for a month and couldn't take it, had to go back to my L950! too bad cuzz the LG G5 phone is awesomely well made and had everything my L950 has but wireless charging... really liked the phone but not the OS... I'm patiently waiting to get an HP elite x3 when people drop the ridiculous price of them here in Canada...


Retired Moderator
Apr 1, 2012
just to add that some things have not been mentioned in this thread but I find very important! one being that android does a horrible job at several things, like voice dictations of txt messages, or the horrible spell check or horrible keyboard and KB layout, and also the OS of wm 10 is way better than android, I used my LG g5 for a month and couldn't take it, had to go back to my L950! too bad cuzz the LG G5 phone is awesomely well made and had everything my L950 has but wireless charging... really liked the phone but not the OS... I'm patiently waiting to get an HP elite x3 when people drop the ridiculous price of them here in Canada...

I still have my G5 to stay on top of Android development. It's a great phone indeed but the battery life sucks so bad. What turned you off about it?

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