Possibly getting 1520 ? about Cyan/8.1


WPCentral Question

Considering a new 1520 from AT&T. With the Cyan rollout and no apps or anything else on the phone should I do the Cyan upgrade and after that is complete do an install of 8.1 or vice versa? Seeing all the threads about issues with installs here, I am a bit leery about a WinPhone.


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Oct 17, 2013
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Nature of a forum is people either complaining, or looking for help - very rarely do you see a post of everything's FINE.

Some issues are caused by user error, some phones are defective & in some cases it's a combination of apps, which together (or one app) don't function properly.

I've got an AT&T Lumia 1520.2 on Lumia Cyan / WinPhone 8.1 ... with Dev Preview Update 1 & my phone is running fine - the only thing I see (as a result of DP Update 1) is increased battery consumption by IE. There are myriad posts on here about how good the Lumia 1520 is ... check here (post #40) >> http://forums.windowscentral.com/nokia-lumia-1520/300837-2.htm#post2728768

BTW - the CYAN upgrade brings WinPhone 8.1 with it, if leery, hold off on the Dev Preview updates.

Kevin Harvell

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Nov 12, 2012
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There are far more successful installation stories that get unreported than non successful install stories that are so I believe you will have nothing to worry about.

Which color are you considering getting by the way?


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Aug 27, 2014
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I am sure there are far more successes than failures. Such is the world of computers. You always hear of the ones that didn't work and never of the ones that did.

I am looking at a 1520.3 from B&H Photo as I have happily done much business with them in the past. It will be in some sort of a case so color is not all that important to me. Is there a club or something for certain colors? HAHA!

Kevin Harvell

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Nov 12, 2012
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Amongst my coworkers, we have gone with a Star Wars theme.

I have the black "Darth Vader" edition. Another has the white "Strormtrooper" model, and the other one has the red "Imperial Guard" version.

Still needing someone to get the green "Yoda" model, or yellow "C-3PO" edition to complete the set.

I am sure there are far more successes than failures. Such is the world of computers. You always hear of the ones that didn't work and never of the ones that did.

I am looking at a 1520.3 from B&H Photo as I have happily done much business with them in the past. It will be in some sort of a case so color is not all that important to me. Is there a club or something for certain colors? HAHA!

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