Post sites here with Live Tile support!


New member
Aug 25, 2011
A new functionality in Windows 8.1 is that pinned sites can act as live tiles. This is a really cool creature. But I only now one site that supports a live tile, namely Windows Phone Central. Do you know a site which support live tile functionality? Post it here and let's help each other finding new sites that are awesome to pin on the start screen!
Weird that the wpcentral tile has broken! It worked for the first few hours after they announced it. But then it stopped working. They've written that you had to repin the tile otherwise it will stop working, but even after repinning it still doesn't work! Weird...
Weird that the wpcentral tile has broken! It worked for the first few hours after they announced it. But then it stopped working. They've written that you had to repin the tile otherwise it will stop working, but even after repinning it still doesn't work! Weird...

It also worked for me on the day they announced it, but hasn't worked since. I've tried re-pinning the WPCentral live tile several times, and it's still not working. I hope the WPCentral team is working on a fix, though I haven't seen any official response from them.
My site, focused on Windows and technology: pins beautifully to the Start screen on Windows or Windows Phone. Also includes taskbar pin support on the desktop in Windows 7 and higher.

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