re: WP8.1 Start Screen & Backgrounds
I too like it minimalistic. By the way, on top of the weather tile that's a clock tile, from the Analog Clock Tile app!
View attachment 68099
I hope you don't mind, but I copied this pretty much exactly as you have it with an added accent, also an idea from another user. I absolutely love it. I've been "original minimal" since I've gotten Windows Phone, but I've been following and posting in a thread such as this for so long simply for something like this gem to come along. It's stunningly minimal and wonderful. Thank you for it and again, I hope you don't mind.
One thing I was trying very hard to achieve is with a light background and cyan icon fills in the tile (picture as above, but with solid cyan icons and white tile backgrounds). I couldn't do it, unfortunately. There has to be a way! If you haven't gathered by now, I have a passion for minimalism and a weird obsession with start screens
. Again, thanks for the idea and I can see myself using this one for a while...I'll just miss my light background!