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The trick is to remove the plastic "lens" that is in front of the actual CCD. The area will gunk up from time to time, but it's easy to clean. You can get some amazing shots with the trick.

HTC uses plastic lens cover which scratches in about a week after you buy the phone. Most shots will end up cloudy and get worse and worse as the phone ages.
Interesting, that photo looks really nice. I've noticed that the little plastic piece that protects the lens is pretty scratched up on my phone.

Care to elaborate on how you removed it? How much of a chance is there of damaging the actual lens without the plastic there to protect it?
Care to elaborate on how you removed it? How much of a chance is there of damaging the actual lens without the plastic there to protect it?

Use an Xacto knife and go real slow. The clear plastic piece is quite a bit bigger than the round area you see, so it will take some time. It's pretty much impossible to damage the actual lens since there is appears to be a piece of glass covering the ccd. You really just have a gaping hole that will collect dust. I clean mine out about once a week. Even with this, it's better than unusable photos.

I've attached another picture from an HD7 that had the same trick done to it.

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