Power on while charging?


New member
Nov 14, 2011
Forgive me if this has already been asked, I did a search of the forum and can't find the answer but here goes...

If I power the phone off, then plug in the charger, the phone turns on all by itself.
If I power the phone off while it is charging, it will power itself back on.....is this normal?
yeah its normal.

it seems MS said * if your phone its pluged in , its ON * lol

i realized it last week when i tried to turn it off to get a faster charge , but it turned right back on. lol.
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My phone is never off unless its dead. Is there a reason you are powering off? My iPhone will not power all the way off when on the charger. It will show the plugged in icon on the screen. So, I would say it sounds normal.
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Thank you very much for the responses :)

Wow that is pretty wacky to me, never had a phone that did that before with other OS's and this is my first WP7 phone.

But as long as it is normal then that is good because I am really liking this phone and WP7.....guess I will just have to silent the phone while I am sleeping whiich is not a big deal at all.
Yeah, only thing I miss from my Atrix (CM7) is the night time mode. It basically tells the phone to sit itself in a corner and be quiet during the night :D
My phone is never off unless its dead. Is there a reason you are powering off? My iPhone will not power all the way off when on the charger. It will show the plugged in icon on the screen. So, I would say it sounds normal.

I have always powered off all my phones when I go to bed, just something that I have always done.

My other phones would show the battery symbol charging but that is about it, then it would fade to black but wouldn't actually be on.
I have always powered off all my phones when I go to bed, just something that I have always done.

My other phones would show the battery symbol charging but that is about it, then it would fade to black but wouldn't actually be on.

Yeah, iPhone is not "on" either. Its only kinda on. The screen has power but the phone is not booted up. I also find it odd that the WP software does not do the same.

EDIT: I take that back. When dead it will show the battery indicator charging on the screen. I just turned it off and plugged it into my computer and it booted up. So, maybe when there is enough power iPhone powers up. When its dead dead, I have not been able to turn it on even when plugged in. It will not allow mine to boot till there is at least a little charge back into the battery. I have lost a call due to dead battery and tried to plug in and make the call immediately with no success.
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The funny thing is that I called both Samsung support and ATT....both told me that it must be a problem with the software and to return it for an exchange.

Shows how much they know...one only manufactured the phone and the other sells it! lol
Yeah, it's better than pre iOS3, however. Before that, the silly think would try to take all 1-2min to boot all they way up BEFORE it would charge, and would frequently run out of juice before doing so :( Needed a bit of retries and fridge freezing at times.
Modern phones want to be on when charging, so it can monitor the status of the battery, so it can tell you how well it is performing, estimate its life, etc.
It seems like it would make it charge slower, but most of the power is drawn by the screen anyway, so I suppose as long as the screen is off it's no biggy. It really drove me nuts when I first got the phone though, lol.
The reason your device powers up when plugged in is because in that is how it is reset during an update. Any time you get an update through Zune the update will first make a backup of your device current condition then it resets the device which automatically turns back on. Then it installs the update. The auto restart is necessary otherwise you would have to restart the device manually during an update. Make sense?
Yeah. Its just as dumb as not being able to stop the music without a 3rd party app. I like Turing my phone off to charge sometime,because it charges faster. And it takes the focus an eternity to charge.

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I have always powered off all my phones when I go to bed, just something that I have always done.

My other phones would show the battery symbol charging but that is about it, then it would fade to black but wouldn't actually be on.

Another New Englander....=)

I'm with you I always power everything off before I hit the bed.
The reason your device powers up when plugged in is because in that is how it is reset during an update. Any time you get an update through Zune the update will first make a backup of your device current condition then it resets the device which automatically turns back on. Then it installs the update. The auto restart is necessary otherwise you would have to restart the device manually during an update. Make sense?

My computer can do a restart or shut down while connected to power. It can even restart automatically when doing an update. It can also be told to shut down after an update and not start back up. Point is that the software should be able to handle the different power states while charging or doing its update process.

Not a big deal for me. My phone is absolutely never turned off unless its dead. The point of all this tech is for its ability to connect to people. If there is an emergency I am glad someone can always get a hold of me.
Phones charge faster when they're off. It's a not of an issue for me, largely because the device doesn't allow you to silence notification Aleta while keeping that ringer on max.

So now I just unplug mine and turn it off.

It really shouldn't auto turn on when powered off and plugged in. IMO.

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thanks MickeyCeeCT for bringing this up. I just got my buggy display driver mozart running Mango though and I notice this kind of stupid charging behavior.. I turn off my cellphones sometimes when charging so it will charge faster..

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