Privacy: What does Microsoft do with data collected from Cortana?

James Falconer

New member
Nov 1, 2012
Anyone know exactly what Microsoft does with the data it collects via Cortana? Do they ever get rid of data they collect, or is it constantly held? Curious about this - figured it might spark up some great privacy discussion!
Location,voice,what do we search,our internet habits,how do we use our lap\pc,and so on sounds more like google and aftr collecting all the data they can sell it to other companies who sell things so the companies get an idea of what the ppl like.. N i myself hav nvr used cortana on my lap coz it needs my location n so many stuff the laps webcam was already on the threat list n now the whole OS..also Cortana is always up n running in the background even though i nvr use it..
Maybe they will use it to get your personal details or your present location details.

As I know or read from somewhere...
Each & every Company wants to collect our information while installing the OS(operating system) or any third party app.
Each software collects different information whether it is your Contacts,Camera OR Location etc.

From previous year(s), many hackers collect the user information without knowing them. They can hear your voice with any electronic devices esp. TV Speakers, Set-Top Box, Mobiles, Laptop Mic etc.
Also they can took your video & image sneakingly whenever you use your Laptop,Mobiles & Tablet whether you're online OR offline.

So Keep your devices Mic, Webcam Cover with Easily removable tapes.
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According to Microsoft, Cortana data is used to improve their services and make it better. That's what they say, but what are they truly doing behind closed doors?! Hopefully being genuine and actually improving their services, though I personally think they hold onto data since they enjoy collecting lots of it.
To be honest, I'm not a huge privacy guy... I mean, if you want my data, take it. If it makes my life and the life of other's better, I'm all for it.

Might be in the minority on that opinion, but that's generally how I feel. I mean, there are exceptions, but you know what I mean :)
To be honest, I'm not a huge privacy guy... I mean, if you want my data, take it. If it makes my life and the life of other's better, I'm all for it.

Might be in the minority on that opinion, but that's generally how I feel. I mean, there are exceptions, but you know what I mean :)

Almost shed a tear (of proudness, lol) You are one of the VERY few that I have said that! Most have panic attacks when arguing over Microsoft's intrusive "spying" and I completely agree with you!
Cortana has many ways she could be improved. A lot to do with location based searches. I'll give my data to help with that.

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