Problems with my Lumia 520.


Savanna Rivers

Nokia Lumia 520

I have two problems.
1. I can't play any videos on this phone. It'll start the video then stop, act like it's buffering but it will start bugging by going up and down. It's really hard to explain, but it's really aggravating. I had to stop myself multiple times from throwing this phone across the room.

2. I've set all my pictures and music, basically all my media to be saved on my SD card but it still saves on my phone, leaving me basically no space for new apps. Everything is supposed to go on my SD card but it still saves to my phone. This too, infuriates me. I have to go back and delete some picture or apps to save some thing else.

Please help!


Ambassador Team Leader
Nov 4, 2013
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I'm assuming that your phone is running the WP 8.0 (Black) firmware.
If the phones internal memory is getting full that's most likely the reason for the video buffering to stall.

What is the SD cards capacity?
Have you ever been able to save files to an external card?
It won't accept files if there's not enough room for the card to do so.

Just trying to get a few details so we can look into your problems...

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