Push notifications suddenly really slow (and live tile issue)


New member
Jul 28, 2011
A couple weeks ago, I noticed my push notifications were coming through REALLY slowly. For example, if I'm on my computer and someone IM's me on gchat, it'll be about 30 minutes later that I'll get it through IM+ on my phone. Same is true for Facebook Messenger.

Around the same time, my weather live tiles stopped updating. I have to manually go in them to get it to refresh. Other live tiles seem to work ok (Breaking News, Cortana, etc..).

I've reset, toggled airplane mode, etc.. nothing seems to fix it.

​Any ideas outside a hard reset?

I'm on a Lumia Icon on Verizon w/ 8.1 Dev Preview
Tried a soft reset. Background tasks are turned on for the apps (I tried toggling off and on)..
I actually wonder if people even bother to read the original post before posting something ... The poster just said that they have already tried a reset.

I would have to think of maybe too many live tiles on the home screen? Or maybe just to many background task running at the same causing a conflict with other apps.

Try going in battery saver and turn off a few app that u seriously don't need always running in the background.
In my case, I needed to soft reset my phone multiple times for notifications to work at all. Hence my suggestion to soft reset a second time.

I'm sorry if I offended you.
My weather live tile too stop after updating to 8.1.1 update, even after soft resetting it many times I changed my weather app,now the new one works perfectly, I think the problem is with your weather app, try to contact the developer of that app and in between try another weather app like Bing weather.
I've tried a couple different weather apps (accuweather, atmosphere weather). Neither live tile updates.

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