Questions on Office and Zune

Carroll B

New member
Aug 18, 2011
I have the HTC trophy my first smart phone. I downloaded the MS office app. I created a speardsheet on my desktop and emailed it to myself. I opened the email on the phone and saved the XL file to my phone. Now I cannot find any way to add to the spreadsheet once it is on the phone. Am I missing something? I have the same problem with a word document I have on the phone. Looks like Office on the phone is only good for viewing documents and if so this is stupid.

Is there an app that gives a large and more accurate display of the remaining battery voltage?

Is there an app for storing financial passwords on the phones that are secure?

On Zune I tell it to search my hard drive for my photos. It only displays photos from one directory and I see no way to tell Zune to look in additional directories since my photos are filed by year. In order to get the phots to the phone I had to create a new directory under the only one Zune can find.
Isn't there a way in the settings menu to specify additional folders to add to the Zune library?

I know there's a debug menu on some phones that give the battery percentage. I'm not sure of an app that can do it.

What Office app did you download? It should be built into the OS. If you open the Office hub I'd assume you could see your files there. You are and to edit spreadsheets, PowerPoints and Word docs on the phone.
Office is able to edit word documents. With excel, I email myself the spreadsheet, saved it, and it was in the Office app. Open the Office app, swipe to the right once, and you'll see a "documents" headline. There you'll see tile with each file you've downloaded. Whether it be word, excel, or powerpoint.

In Mango, you can go to the batter saver option in the settings screen, and it will give you a actual percentage of how much battery life you have left.
Thanks for the info. I was able to change the settings in Zune to allow me to find the correct photo album folders. I have learned a little more about MS office on the phone and feel better about it now. I'm looking forward to mango if for nothing else to be able to change the ringtones and have access to more apps.

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