Rant-Why I don't care about Nokia branding being removed from Lumia phones

Usama Jawad96

New member
Jan 9, 2014
Do not read this post if you don't have free time,it will take you almost 8-9 mins to read through the entire post.And I am not forcing you to read it but it MIGHT be worth your time.The purpose of this thread can be seen in the last paragraph.

Yes,this post is a rant and it's quite a long one. :)

I admin admin many Windows Phone related pages on Facebook,one in particular with 29000 likes(It's not my intention to promote my pages here so I won't mention any names) so I've come across loads of Windows Phone users and have learnt how their mindset works. Apparently,there was an outrage among people after I posted about Nokia's brandname being possibly dropped on Lumia phones and I was abused and treated like a pathetic moron when people know that the admin himself(me) doesn't care about Nokia's name.People threatened to leave Windows Phone if the Nokia's brandname was dropped because according to them Nokia is the reason for the existence of Windows Phone

So,I made post yesterday on the page explaining the reason for my indifference towards the Nokia brandname being replaced by Microsoft. It was quite a lengthy post but it made people calm down,the reaction was completely opposite from what I saw before.From being treated the day before like an ***** who doesn't care about Nokia,I was applauded for the post(I'll mention some of the comments of people below).So I believe there are some Nokia fanboys here as well who threaten to leave Windows Phone if the Nokia branding is dropped and I hope that this post will calm them down the same way it calmed the people on my page :)

Here's the copy-paste of the post on my Facebook page:


Well,this might turn out to be a long post but I feel it is essential because most of you have unfairly started judging me. Please read carefully before you call me a biased and pathetic moron who doesn't know what Nokia is or was as I'm being called and treated like right now.

First, a short paragraph about the history of the relationship between me and Nokia to make you understand better.I'm an 18-year old guy.The first phone I saw and touched was a Nokia phone almost 12 years back,I loved to play "Snake Xenzia" and "Beach Rally" on it. I played on the phone for hours(I don't remember the model otherwise I would have mentioned but I don't like to lie about things I don't know), and as time passed,I fell in love with that particular Nokia phone. Fast forward a few years,I'm almost 11 to 12 years old,almost everyone in my family owns a Nokia phone and we have grown attached to the brand. Good times.

Around 2007 or 2008,I believe,suddenly the world is gripped by the phenomenon known as "Android".Suddenly,entire nations are enticed by this new OS then(and now) owned by Google. Most people shove away their Nokia phones, sold them if they could and bought HTC Android phones which were quite popular in my country but our family holds on to our beloved Nokia phones. The reason why I'm not using first person here is because I never got my own phone until I was 15 years old but those symbian Nokia devices were as much as mine as my parents.

Then,it was around 2010,when my father brought our first Android device into our home. It was a HTC Shift,I believe.I didn't like it at first sight. It was a change from our beloved Nokia symbian and I wasn't all too ready to accept that change. Then slowly,after almost around a year or 2,I became accustomed to it, now both my parents owned Android devices but I was phone-less refusing to give up on that old piece of Nokia. My mother had owned a Nokia N93 as well, and I started using it,it was indeed wonderful,the camera was awesome and it was just the device I needed.

But then,one day,I used my father's HTC Desire HD(which he had just bought).We played games on it,I got to touch an Android device for the first time(really) and then I realized.

Things change,sometimes,it's a good change but sometimes,it's a necessary change,which you don't like but have to cope with. The world was progressing forward everyday while I was still attached to 10 years old Symbian phones. My parents had realized this change earlier than me and had already started to embrace Android but I was still of a childish mind refusing to embrace Android with open arms.

In 2013,I fully prepared myself for the change, and put the two beloved Nokia phones in my drawer. It was a sad day but had to be done,I got a pretty outstanding O Levels result and my father bought me a NOKIA Lumia 620,I was ecstatic with joy.Admittedly,I had given up symbian but it was still a Nokia phone I got!
I started using it, and now after almost 1 and a half year,I can say I have full(or at least knowledgeable) command over it. :)

Ok,back to present,I love my phone and I love the OS making my phone work. A couple of my friends at college own Windows Phone devices as well, two of them own Lumia 920 and Lumia 520 while 2 of them own Samsung and HTC WP devices.Out of almost 1000 students in our college,only 3 people(including me) own Nokia devices.

So,where is the popular "Nokia" name that makes people buy Windows Phone devices or the "reason for the rise of WP" as some people here claim it to be. Why is it that Nokia, which was a leading brand couldn't make people buy Windows Phone when Android shifted Symbian customers to their own side?In fact it was HTC who embraced Windows Mobile first and marketed it to the public.

Before Microsoft bought Nokia's devices division,the WP marketshare was around 4% and it's still around that %.Why is it that a company who practically owned Symbian and other old feature phones couldn't be the reason for the "rise of Windows Phone"?Agreed,the majority of the 4% is because of Nokia but where is the "rise"?In all the years Nokia have made WPs,I haven't quite seen this "rise".

If only 4% of the people in the world care about Nokia (who know make only Windows Phones,X has been dropped by MS),why do people give it that much importance?Because of it's glorious history?Because the love you still nurture for the brand?Pardon me,but I harvested the same love as well and I fully understand your situation.

What's in a name after all.Suppose my name is Ahmed(it isn't),suppose I change it to Ali(it isn't my name as well),will I become a different person?Will my personality change? Will I suddenly start walking on my head? Will Nokia(now Lumia) devices whilst being made by more or less the same people who made those Nokia phones before the acquisition of Microsoft suddenly start making phones of poor build quality just because Microsoft owns the division?

For God's sake,why hold on to the past so much?What's in the name.Apart from being popular in some parts of the world,where do people buy phones because of their name?(Except for Apple people and the elite class maybe,they do it as a status symbol,lol)

I remember this quote from Kung Fu Panda,It goes something like this

"Yesterday is history,tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift,that is why it is called the present."

That's exactly what I am already doing and what I implore people to do,yesterday is history,Nokia was a name which was loved by 90% of the world and now it's reduced to 4%,because the world has moved on,Nokia's almost history,things change and you have to bear with it.

Nokia's device's division under Microsoft is the present and that's what we have to adapt to even if we don't like it ,it's more or less the same people who made phones under the Nokia name, and are now making it under Microsoft.What's the big difference,a name? Let it go and wait for the future,things to shape up under Microsoft's command hopefully for the better,there's nothing in a name as I have explained above.Being named after some brave warrior doesn't make you a warrior. Brand names are just like that.

So yeah,I was already prepared for Nokia's name being ditched in favor of Microsoft's brand.After all,there is no logic in keeping a name of another company products on your products while you are working for another company,right?
So I say,let's move on from this topic,hope for the future to shape up for the better hopefully, people who say that they will leave Lumia if the name is changed,I implore you not to do so,the devices will have the same build quality as it was under Nokia,so why worry of some 9 tiny letters(M-I-C-R-O-S-O-F-T) which may appear on the front of future Lumia devices?

Lets move on to a better future for Windows Phone (y)

I thank you if you took precious time from your activities you read my long post carefully or even skimmed through.Thanks! :)

Now here the comments of some people(I won't mention their names):

Person 1: well there are not just 9 tiny letters (M-I-C-R-O-S-F-T), they have a lot of reputation, experience, quality, and genius mind behind them..

Person 2: Overall great post :)

Person 3: Very well said "editor" this rant makes a great point, plus come on guys and gals its time to move on to the future. iOS made the leap to a more "smart" device and lead an enormous change in history, BB tried and well... failed strong attempt and made a huge dent, but still failed. Android has hit the market big with hundreds of options and many many versions of what the world has taken as the "best" smart phone device to date. but hey Windows has always has a smart phone as well, back in the day of Windows mobile 6 (WOW) good, stable, and "smart" but very bulky.. eventually died. MS made an attempt with the KIN and failed but they had a strong come back when they purchased one of the oldest and most beloved phone makers in the world (NOKIA) and then they made it work, it hit big. maybe not as big as some would like but its growing, it is currently the most stable and solid OS on the market with innovation that puts iOS to shame and Android just keeps trying to compare hardware (they are doing very well) but I still think that WP was built and designed for the user.
the name may change but the product will remain the same, Microsoft money and innovation with Nokia integrity and quality will make a great Microsoft Lumia brand. the best of two worlds. software and hardware.
the future will always change, that's what I love about tech, its always NEW!
look at it this way; your options with iOS are the exact same phone built in the exact same manner giving you no options for the style you want (side from the new model 6 which you now will have a screen size option, but yet its all still the same hardware and software) With Android you have more choices of hardware than you can possibly imagine, you wont have the same exact phone as the person next you, but with vender/ manufacturer you will also get version changes like the difference between HTC and Samsung, but these changes can cause issues and structural integrity of the OS (not a very stable platform, but still many options and choices) with Windows you will get several options for hardware as well, but you get the same OS, stable, solid and built for the user, each manufacturer just makes there own list of personal apps for that device. but the OS has not been altered (STABLE)
I know this is a rant as well. but I just consider my options when looking for a new phone. I look for stability and reliability, I do my "homework" before buying ANYTHING tech related that I will have to live with for a while before I can upgrade again.
think on this: NOW is a great opportunity to try something NEW! for "tomorrow is a mystery"

Person 4: I know its the same thing but I just want Nokia name on my phone...that gives me something to trust. Durability the most I'm not leaving WP even after the rebranding....i just want Nokia name that's it :)

Person 5: Microsoft Windows is the number one OS for desktops so have faith in Microsoft because I think Nokia must be also having faith so that's why they sold themselves to Microsoft in a hope of getting at number one position again :)

Person 6: I agree with you #Admin, your post was just Awesome... You made me realize that NOKIA WILL BE NOKIA If its name got Changed to Microsoft.... And my first 2 games was Snake Xenzia and Space Impact on Nokia 3310 and 3315..... I love Nokia and I promise I'll love Nokia

Person 7: I only bought lumia because its a WINDOWS PHONE.... okia or not, WINDOWS PHONE always brings the best of my abilities

Person 8: really i have become a fan of you...(Mentions my admin name,I don't use my real name on pages)

Person 9: I loved both NOKIA and WINDOWS PHONE os. So I will not worry about brand name. NOKIA or MICROSOFT it's unique for me. I will surely buy one from New brand

Person 10: #1600 #6303iclassic #c3 #lumia525 my Nokia devices till date(used only Nokia) #nokia #lumia #WP Wont leave it what so ever...Rebranding means nothing for those who luv it...

Person 11: Whats there in name ..still a wp lover.

Thanks if you took your time and read through this extremely long post. As I mentioned before,it is not my intention to promote my page or the numerous other Windows Phone pages or websites I write and I handle(I'm a 18 year old freelancer and I don't get paid or anything to promote Windows Phone like this to more than 200K people who follow my publications)
or my personal twitter account(I have only 23 followers so I'm not exactly famous for all the works or writing I have done so far despite my pages and websites and group being viewed by 200,000 people) or anything like that.The only purpose of this post was to make people realize that Nokia is a name,and removing it shouldn't matter.My post changed a lot of people's opinion about the situation on the page so I posted it here in the hope that I'll accomplish the same purpose here.
Thanks once again! :)
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I kind of skimmed lol but I agree. I don't care about anything as long as it is Lumia or surface and has the best cameras. What they call it is irrelevant to me.
Wow! Nicely put.
But I'd like to add something to it.

I know that. You know that. But most people out there? Branding matters to them. Proof? Apple's clout over rich. Android/Samsung's clout over the rest. Reason? That's what everyone has and people like to have what everyone else has. They want to get along. Why Nokia lost popularity? Because Android/Samsung's clout surpassed that of Nokia. Like you said the world moved on. But still, change is hard to accept. Most people stuck to Nokia because that's what they were used to. Was Windows Phone's success(what little success they had) based on Nokia? Debatable. Maybe, not in US but Europe and South Asia where Nokia was popular, I'm not so sure. Now, you know that and I know that the teams and engineers behind this new Microsoft will be the same people who brought us those popular Nokia phones. But, who will tell this to the average joe on the street. It was already a uphill battle for Microsoft against the popular android and now they don't have the advantage of blind brand following that they used to have with Nokia.

Furthermore, we know that OS success is based on multiple factors. You've to attract developer support, OEM support and distributors support to make the phones available globally in retail stores and in people's hand.

Now, we're residents of the same country. Distributors weren't bringing Lumia phones to our country as soon as they used to. I mean Lumia 1020 took more than 6 months to arrive. But, as soon as Nokia brought android phones, Nokia was sort of revived. We could see Nokia X Phones on the billboards, tv commercials and every where. On heels of it, Lumia phones might have got some success too. What I'm worried is that with Nokia branding gone, will Microsoft have the same clout over distributing vendors as Nokia used to have? Or will we be left at the whims of local manufacturers for Windows Phones which in our country means NONE.

I'm not ready to leave Windows Phone but let's hope that Microsoft doesn't screw up the global availability and distribution.
Wow! Nicely put.
But I'd like to add something to it.

I know that. You know that. But most people out there? Branding matters to them. Proof? Apple's clout over rich. Android/Samsung's clout over the rest. Reason? That's what everyone has and people like to have what everyone else has. They want to get along. Why Nokia lost popularity? Because Android/Samsung's clout surpassed that of Nokia. Like you said the world moved on. But still, change is hard to accept. Most people stuck to Nokia because that's what they were used to. Was Windows Phone's success(what little success they had) based on Nokia? Debatable. Maybe, not in US but Europe and South Asia where Nokia was popular, I'm not so sure. Now, you know that and I know that the teams and engineers behind this new Microsoft will be the same people who brought us those popular Nokia phones. But, who will tell this to the average joe on the street. It was already a uphill battle for Microsoft against the popular android and now they don't have the advantage of blind brand following that they used to have with Nokia.

Furthermore, we know that OS success is based on multiple factors. You've to attract developer support, OEM support and distributors support to make the phones available globally in retail stores and in people's hand.

Now, we're residents of the same country. Distributors weren't bringing Lumia phones to our country as soon as they used to. I mean Lumia 1020 took more than 6 months to arrive. But, as soon as Nokia brought android phones, Nokia was sort of revived. We could see Nokia X Phones on the billboards, tv commercials and every where. On heels of it, Lumia phones might have got some success too. What I'm worried is that with Nokia branding gone, will Microsoft have the same clout over distributing vendors as Nokia used to have? Or will we be left at the whims of local manufacturers for Windows Phones which in our country means NONE.

I'm not ready to leave Windows Phone but let's hope that Microsoft doesn't screw up the global availability and distribution.

Yes,I mentioned the points in your first paragraph in you post and I agree,Nokia is still popular in some countries(notably middle east and asia) but is it popular because of Windows Phone?No,it's popular because people still love and worship the name "Nokia" because of it's past.And since MS has made it clear that they are dedicated only to WP,I'm not sure how much the Nokia branding benefits MS since the average Joe who loves Nokia still lives in the past.
And that's also one of the main hurdle Microsoft will have to encounter,how to market it without the Nokia name.As you and I both know Nokia/Microsoft haven't been exactly successful in promoting Windows Phone in our country so I'm pessimistic about how the average joe will react to this rebranding.But the fact still remains,Microsoft shouldn't and will not market their own products under the name of Nokia,it makes no sense to do.But that still leads to the question,"How well can they market Windows Phone without using the term "Nokia" ?" And I think we'll have to wait sometime to see how Microsoft respond to the challenge but I hope they do well with the Nokia branding about to go.
Yes,I mentioned the points in your first paragraph in you post and I agree,Nokia is still popular in some countries(notably middle east and asia) but is it popular because of Windows Phone?No,it's popular because people still love and worship the name "Nokia" because of it's past.And since MS has made it clear that they are dedicated only to WP,I'm not sure how much the Nokia branding benefits MS since the average Joe who loves Nokia still lives in the past.
And that's also one of the main hurdle Microsoft will have to encounter,how to market it without the Nokia name.As you and I both know Nokia/Microsoft haven't been exactly successful in promoting Windows Phone in our country so I'm pessimistic about how the average joe will react to this rebranding.But the fact still remains,Microsoft shouldn't and will not market their own products under the name of Nokia,it makes no sense to do.But that still leads to the question,"How well can they market Windows Phone without using the term "Nokia" ?" And I think we'll have to wait sometime to see how Microsoft respond to the challenge but I hope they do well with the Nokia branding about to go.

I'm not very optimistic about Microsoft's hardware division. They don't have the money, experience and influence to effectively distribute and market any sort of hardware. Maybe they will surprise us but the chances are pretty low.

Eventually it will depend on how persistent MS are and/or when will Samsung/LG/Sony and a host of Chinese OEMs come on board. Because if there is anything that can help them, it's the way above mentioned OEMs flood the market with certain phones which gives public the perception that this is the next cool thing and suddenly everyone is on board.
I'm not very optimistic about Microsoft's hardware division. They don't have the money, experience and influence to effectively distribute and market any sort of hardware. Maybe they will surprise us but the chances are pretty low.

The same people will distribute and market the phones. But I hope they change the strategy because it wasn't working.

The Nokia brand is weak, attached to the past, to dumb phones. Of course there is always a small group of freaks that become attached to weirdest things, but It's a minority.
WP has only 2.5% of market share, a small fraction of that is the Nokia fan base.
Besides, the Microsoft brand is stronger.
I think a lot of people feel this way because of the Nokia brand recognition.

I had Nokia Symbian devices prior to BlackBerry devices. I knew absolutely nothing about Windows Phone when I got my first one but chose it just for the Nokia name.

I never knew anything about Windows Mobile, as I only knew one person who had a Samsung Jack (and Ozzy Osbourne did an ad for that device). My reason for choosing Windows Phone initially was it was a Nokia, and it was an alternative to BlackBerry that wasn't Android or iOS.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 via Tapatalk
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I think a lot of people feel this way because of the Nokia brand recognition.

I had Nokia Symbian devices prior to BlackBerry devices. I knew absolutely nothing about Windows Phone when I got my first one but chose it just for the Nokia name.

I never knew anything about Windows Mobile, as I only knew one person who had a Samsung Jack (and Ozzy Osbourne did an ad for that device). My reason for choosing Windows Phone initially was it was a Nokia, and it was an alternative to BlackBerry that wasn't Android or iOS.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 via Tapatalk

I'm sure majority of WP users in Eurasia will agree with you.
WP rises and falls based on what MS does. Hopefully, we will get the brand recognition of an Apple or Samsung, but MS has done what it has needed to up to now to get WP in the mindshare of users. Nokia was a great brand, but hung itself out to dry with poor business decisions at it's peak. WP gets the blame for it's demise, but it was Nokia itself that destroyed it's profits.

The loss of Nokia branding in Europe where that name is still popular cannot be dismissed, but those users now have WP's in their hands, so it is not like they are going to run away from the OS. Like Laura stated above in her post: She got a WP because of the Nokia name, but is open to WP devices because she enjoyed them regardless of branding. The Nokia name did what it could, and I am greatful for it and very proud to have owned a couple. I think it would have been better to keep the Nokia name, but that just wasn't possible. Time for the next chapter.
WP rises and falls based on what MS does. Hopefully, we will get the brand recognition of an Apple or Samsung, but MS has done what it has needed to up to now to get WP in the mindshare of users. Nokia was a great brand, but hung itself out to dry with poor business decisions at it's peak. WP gets the blame for it's demise, but it was Nokia itself that destroyed it's profits.

The loss of Nokia branding in Europe where that name is still popular cannot be dismissed, but those users now have WP's in their hands, so it is not like they are going to run away from the OS. Like Laura stated above in her post: She got a WP because of the Nokia name, but is open to WP devices because she enjoyed them regardless of branding. The Nokia name did what it could, and I am greatful for it and very proud to have owned a couple. I think it would have been better to keep the Nokia name, but that just wasn't possible. Time for the next chapter.

Exactly, and that's what I'm trying to prove, it's time to move on :)

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