Really Stupid Question / Issue


New member
May 31, 2011
Hey Guys i really need your help im going crazy...

OK the first issue: (stupid question part) how do i use local scout....

2) i just got my phone and have had for exactly for 1 week now and my billing cycle started 5 days ago.......apparently ive used 600md of data within that time which seems impossible to be esp since im on wifi at home and at work.....ive turned my celluar data off and had to upgrade to 1gig of data. Im not sure if this i normal but its financially hurting me.

Anyone know what can be the cause. because eveything i used to do with my iphone only used up about 300mb a month. and i havent really had a chance to use my phone for youtube or streaming music.

Make sure the feedback option is off. Its under settings at the bottom of the page.

Sent from my HTC Arrive using Board Express
Actually... Just noticed that the mango update added an option to check/uncheck "use my cellular data connection to send feedback. So double check those settings. (I have mine disabled).

Sent from my HTC Arrive using Board Express
Hey Guys i really need your help im going crazy...

OK the first issue: (stupid question part) how do i use local scout....

2) i just got my phone and have had for exactly for 1 week now and my billing cycle started 5 days ago.......apparently ive used 600md of data within that time which seems impossible to be esp since im on wifi at home and at work.....ive turned my celluar data off and had to upgrade to 1gig of data. Im not sure if this i normal but its financially hurting me.

Anyone know what can be the cause. because eveything i used to do with my iphone only used up about 300mb a month. and i havent really had a chance to use my phone for youtube or streaming music.


its also possible your over charge is because of PRORATA!!!!

for example:
30days in a month , your billing cycle is on the 5th and you got your phone on the 28th of last month.

so basically . you had a 30 dayz + a 9 day period..

for does 9 dayz they calculate it as soo.

500mb/30x9=150mb for 9dayz ( if u go over that )

also just a head up , i had a 500MB option on my phone... and i do on average 1g to 1.5g a month. so i also had to upgrade my data feature.
Thanks, im gonna turn off my cellular data for a few days to see how much i save.....
Chances are if the phone is turning on and off you are disconnecting it from the WiFi. You will notice whenever your phone comes back from sleep the WiFi icon reconnects. I have a feeling that maybe, just were downloading all your apps and playing around and not on the WiFi like you thought you were...

The 1st month's usage is always larger as you get acclimated with your phone and get it set up just like you like it.

so basically . you had a 30 dayz + a 9 day period..

for does 9 dayz they calculate it as soo.

Haha, I just found that funny...Z's and "does"? It is just that normally you don't ever see someone trying to make a halfway decent point type like a 14 yo texter.

But, on a prorated (prorata? what is that?) bill he would still see two different groups of usage. He would see XXX/150MB (prorated) and XXX/500MB (billed a month in advance)...but in any case, that was not his issue anyway.
ya prorated or not the issue was 600md being used in a matter of 6 days.....baffling....

and how about local scout, im in canada so im not sure if its a regional thing, cuz that would suk
lol i dunno why i Put a *Z* to be honest , just a bad habit i guess lol.

and im generally a bad speller to begin with LOL

And local scout left us Canadians out.. sorry :(
And local scout left us Canadians out.. sorry :(
and how about local scout, im in canada so im not sure if its a regional thing, cuz that would suk

With less people using phones compared to the US there isn't the database built up around the options you have/options Local Scout would be locating...that is the main reason I feel they can't roll out local scout to all countries. There just isn't the information there yet!

lol i dunno why i Put a *Z* to be honest , just a bad habit i guess lol.

and im generally a bad speller to begin with LOL

The road to recovery begins with admittance.

The next step is "trying", haha. Business communication is nearly all electronic...and "dayz" and "dunnu" aren't going to cut it, haha. Sorry, just a little pet peeve I guess.
With less people using phones compared to the US there isn't the database built up around the options you have/options Local Scout would be locating...that is the main reason I feel they can't roll out local scout to all countries. There just isn't the information there yet!

The road to recovery begins with admittance.

The next step is "trying", haha. Business communication is nearly all electronic...and "dayz" and "dunnu" aren't going to cut it, haha. Sorry, just a little pet peeve I guess.

spelling Police ... lol ... I?ve always been bad at spelling it never really kicked in for me lol ... was more of a math guy...

but when i send e-mails out to my Business Clients i *do not* (lol) use *dunno , gonna, dont, ect..* lol, well i try not to any ways . haha i dont really take time on FORUMS seeing most people understand TEXTING/INTERNET slang ;) lol

*Generation Y* for yeah lol ;)
i dont really take time on FORUMS seeing most people understand TEXTING/INTERNET slang ;) lol

I could be wrong, but I think you overestimate the number of people who understand your personal texting/Internet slang. I don't say anything because you seem like a good guy, but I generally skip your posts because I cannot understand them.

As a member of your target audience, I don't really take time on FORUMS to translate gibberish into English.
I could be wrong, but I think you overestimate the number of people who understand your personal texting/Internet slang. I don't say anything because you seem like a good guy, but I generally skip your posts because I cannot understand them.

As a member of your target audience, I don't really take time on FORUMS to translate gibberish into English.

*Generation Y* for yeah lol ;)
As a member of your target audience, I don't really take time on FORUMS to translate gibberish into English.

Rhody really puts it well. There isn't much point in posting in gibberish when you alienate the people to which you are trying to get your point across.

I have some cousin's that are like Brothers to me, talk with them all the time, but they are 17 and 19 and do the same thing when typing...because their friends all type that way, they think everyone understands all of it and is accepting of all of it, which couldn't be further from the truth.

Just saying you had a really good point to make, but throw it in between a couple of "doa" and "czu" (or whatever) and it is completely lost.

But yes...this is all very grammar police. :D

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