Reccuring event every 6 weeks.... how?


New member
May 27, 2015
I have WP 8.1 on AT&T Lumia 830.
I want to set up an event that reoccurs every 6 weeks in my calendar. The only options are every day, every weekday, every sunday, day nn of every month, every june nn.
On my pc I am still running Outlook 2003 and have the following options: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and every nn days, weeks, months, years.
Am I overlooking something? If so, educate me please. Thanks.
Go to your account.

Click on "New".

In the "How often" menu, choose "weekly". There'll be a space where you can specify: Repeats every [ ] weeks... you can put "6" in that space.
Yes I just found about this the other day you can do it by days too. So my my data plan turns over every 30 days I have set myself a reminder every 30 days.
I have a parallel thread for this on Windows Mobile community. Shame that the feature is not available. I relied heavily on it on my old Android S3. Long time ago even my trusty 2002 IPAQ Windows Pocket PC with outlook 2000 had it. Always have been a MS user ever since I bought the original Windows 1.0 on a zillion floppy discs. The S3 is the only time I strayed. Wonder why it went from a standard feature to "advanced setting" and if it will be corrected? It makes the built in calendar useless for me.
I think it was 5 floppy disks. I've always wanted to make an appointment for things like 1st Tuesday of every month. I've never found anything that can do that.
It was on 10 360 k floppies. Darn another thing I forgot to get in my divorce. Those were the days of the old Hercules graphics card and EGA. I put together a couple of those sewing machine style like luggables and hauled the things all over the world my business trips.
Thanks gpobernardo. That worked. So there is no way to add a custom interval with the built in calendar?

Unfortunately, a lot of features in the built-in Windows Phone calendar app are not at par with the full web version. The current Calendar app version is only 1.0.15087.0 and it wasn't really updated as often as some of us think it should have. I think I remember seeing more custom option in Windows Mobile 6.5.3.

Windows 10 is coming - I'm not a technical previewer so I haven't seen the new Calendar, but I hope we'll find what we're looking for there.

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