Recent android convert, the struggle is real

I like the way it looks too. And it's very thin and light. Coming from a note 3 to this, the screen is a little too small but I'm digging the small size for now. It's like I've got a bat phone or some new tech from the future. Fits in my pocket real nice and I'm not carrying a brick around anymore.
And thanks for the bronco love. I'm a fan of anything full size with a removable top.
I use G+ on win 10 mobile. With edge you can change search engine, so google added, sign in and G+ is there
From what I've read I wont get win10 on my 8xt but I could buy a used 635 for sprint reasonably cheap and it's supposed to get win10. So that's an option. But when you use the g+ mobile web page in your edge browser will it let you tag people and upload pics? I don't think it's possible but I could be wrong, I'd like to be wrong. Lol. Currently using IE on 8.1 if I visit the g+ mobile page I can't use the + symbol to tag anyone and the only pics I can share are pics I have already uploaded or saves in the google photos or picasa app.
The app that I need the most help with is google plus. I haven't found an app in the store that works very well. I'm using gplus at the moment but it has very limited functionality, its slow and the time line is off. I also have an i.e. page pinned to the start screen with my g+ opened to the mobile web page and that has very limited functionality as well.

Yeah, Google and MS don't really play nice. Most G+ apps aren't that great. You may want to just use the mobile G+ site and make it a favorite on ie/edge..

Also, if you use G+ a lot then your photos are backed up using the Google Photos app (which is great). To continue to have your photos sent to Photos while you're using a Windows Phone you can use Picasa Photo Hub (in the MS store) and set it up on auto back up. In this way all of your new photos will be backed up (assuming you have turned it on) to Onedrive AND Google Photos.
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I am able to upload pics with the gplus app from the store it just loads my feed out of order and not all the posts I see are completely there. I.E. I may see a post where I can read a persons words but the attached picture wont show up. Where as in the mobile browser the posts show up just fine but are completely out of order.
Unfortunately, he probably will never get Windows 10 Mobile on a Sprint branded HTC 8xt.

Blimey. Every other post slates Sprint. How the hell do they maintain a customer base? Or do they favour the Sheep OS's???? We don't tend to suffer this in UK.
Sprint is the last major carrier over here to offer unlimited data that's not throttled at no extra charge. The other carriers have done away with it unless you pay extra or are grandfathered in from an old data plan. And on other carriers if you upgrade your device with a new 2yr contract and don't pay the full price for your phone, you lose your unlimited data unless you want to pay an extra $20 a month.
So with sprint it's all about unlimited data, cheaper devices and cheaper monthly bills. Basically, sprint users are a bunch of tight wads, including me.
Unfortunately sprint doesn't support windows phone very well. As of right now there isn't a single brand new windows phone out there for sale anywhere for sprint that I know of. None of the ones on the MS website will work on them because sprint is a cdma network. And the last windows phone they offered was the 635, or maybe the m8, I'm not sure. I just started checking windows phone out about a month ago.
Sprint is the last major carrier over here to offer unlimited data that's not throttled at no extra charge. The other carriers have done away with it unless you pay extra or are grandfathered in from an old data plan. And on other carriers if you upgrade your device with a new 2yr contract and don't pay the full price for your phone, you lose your unlimited data unless you want to pay an extra $20 a month.
So with sprint it's all about unlimited data, cheaper devices and cheaper monthly bills. Basically, sprint users are a bunch of tight wads, including me.
Unfortunately sprint doesn't support windows phone very well. As of right now there isn't a single brand new windows phone out there for sale anywhere for sprint that I know of. None of the ones on the MS website will work on them because sprint is a cdma network. And the last windows phone they offered was the 635, or maybe the m8, I'm not sure. I just started checking windows phone out about a month ago.\\

Living overseas as I do now really reinforces what a freaked up system the US has (contracted phones). It stacks the deck totally in favor of the carriers and leaves the poor consumer to accept whatever is offered. A $100/month cell/mobile bill is just crazy. Prepaid is the only way to go now in the U.S.
2.5GB high speed data a month before it falls to EDGE. Mind you they cap LTE at 8mbps and no tethering without a $10/month fee for each line used as a tether.

Normally the plan is $40 a month, but each line bundled after the first saves. Line 2 is -$10, Line 3 is -$20 and the 4th line is -$30.

So 4 x $40 =$160 - the $60 savings = $100 / 4 lines = $25 per line. Each line gets ts own 2.5GB high speed and unlimited everything. Technically I can get a 5th line free, but don't have a 5th person to put on there. That would be $20 a line for a family of five.

If it is just you and you need more data, try Straight Talk $45 a month gets you 5GB high speed data and unlimited everything. 5GB if you BYOD that is. With auto pay it is $42.50 a month.

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