Recently I have upgraded my Lumia 630 DS to Denim and its getting hanged frequently, is there a solution for this?

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WPCentral Question

Recently i have upgraded my lumia 630 DS to denim and its getting hanged frequently

also i am not able to use apps also .......restarting phone again and again is no user friendly feature of lumia. kindly give me solution as factory people hold my phone for 15 days and returned back in same condition. what to do i am not able to understand. is their any solution of this problem??????what to do i am not able to understand. is their any solution of this problem??????
Re: Recently i have upgraded my lumia 630 DS to denim and its getting hanged frequently

You need to do a hard reset. Do note that you will lose all the data from your phone, so keep a backup. You will also lose progress in all games except for the ones that sync with Facebook. I suggest you do a backup(you need internet connection for that) by going to settings and selecting backup.
After the process completes, go to settings, tap about and tap reset your phone. This will take some time, but will most probably fix all your problems.

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