Hi, my name is...and I'm a Windows 10 mobile addict

I was an addict, I even bought new WPs without even looking at the competition. I would blindly go into MSFT store and get a new WP. Switched to Note 8 from 950XL a week ago and my eyes just opened. While Android with it's icons is far from great, the fact that I can change a launcher fixes that. And the app choice, my goodness. I can finally stop taking my wife's iPhone to complete even the basics of tasks. Android has come a long way since the last time I attempted to use it (Galaxy S2). I can confidently say that I am no longer addicted to Windows Mobile. I am however addicted to my Note 8, just after a week.
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I was an addict, I even bought new WPs without even looking at the competition. I would blindly go into MSFT store and get a new WP. Switched to Note 8 from 950XL a week ago and my eyes just opened. While Android with it's icon is far from great, the fact that I can change a launcher fixes that. And the app choice, my goodness. I can finally taking my wife's iPhone to complete even the basics of tasks. Android has come a long way since the last time I attempted to use it (Galaxy S2). I can confidently say that I am no longer addicted to Windows Mobile. I am however addicted to my Note 8, just after a week.

we'll see how that goes after awhile, when you get sick of the constant ads popping up when opening/using an app or when you have a txt message come in when your driving and have nothing to read it to you and you have to pull over to read it or dangerously read it while driving because there's no Cortana to read it to you, or you mistakenly install an app that you thought was legitimately real but turned out to be a virus... that's why my android phone stays in my drawer...

I'm not using a Windows phone because I have an addiction and others as well, it's because Windows is just more user friendly than the other phones. Addiction is not the correct word to use in this instance but because we see (dare I say) windows phones is just better than the boring counter parts. the ONLY way I see it is MS gave up on Windows phone and gave up on US... had they stuck it out and let everyone know that they plan on sticking it out would be the game changer today and WM10 wouldn't be where it is today.... ((SMH)) shame on you MSFT!
we'll see how that goes after awhile, when you get sick of the constant ads popping up when opening/using an app or when you have a txt message come in when your driving and have nothing to read it to you and you have to pull over to read it or dangerously read it while driving because there's no Cortana to read it to you, or you mistakenly install an app that you thought was legitimately real but turned out to be a virus... that's why my android phone stays in my drawer...

I'm not using a Windows phone because I have an addiction and others as well, it's because Windows is just more user friendly than the other phones. Addiction is not the correct word to use in this instance but because we see (dare I say) windows phones is just better than the boring counter parts. the ONLY way I see it is MS gave up on Windows phone and gave up on US... had they stuck it out and let everyone know that they plan on sticking it out would be the game changer today and WM10 wouldn't be where it is today.... ((SMH)) shame on you MSFT!

Somehow he’ll probably survive, just like the other hundreds of millions of people on Android do.
I can appreciate your feelings on Windows Mobile but they are extremely biased. I have no doubt it works for you and many others, but it doesn’t for the vast majority. There are reasons for that. For instance “user friendly” is based on an individuals needs, which can differ from person to person. They can also change over time.
MS surely did make some blundering mistakes and that, along with the vision of Apple and Google, doomed them. Perhaps the future will change. We will have to wait and see.
My first smart phone PPC provided by my company, which was replaced by blackberry, then iPhone. Decided not to go into Apple (personal reason), I got HTC WP7.

My wife and I still rocking 950XL who still refused to change until it breaks apart. Part of the reason by sticking around are eco system and UI. I do have an android tablet LG V10 (I think) so I don't have that tunnel vision. People who commented about goodness of Android need to realize that it lagged so much. At least that's based on my experience with my tablet. My LG mostly a tap behind me. But for watching streaming video and stuff, I am willing to be patient.

My work consists of being outside (not sales), so I relied on email, sms, photos, OneDrive, OneNote office (excel mainly). People that I worked with always curious of the device I used. Other than techies person, which hardly anyone I ever met, no one cares or mind what you used.

To round it up, eventually I have to change platform because MS no longer build another iteration of W10M. Although, MS did not officially announce the end of platform so OEM may build the hardware. Who knows, it may rise again. I am waiting on 6" WOA.
Interesting point of view. For me I would not use the word Addicted but Prefer. I've had just about every type of mobile device out, including iPhones and Androids. I currently am using an HP Elite x3 while I wait for parts to fix my broken screen on my 950XL. I carry a iPhone and android in my bag if I need to use certain apps. I will be sticking with the 950XL as my main device as I again prefer its user experience and working features above the Elite X3. Until the Microsoft store stops working on these devices or a better user experience device comes out, I Prefer Windows 10 Mobile at the moment.
Hi my name is Travis, I have been with Windows Mobile OS since my Motorola MOTO Q9c with WM6.0/6.1 OS about 11 years ago. Then moved to LG iQ with WM6.5/WP7.5 Tango, then Samsung ATIV S with WP8.0/WP8.1/U1/U2. Then moved to Microsoft Lumia 950 XL Dual SIM with Win10M/TH2/RS1/RS2/RS2.5, with all my daily apps I use leaving Win10M 1709 platform OS.... Basically an app device without apps... Very unusable device, fantastic hardware and OS but unfortunate I have no choice but to jump platforms. I never used a iOS or Android device before, I just bought Google Pixel 2 XL 128GB with Android 8.1 Oreo OS With Pixel Launcher 3 then switched over to Microsoft Launcher 4.3 then changed all Google services out for Microsoft services.... Chrome 64 for MS Edge 16, Google Doc for MS Office, Google Cloud for MS Onedrive etc etc.... Basically so far I built a Microsoft Android Smartphone...Pixel 2 XL 128GB has fantastic hardware and a two years warranty... With some software bugs all fixed... So far Android 8.1 Oreo OS is buggy and unfinished my opinion. After 3 days in I miss Win10M 1709 OS already.... Android 8.1 is OK but lacks a lot basic integrated functionality that Win10M 1709 already has... Hard to explain..... It's my opinion Win10M 1709 OS is a far superior OS to Android 8.1 Oreo OS in so many ways, so unfortunate Win10M 1709 has no success and support...I just can't put it down... I finding myself picking up my Lumia 950 XL more than my new Pixel 2 XL..... And No Apple iPhone X iOS11. 1 OS for this guy... Hate Apple..... Long live Lumia 950 XL with Win10M 1709
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I used to be all-in to the MS platform. I still use their services and carry a Lumia 950 XL, but I can hardly wait to swap it for something else. The platform is completely dead and basic functionality like Whatsapp is STILL slow and cumbersome. Banking apps disappear by the minute and performance (battery) is buggy at best.

I fell in love with the WP7(.5) after having owned the HTC Touch Pro2 (WinMo6.5) for the app-agnostic approach they started off with. It was like "screw yer ****e apps, we'll give you efficient hubs and tiles taking maximum advantage of API's instead". That was awesome and refreshing. Quick glances, efficient filtering (and grouping!), no single-purpose fart apps, but all your farts in one place. Glamorous stuff.

Since then W10M has thrown all originality overboard and Microsoft hasn't invested in a single differentiator since, but dropped all of them instead.

However I'm still "addicted" to their services (OneDrive, Outlook.com and formerly Groove (Zune)) and Android+Launcher is slowly pulling me in.

Unless that new device category will be just what I want (or will want, stupid ****** that I am), I will probably jump ship. If it's an e-reader (e-ink is great reading) with high response rates and excellent note taking / paper like experience (and phone): take my money!

I won't use Google or Apple services, that's just silly. Perhaps a SONY phone, I always liked my K800i back in the day. They take photography seriously too, which was a strong attractor on the Lumia's for me, too. But Android it would be.
Yes, I am, and not planning to giving up but staying with my 950dual. I moved to WP directly from Nokia E52 and E72, had two cell phones during that time.
Of course I'm not addicted. But, see, I spent my hard earned money on the Lumia 920 (2 of them) when it came out.. for both my wife and I. When I dropped my 920, I bought a 1520. My wife and I became accustomed to the Windows interface, and at that time, the OS was still growing/improving.

Then we bought 2 950XLs, again, because they used good hardware and were inexpensive and there was still hope of the 950XL getting WIndows on Arm for mobil. That prospect changed weeks after owning the phones.

So now, we keep using our Windows10 Mobile phones, not because we are addicted.. but because we spent our hard earned money on them.... and invested time and money in Apps and adopting the Windows Ecosystem.

Once the devices become unuseable (which is fast approaching as the front cameras no longer work....), we will leave the ecosystem... but not until we feel we've gotten our monies worth..
Cracked the screen on my 950 (damn it survived so many other, more forceful drops!) so I bought a 950 "bad processor/ good screen" on ebay. Turns out the phone is fine and have been using it as a primary ever since. Can't find any reason to change.

An AT&T tech tells me they have an inventory of 300 remanufactured 950s to sell at $295. I'm waiting for that price to drop then will be a couple of them. Good to go!
Really? I have spent hours on the phone with AT&T begging, pleading with them to locate me a 950. Called all stores. They all said they were sent back to Microsoft. They do not have any Microsoft Phones to sale...??? Are they lying to me? I mean ,I have been pursuant to no end on calling AT&T trying to locate a WP.
I am not an addict - but I need a phone that works, is reliable and supported. When it comes to ecosystem, I need to know it is going to be around for a bit.

So when I started with Windows - I expected them to have a platform that was supported.

Addict - no, I came from Symbian ONLY because it was dying. Had real Nokia (not just the branded name) went with Android - I'd be on Android...

Windows Menu screen is fantastic. Performance is good. It has the necessary apps.
Wish they gave it more time and support...

Addict - no.
Nope i am not anymore, Microsoft showed me more than once that they dont are there customers...i dont want to give such a company my Money

The bad side, androids ui is a mess for me, the homescreen is a useless Thing, not enough informations at once, widgets are not in the same design and so on

So i still run windows 10 mobile but not cause that i am addicted, it is just cause there is no better alternative...even when w10m is slow as hell and theres no love from anyone
I am not sure I would classify myself as truly addictive. I definitely have a passion for technology and my path has taken me through the Microsoft root. However I used Windows CE because at the time it offered things others didn't, I would not say it was great looking back but at the time they seemed pretty decent. Apart from a short stint with Blackberry (during a "Bold" period) it was back to windows CE\phone. Simple effective and as a business phone did the business stuff well. Then came along Apple and people didn't want a phone for a phone they wanted it for what it looked like. It didn't matter it didn't connect to the work email it looked pretty, certainly this is something that irks me which makes me a little defensive when Apple or Android claim to have something for the first time, something which I had been using for a while. In fact Microsoft did so many things well but to be honest Microsoft had an image problem and still does today although maybe to a lesser degree and people did not care about what they could do with the phone world.

I have had to bite the bullet as Microsoft have and now possess an Android Pixel 2 XL, as a piece of technology its exciting but damn do I miss the OS. I really struggle with the basics as they seem so broken on this phone, basics being my work calendar, Outlook and people. They just don't work as they should, you either commit to transferring everything to Google or dive in via apps. Everything fells like it takes longer to achieve and of course the phone doesn't communicate with me. Don't get me wrong it makes all sorts of sounds which I then need to dig around and figure out what it meant and this is a Pixel so I am lead to believe has less crap out the box.

So as I look back it will be the HTC Wizard, Samsung Omnia and the Lumia 925 that I think I will miss the most out of my historical Windows use. I still have the Wizard an O2 version XDA mini, Orange CE phone bit like a smaller mini that cracked open to reveal a keyboard name escapes me and my 950 XL but its those others that I look back on fondly.
I am a live tiles addict. I've been getting my fix from windows phones since 2012: Lumia 920, then Lumia Icon, Lumia 950, Elite X3, and finally an Idol 4s.

If live tiles were to become available on android, say with progressive web apps and the Microsoft Launcher, I would consider switching.

Otherwise, I will wait for a 6 inch phone/tablet running Windows on Arm--assuming Microsoft in their infinite wisdom doesn't kill off live tiles.
we'll see how that goes after awhile, when you get sick of the constant ads popping up when opening/using an app

Humm that's strange, don't seem to recall that ever being a problem for me in my 2+ years of use nor prior to 2012. Suppose I took the time to read the disclaimers "contains ads" and chose wisely by doing the "in-app purchase" thingy to alleviate such. Come to think of it, Windows 10 (PC) has been more problematic on that front lately, keeps nagging me every time I launch Firefox "Microsoft Edge is safer than Firefox"?

Or when you have a txt message come in when your driving and have nothing to read it to you and you have to pull over to read it or dangerously read it while driving because there's no Cortana to read it to you

Nothing to me is that important and if it is, I simply pull over to respond. Where I live distracted driving laws are getting strict (fines & penalty points), even the slightest inkling you were interacting with your phone while driving will result in a ticket. So no thank you, whatever needs to be seen, said, typed, can wait.

Or you mistakenly install an app that you thought was legitimately real but turned out to be a virus... that's why my android phone stays in my drawer...

There again, a little due diligence on the user's part goes a long way. And I definitely do not think it is as widespread as you make it out to be.

I'm not using a Windows phone because I have an addiction and others as well, it's because Windows is just more user friendly than the other phones.

Simplicity does have its benefits so I'll agree with you there. :grin:

Addiction is not the correct word to use in this instance but because we see (dare I say) windows phones is just better than the boring counter parts.

Personally, the opposite is true because in my case, Windows Phone has now become very limited. Can't venture to certain websites (unsupported OS/Browser), can't view my security cams, unable to link my point-n-shoot cameras, my wireless mediashare devices becomes redundant w/WP, can't stream TV shows through my cable provider, my smartwatch loses its smarts, no support for my work printers, work related diagnostic/monitoring apps for specific equipment don't exist, and so on.

On that front, Windows Phone definitely reins as the champion in the boring department for me and that's not all of. I suppose on the other hand, going by my experiences, all the inconsistencies, bugs and quirks that pop up during daily use can be construed as WP's way of keeping things interesting and far from boring. :winktongue:
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I've been looking for a pre-owned 950 XL, anyone have any leads on one for a good price, hmu.


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