Hi, my name is...and I'm a Windows 10 mobile addict

My first WP was a Samsung Flash and I loved it, from there I went to 520/640/920/830/1020/950. My love died with the 950, it was a nice phone with HORRIBLE software, those first months of 10M were painful and while it got alot better, my love for the platform died a slow death. I just got a iPhone 8 two days ago and I havent looked back in a long time.
Cracked the screen on my 950 (damn it survived so many other, more forceful drops!) so I bought a 950 "bad processor/ good screen" on ebay. Turns out the phone is fine and have been using it as a primary ever since. Can't find any reason to change.

An AT&T tech tells me they have an inventory of 300 remanufactured 950s to sell at $295. I'm waiting for that price to drop then will be a couple of them. Good to go!
Cracked the screen on my 950 (damn it survived so many other, more forceful drops!) so I bought a 950 "bad processor/ good screen" on ebay. Turns out the phone is fine and have been using it as a primary ever since. Can't find any reason to change.

An AT&T tech tells me they have an inventory of 300 remanufactured 950s to sell at $295. I'm waiting for that price to drop then will be a couple of them. Good to go!
I'm still partial to the 950 xl. Always been a go to since its release.
I am more of a lasting specs person; I got an L950XL 2 years ago and got it a 200Gb SSDcard, takes the best photos I have ever gotten not being any good as a photographer. I could not careless about apps as I consider most bloatware anyway. So with it’s great 5.7” screen, 3 Gb Ram, 32 + 200 Gb I have not erased onesingle photo, chat, message, etc. in 2 years! I am still very happy with it and my investment!
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My wife will not give up her Lumia Icon i looks brand new because since day one she has had it in her otter box
My son loves his Alcatel idol 4s and his is a dumb millennial
And i love my unfortunately single crack on screen Elite X3
I used to be a lover. Been with out since Windows Mobile 6.0. Even with the lack of market share this a lower amount of apps, I disliked Apple and Google enough to stay, especially after that BS when Google pulled Microsoft's YouTube API key after Microsoft released it to the app store. But now, it seems that I am more interested in their platform than they are. I'm out. I'm buying an Android phone.
I'm still using Lumia 830 but with the iPhone SE on the other hand and I'm still sad about the fate of Windows Phone/Windows 10 Mobile :\
No, I was never “addicted” to Windows phones. They were interesting 3 years ago, but they are just a bad memory now. Sold them all on ebay, except for 1 Lumia 1520.

I have moved on. 2 iPhones and 3 iPads now. The 1520 is used - when it is used at all - as a big mp3 player. At least there is an app for that.
windows 10 mobile addict, no no more than that haha

I'm AJ I've started using a windows mobile as Nokia Lumia 610 as windows 7 device and after that Microsoft Lumia 640 xl. In between Samsung Galaxy grand max and then iPhone se. But I didn't get any interest on those. And now I started using 640 xl again im using it till now. I've thought to buy 950 xl but I've heard that Microsoft is thinking about full windows 10 on ARM devices so I may buy next device with ARM processor. Until then 640 xl my life. 😏😏😏😏 🤐
Les Lyday

Yes, since it came out as Windows Phone 7. I used a standard cell phone for years and wanted some sort of electronic Day Runner or organizer. I couldn't see using the paper systems they had because they were just not quite right. I got the Palm pilot as a gift and went nuts with it. However I still had to triplicate contact info. Microsoft had started to centralize their address information in Outlook and move away from their address book.I had everything in SBCGlobal and Outlook worked with it. I was able to initially load everything over.
Then Windows Phone 7 came out. I revived my old hotmail account and ported everything over and proceeded to be amazed. Finally everything in one place everywhere.
I've had to help friends and neighbors on other phones mange their information between phone changes. They never had their contacts centralized.
I also realized when I first saw Windows Phone 7, it would end up becoming their next major OS update. With the 950 I was floored by the Continuum.
I never really realized that there was a shortage of apps. for the phone.
Nate W, I see a lot of hard core windows phone fans and user come out say things like the they want to move on because there is no future or technical users like you who gotten used to tinkering around, but I have never seen an iPhone user come out and say that they are addicted to it. It's quite surprising, because that's the ecosystem which has the highest number of blind followers and with clinical stages of addiction.
Me being a UI guy have never been more attracted to any other mobile OS like have been to Windows!
I have owned Lumia 520,720,820,920,950 and have loved everybit of these phones.
I have seen more quirks on other device than on windows, but even the people at windows phone central critise such things on Windows. I feel it's this criticism that has made the ecosystem take a step back. You don't see iPhone users saying they would like T9 dialing on an iPhone ? All I would like to say is that I wouldn't call your "situation" here an addiction! I have seen people with addictions close to clinical stages with other devices like an iPhone.
still on 950xl but feel Microsoft abandoning it's own apps on the platform. Continuum is a daily way of life for me but starting to feel on an island without apps.
I too am a Windows 10 Mobile addict, but mainly because I feel like the alternatives from Apple and Google are just so poor compared to what Microsoft did with W10M. I am so sad that Microsoft abandoned their platform, because I hate to see good tech go to waste. The people at Microsoft invested a lot of time in making a superior OS, and its a shame that no one will write apps for it so it died. Dan talked about this in his latest "Ask Dan" where he discussed the rollout of Sets, and how even though Sets might be an amazing feature, if people don't use it, then Microsoft will stop the development on it. I get that W10M was probably "beyond saving" at this point and so it made sense for them to end development, but I hope they don't adopt this mentality across the board. I'm not sure what the answer is for getting people to embrace their new features, but I hope people do, because most of what they are doing is truly amazing.

This is Nate W here. I have been around the forums on Windows Central since early 2015, but I have been using the Windows platform since the 90's. Been using Windows Mobile type devices since about 2005/2006 to current. I skipped over Windows CE, Windows Mobile 6 and Windows Phone 7. Later came in on VZ using the Ativ SE/ICON and was hooked ever since.

I wanted to open a thread up to share from my self what I feel is a realization of sorts about the world I live in and you as well maybe. I also am starting this thread to share about my experience in dealing with my obsession (OCD tendencies if you will) with Windows 10 mobile and mobile devices in general. I started off here in the forums pretty much so I felt it right to share some of this from me personally.

To me what is mainly a tool/responsibility/privelage has easily become a something that consumes me for about 75% of my day. My Elite X3 (Current active device) to me is not spectacular, it is not some diamond coated odyssey that I need to cherish...it in itself is just another device running W10M that I found myself having to get and own. This among many other devices that I have easily acquired all in
all while spending lots of money over time to do so.

So, it is easy for me to say my name is Nate W and I am a Windows 10 Mobile addict. Even though this is true, I am realizing that I am not proud of it...anymore. I started off wanting to develop a couple of apps. I have coding experience using VB scripts and Sharepoint services, and I do scripting all the time (Linuix/UNIX based) for work, so I figured I would get to know the platform of Windows Phone/W10M, and do myself and others a favor by trying to add back to the platform by developing. Later I found that I had more of a nack for unlocking the device and enabling features or tweaks on the devices then actually building from scratch an app. This later turned into hours and hours of digging through directory trees and registry settings of different phones, also reading Microsoft hardware dev site content all trying to figure out how all the pieces of the hw and sw work together. To me all this was harmless. Until I realized how much time was being passed by sitting in front of my phone or PC. I had to experience so many different devices and OS configurations over an over again. Lately it was getting crazy and one too many days have gone by "bangin my head against the keyboard" and I am one who should know better by now.

So, now that the "OCD" insights are out of the way, I want to share this last bit. I have learned that I am easily attracted to hardware. Maybe you are too?! The most important thing I have learned is that I am easily sucked into the unknowns of my own questions, interests, and curiosities, after I have that piece of HW/Tech in my possesion. Sounds stupid doesn't it, but I now know that I need to opress myself from certain things. I have chose to let go of owning all these handsets. This is going to be hard for me to do, and that too sounds dumb, I know. But those of you who have been there, or are in it with me, you know what this means...

I was at a Target store last night as I was passing across town back home, and decided to go in, looking for sim starter kit for VZW...while inside I needed to buy milk. I found my way to the grocery section, but was confused at all the Boxes of large screen TVs every where in the isles...it then hit me. Is this what we/the public are resorting to nowadays. In the US, Thanksgiving the holidays, they are not what they should be, especially if you have hoards of boxes in the food isles at a Tartget. It is reality though, but I myself need to start sailing the other direction. Thanks for reading this with me folks and I hope you can see the same. Technology today is a privelage and a tool. But it is our responsiblity to use it wisely.

This is going to be a New Year resolution. I am going to sell my remaining GSM devices, I chose to keep active on VZ which in itself limits my me on W10M devices that I can use, and I am going to support the W10M platform by using my Elite X3.
Will then let go of the remaining Windows phones I have. I tried this once already and failed at it. So, what better way to hold myself double accountable than to post it here on the forums. I will share in a thread edit the Windows 10 mobile devices I have/own and update this post as they leave my possesion. I might even try to get rid of some of them on this site on the market place...

Currently in my possession:
--950 XL Dual Sim - posted ad locally and now on hold
--1520 AT&T - posted ad locally
--Lumia 640 XL LTE AT&T - FRP locked but currently bypassed, I may post on the market place here along with a prototype 640 XL for parts.
--HP Elite X3 GSM Dual SIM - posted ad locally and on hold
--IDOL 4s T-Mobile - will post in the market place after attempting to sim unlock it.
--Madosma Q601 - bad LCD will post on Ebay for parts

No longer in my possession:
--HP Elite X3 GSM Dual SIM - gone
Used Continuum for the first time today on my new Dell 38" monitor. The monitor has USB-C built in and a built in KVM, so no continuum dock needed! It worked AWESOME! I still think this should be the future of computing, particularly on college campuses. Imagine if every dorm room and every spot in the library had a monitor, keyboard and mouse (and continuum dock). Students could just go plug their phone in anywhere and get work done with out even having to lug around a less portable laptop. I really wished Microsoft had taken a pile of money and gone and say outfitted the UW campus in this fashion and equipped every student with a Lumia 950. That would have been a phenomenal experiment to prove the power and usefulness of continuum.

still on 950xl but feel Microsoft abandoning it's own apps on the platform. Continuum is a daily way of life for me but starting to feel on an island without apps.
This is Nate W here. I have been around the forums on Windows Central since early 2015, but I have been using the Windows platform since the 90's. Been using Windows Mobile type devices since about 2005/2006 to current. I skipped over Windows CE, Windows Mobile 6 and Windows Phone 7. Later came in on VZ using the Ativ SE/ICON and was hooked ever since.

I wanted to open a thread up to share from my self what I feel is a realization of sorts about the world I live in and you as well maybe. I also am starting this thread to share about my experience in dealing with my obsession (OCD tendencies if you will) with Windows 10 mobile and mobile devices in general. I started off here in the forums pretty much so I felt it right to share some of this from me personally.

To me what is mainly a tool/responsibility/privelage has easily become a something that consumes me for about 75% of my day. My Elite X3 (Current active device) to me is not spectacular, it is not some diamond coated odyssey that I need to cherish...it in itself is just another device running W10M that I found myself having to get and own. This among many other devices that I have easily acquired all in
all while spending lots of money over time to do so.

So, it is easy for me to say my name is Nate W and I am a Windows 10 Mobile addict. Even though this is true, I am realizing that I am not proud of it...anymore. I started off wanting to develop a couple of apps. I have coding experience using VB scripts and Sharepoint services, and I do scripting all the time (Linuix/UNIX based) for work, so I figured I would get to know the platform of Windows Phone/W10M, and do myself and others a favor by trying to add back to the platform by developing. Later I found that I had more of a nack for unlocking the device and enabling features or tweaks on the devices then actually building from scratch an app. This later turned into hours and hours of digging through directory trees and registry settings of different phones, also reading Microsoft hardware dev site content all trying to figure out how all the pieces of the hw and sw work together. To me all this was harmless. Until I realized how much time was being passed by sitting in front of my phone or PC. I had to experience so many different devices and OS configurations over an over again. Lately it was getting crazy and one too many days have gone by "bangin my head against the keyboard" and I am one who should know better by now.

So, now that the "OCD" insights are out of the way, I want to share this last bit. I have learned that I am easily attracted to hardware. Maybe you are too?! The most important thing I have learned is that I am easily sucked into the unknowns of my own questions, interests, and curiosities, after I have that piece of HW/Tech in my possesion. Sounds stupid doesn't it, but I now know that I need to opress myself from certain things. I have chose to let go of owning all these handsets. This is going to be hard for me to do, and that too sounds dumb, I know. But those of you who have been there, or are in it with me, you know what this means...

I was at a Target store last night as I was passing across town back home, and decided to go in, looking for sim starter kit for VZW...while inside I needed to buy milk. I found my way to the grocery section, but was confused at all the Boxes of large screen TVs every where in the isles...it then hit me. Is this what we/the public are resorting to nowadays. In the US, Thanksgiving the holidays, they are not what they should be, especially if you have hoards of boxes in the food isles at a Tartget. It is reality though, but I myself need to start sailing the other direction. Thanks for reading this with me folks and I hope you can see the same. Technology today is a privelage and a tool. But it is our responsiblity to use it wisely.

This is going to be a New Year resolution. I am going to sell my remaining GSM devices, I chose to keep active on VZ which in itself limits my me on W10M devices that I can use, and I am going to support the W10M platform by using my Elite X3.
Will then let go of the remaining Windows phones I have. I tried this once already and failed at it. So, what better way to hold myself double accountable than to post it here on the forums. I will share in a thread edit the Windows 10 mobile devices I have/own and update this post as they leave my possesion. I might even try to get rid of some of them on this site on the market place...

Currently in my possession:
--950 XL Dual Sim - posted ad locally and now on hold
--1520 AT&T - posted ad locally
--Lumia 640 XL LTE AT&T - FRP locked but currently bypassed, I may post on the market place here along with a prototype 640 XL for parts.
--HP Elite X3 GSM Dual SIM - posted ad locally and on hold
--IDOL 4s T-Mobile - will post in the market place after attempting to sim unlock it.
--Madosma Q601 - bad LCD will post on Ebay for parts

No longer in my possession:
--HP Elite X3 GSM Dual SIM - gone
Yes i am even i dont have any device with me now
Wouldn't call myself an addict, but I am completely comfortable with the OS and prefer it to the latest versions of Android and iOS. Yes, I have one each of those phones, too; I have never found them to be less than adequate and would use either one in a pinch. I was away from Windows for a couple of years after the Win Phone 7 experience, which made me feel penalized for being an early adopter, but came back when the 930 became available in the US in an international version. With the introduction of the 950 phones I moved up to an XL, and then a year later to the HP x3. The x3 is still my main phone and barring problems probably will be for some time to come.
Former Android user here since July 2016.

Since I had abandoned the Android ship and moved to Windows Phone / Windows 10 Mobile (W10M), I am really amazed on how W10M performs in contrast to my previous Android device. Oh sure someone would start talking about app gap, but I never feel that since I'm not a fan of trending apps and MS Store got all the essential daily driving apps that I need.

PS: I do had bought an iPhone a few months since and really intended on using it as my secondary backup device to my current Lumia 830. But since my iCloud lock issue never settled to this day, I'll just stick to my Lumia.
but I have never seen an iPhone user come out and say that they are addicted to it. It's quite surprising, because that's the ecosystem which has the highest number of blind followers and with clinical stages of addiction.

Interesting. Do you have data to back this up or is it just an emotional response?

I think it’s great that there are people who are still “addicted” to Windows Mobile. MS is lucky to have fans like this after how poorly they have treated them. But to call Apple fans “blind followers” holds no substance since they feel exactly the the same way about their ecosystem as you and others do about yours.

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