Rodneyej, the biggest WP fan, got a Note 9!..An Android phone😮


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Nov 21, 2011
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Yes, you heard that right. This is the biggest Windows Phone news since MS said WP is no longer their focus. OI picked up a new blue N9 Saturday, and I absolutely love it... Well, c poll compared to my 950, I can see where Android is a little less fluid, cumbersome, and somewhat rough around the edges, but everything else makes up for it.. What's funny is that after two days of using Android as my daily driver (I have a S7 for my work phone) I realized that the overall user experience is pretty much similar to using a Windows phone. It feels like a windows phone, in fact. The basic "smartphone" concept, layout, functionality, and flow, is pretty much the same. And, with all the MS apps, I feel, it feels like a Lumia. It's no big deal. Long story short, it's not worth holding on to windows phone when you can have the best of both worlds, apps, and MS services.... And, this Note 9 hardware doesn't hurt either. The stylus is amazing; I feel like I have my 1520 back. I'm not ashamed, I'm pleased... Nevertheless, Andromeda would still be cool to have,,,, or would a similar type device running Android be better? Humm, I confused now. 🤔


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Feb 6, 2015
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I'm amused by your use of "biggest Windows Phone news", lol.
Glad to hear that the Note 9 worked out for you. Hopefully it would continue to.


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Nov 21, 2011
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I'm amused by your use of "biggest Windows Phone news", lol.
Glad to hear that the Note 9 worked out for you. Hopefully it would continue to.

Yeah, I thought someone might find that funny... But, yeah. It's a pretty awesome device. I just wish Android had the fit, finish, and overall polish of WP8.1.. Still, so cool compared to my 950, which I've already forgot about.

Scienceguy Labs

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Jun 13, 2012
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I'm just about ready to turf my 950

More or less hit the point where it's a burden to use.
I gotta say that you'll be doing yourself a favor if you get rid of it and move on. I'm a huge Windows fan/user, but the 950s can't hold a candle to today's high end phones running Android. Take a look at the Nokia's first, then check out the Pixels.


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Mar 21, 2018
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Having a not Windows Phone device, and setting it up as one, remembering the L1520, etc., etc... So, why not continuing with a true Windows Phone then? It has not sense. If I want a Lumia, I use a Lumia.


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Aug 25, 2016
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I honestly can't believe people are still using a WP as a daily driver in late 2018. I see one or two at work but that's it. I tried to go back a few weeks ago, but was stuck even trying to get my 950xl or X3 to register Outlook with our hosted Office365 account on InTune. Loving my Iphone Xs Max. Best combination of speed, color, camera and decent size. It only misses live tiles. The OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, and Skype for Business apps are flawless.

Sent from mTalk on my HP Elite X3


May 15, 2013
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@rodneyej Why you...... sellout! Hahaha (I'm obviously joking if some can't tell).

Sounds like it's working out for you, good to hear.

I'm interested to see how you get on with the your note 9 as I have few questions lol.

Right now, I'm curious to see how it performs and what happens with Dex so if you have a HD-500 to hand could you test that out?

Also I want to hear how you get on with the time line integration with Microsoft launcher and I won't ask you to reign in the exclamation marks or erm commas *cough* *cough*:winktongue: (although I hope you will haha).

Objectively speaking about Andromeda running android:

To be honest, I don't see much improvement in terms of multi tasking from icons as all you can do is hold the icons and tap a context menu and open up a mini screen which you can then manoeuvre around. This is because Microsoft has already patented the exploding tiles and mix view. I don't see Apple or Google trying to compete in finding an alternative to that as there practically isn't.

Icons are outmoded, over two decades on...we are still using icons so I don't really see Android powering Andromeda and not to mention the ecosystem issues there.

It would mean forking android or being at Google's mercy, with the former that's a whole new store then you have the issue with xbox, xcloud, azure, windows... no.. it just doesn't work.

Especially with Microsoft tightening their belts as a whole new store means a tonne of money and resources to be spent; in addition to this it makes Microsoft absolutely retarded as it nulifys all the work they did to unify the kernel, flies in the face of kicking people in the nuts when they switched from the CE kernel and not to mention the cancellaton of project astoria (just to note a few examples why).

So nope, Android running on Andromeda just not happening.

As I said before awhile ago the only way companies can superscede icons is via voice and that is what's happening with the mass profileration of cheap voice enabled devices.

Live tiles were the next evolutionary steps from static icons, from live tiles we should have had mixed view. From which we'd get voice and multitasking via gestures using mix view which would have paved the way for next the organic growth point and that is AR, Gestures and voice.

That won't happen for awhile yet as we still need major leap in battery technology as software optimisation will get so far. Ideally something like small scale cold fusion or diamagnetism using earth's natural magnetism or a combination could work but pratically way out of reach at present lol.

Well, I best stop myself before I ramble on too much LOL!

Anyway, you should keep a thread on how you get on with your note 9 as I am genuinely curious.
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Feb 8, 2013
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I gotta say that you'll be doing yourself a favor if you get rid of it and move on. I'm a huge Windows fan/user, but the 950s can't hold a candle to today's high end phones running Android. Take a look at the Nokia's first, then check out the Pixels.

I'm just annoyed because I can't get the right combination of features in any one android phone. The L950 seems to have just about all of them, the closes in form factor are now superseded xperia phones. Nokia has jumped on the no-headphone jack bandwagon, which is annoying, but otherwise has decent features, with one major exception; old hardware and a premium price (still SD835).

I would really like the hardware camera button, which leaves xperia phones only, might have to go with a slightly older model to also maintain the headphone jack, unless I can find adaptors that allow charging and headphone jack at the same time.


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Dec 20, 2012
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I'm just annoyed because I can't get the right combination of features in any one android phone. The L950 seems to have just about all of them, the closes in form factor are now superseded xperia phones. Nokia has jumped on the no-headphone jack bandwagon, which is annoying, but otherwise has decent features, with one major exception; old hardware and a premium price (still SD835).

I would really like the hardware camera button, which leaves xperia phones only, might have to go with a slightly older model to also maintain the headphone jack, unless I can find adaptors that allow charging and headphone jack at the same time.
Welcome to the cluster**** that's Android these days. Every time I look at my 950XL, outside of the S810 chip, it from a hardware perspective have the right combo for my needs. OEMs are cutting up the feature combination because users like us are a dead breed.

I ended up owning 2 devices. It's a massive pain. Also, only LG does good audio via the 3.5mm anymore. Samsung had gotten better but they may ax the jack next year. Xiaomi has good audio but they axed the jack in their high end models.

Blame Apple. Lol.


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Feb 8, 2013
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Welcome to the cluster**** that's Android these days. Every time I look at my 950XL, outside of the S810 chip, it from a hardware perspective have the right combo for my needs. OEMs are cutting up the feature combination because users like us are a dead breed.

I ended up owning 2 devices. It's a massive pain. Also, only LG does good audio via the 3.5mm anymore. Samsung had gotten better but they may ax the jack next year. Xiaomi has good audio but they axed the jack in their high end models.

Blame Apple. Lol.

I agree, if I could get the same form factor, just with newer chips (and now obviously android OS) I would.

I'm hoping nokia announce something decent soon. Their last flagship has been a little bit too expensive while remaining wanting.

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