Rumor: Lumia 940, Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile:

Ugh, I really want something with a stylus. Maybe a 1520 replacement?

Is that even a possibility? I'm hoping we hear something at Build.
Although it's in Polish, well, the images speak for themselves, have a look:

h t t p s://
Although it's in Polish, well, the images speak for themselves, have a look:

h t t p s://

If you translate the article, it says that these are concept pieces from Ryan Smalley. Still nice looking device. Pictures below, for those interested.

Hello! I've always been in love with Windows. I was about to buy a Lumia 1020 one year ago, but in the end I chose a Nexus 5, because of the enormous difference between the app stores.
I liked my Nexus and all the little features that only Android has, but Nexus 5 was made very badly and after one year it has a lot of hardware problems. I should send it to assistance, but I'm sure I'll wait a lot to get it back. I'm considering to buy a new phone and selling the Nexus when it'll be back, but in this moment there aren't so many new tops (except for iPhone 6 and Galaxy Edge... too expensive).
Lumia 930 is really great, according to me, and also HTC M8 with Windows is. But they are not new phones anymore, so I'd like to ask you: when will we get a new top Windows Phone? Summer? Will it finally smash everyone and everything? I'd like it to be great enough to make me forget those Android's feature that maybe only Apple's user are able to forget (not because Apple is that great, but because it's good at doing it!)

I hope you understood my question :grin:
Those specs better not be real. We need better resolution screen and 810 processor to compete with Android flagship phones.

Why do u need a higher res screen ? For phones till 6inch , 1080p is more than enough , the rest is just battery drain for nothing. Maybe u want a better screen with more accurate colours ;)
It has to be 810... Why put a year old processor in a new device? So that samsung releases a device with a newer processor 2 months later?

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