Samsung ditching WP7....

I don't believe the news, but if it's true it doesn't make much sense. For one I don't think it's the right moment to make this decision. 2012 could be a defining year for WP7 and a lot could change. I'm concerned that new devices will make it too late to the game because so many people will lock in 2yr contracts with iPhone5, but the OS is still in a great position to grow. There's also less competition right now in WP7 devices, so capturing a big share of sales is easier.

As a longer-term strategy, Bada doesn't make sense. It's just like we see in so many industries, no one wants to *just* be the infrastructure provider, everyone wants to be special. Well, really they want access to a cut of content and app sales. The problem is that they'll fail. There's far too much to build in terms of integration, partnerships and marketing to match what Apple, Google and MS can provide. It's going to be a massive waste of money and they'll lose their #2 position in phone sales.
I hope they abandon this silly idea.
It's a bad idea if this is true. Samsung should take advantage of the fact that Microsoft is making a cutting edge mobile OS and that all Samsung has is a WebOS/Android look-alike.
I mentioned some time ago that it may make more sense in the long run for larger OEMs like Samsung to spin their own OSes versus licensing and having to play by the rules of the licenser and I still think that's true. I hope that's not the case here as I do like Samsung hardware, but I'm honestly not putting much stock in this for numerous reasons, first starting with the fact that SamFirmware is generally reliable from what I've seen, but not an official source.
Was there an article out a year ago that said 2012 half their handsets would be WP7? Maybe I misread it. A few other sites are saying the source on this rumor is a guy who was upset with the XDA due to him advertising his site. Until Samsung confirms or denies this, or we see a second source I wouldn't worry too much.

I love my Focus, but I'm sure Nokia of HTC will fill the void when my contract is over.
Doesn't matter to me, I had already made my mind on getting a Nokia WP7.
But which one justop26 ?

As you can see by the leaked pictures, difficult decisions ahead for sure. ;)

(I can't make my mind up either) :)
Just as I said on the article page, I don't see this as surprising at all. I'm just going to C&P my other response, because I feel like it can still hold up here.

I am really cheering for WP7, but let's be reasonable here. Saying that the two Samsung WPs have sold well is not akin to saying that Android phones, like the Galaxy II, have sold well. Even the most popular Windows Phones have minuscule numbers when compared to the major Android phones. Additionally, if Samsung is really going for the developing markets with Bada, then their biggest competitor will be WP, since that seems to be Microsoft's major focus, as well (via Tango).
never gonna happen

once they relise that BADA is a HORIBLE OS and that they will lose mroe cash to apple ( paten war bada UI ) then the OS actually makes .. they will come crawling back to MS.

the only way i can see SAMSUNG droping WP is if they are just fed up with the update release / hard ware problems they been having.

but if thats the reason then they can go F them self ..
If they are ditching WP7, they better pick up a better software. Maybe they'll buy WebOs....if Bada fails them. ;-)
This is a bluff against both Google and Microsoft.

They really don't have any compelling service to exchange for preferential treatment. So they only leverage they could have is by saying they're going to just go with Bada.

And while Bada doesn't stand a chance against Android and WP in the mid/high-end market, it does stand a chance in the low-end market. At least in the short term. But not really in the long term, when even budget handsets will be very powerful and will start requiring ecosystems surrounding them.
My response from the other thread:

Bummer, that's really bad news. Samsung makes some great smartphone hardware. It's a shame they will be moving away from WP7.

Honestly though I'm not too worried. I've always thought that Nokia will be the real star of the WP7 show. They're IMO the best smartphone hardware manufacturer out there. More importantly, at this point, they're also the ONLY ones who have a real interest in seeing WP7 succeed. The other OEMs are just testing the waters to see if they can make a few extra bucks from WP7 on the side while they get all their real sales from Android.

I also think this greatly increases the chances of MS buying Nokia altogether. The way I see it, MS's strategy has been this:

Plan A: license the OS to 3rd-party manufacturers. Get all the smartphone manufacturers competing against one another, cranking out low-margin hardware with WP7 on it. Rake in the lions share of the profit through OS licenses and by funneling people towards MS's online services. (The PC/Android model)

Plan B: buy Nokia and build the hardware themselves. Possibly even buy RIM if the price is right. Create a vertically-integrated smartphone business where they own the hardware, the OS, the ecosystem, and even the store where the products are sold. It's a risky plan, but the potential profits are far higher than Plan A. (AKA the Apple model, which has made them the most valuable company in the world.)

Not coincidentally, Google took a huge step towards the Apple model when they bought Motorola. Samsung already has their own OS (Bada) and you can bet they want some Apple-like profits for themselves. I think it's very possible that the Apple model is the only business model that can be viable in the long-term -- and I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing.

I agree, let samsung go. Nokia and htc are the real players anyway. They should ditch android since they can never seem to get touchwiz right..then again there is NO right when it comes to
I can't see Samsung walking away simply because they try to keep their portfolio as wide as possible.
The other thing to consider is that it's a Samsung tablet being used to showcase Windows 8... the potential for integration (like Blackberry and their Playbook or HP Touchpad/Pre 3) is pretty strong (while you'd probably get easy syncing from a Samsung Win 8 tab and any WP device, they could probably sell quite a few handsets just from having promo material with the two devices).
I agree, let samsung go. Nokia and htc are the real players anyway. They should ditch android since they can never seem to get touchwiz right..then again there is NO right when it comes to

What are you kidding me?? Samsung is responsible for the majority of WP7 sells , lol

HTC = best sound
Samsung = best screen
Nokia = best camera

does are pretty much gona be your choices.... unless you want a waterproof phone.
What are you kidding me?? Samsung is responsible for the majority of WP7 sells , lol

Not only that, but after having handled nearly all of the different carrier's phones I firmly believe that Samsung made the best one in the bunch. Nokia's handsets may prove to kick some serious booty, but I still think it would be a mistake to kick Samsung to the curb since they can more than hold their own when it comes to quality.
I can't see Samsung walking away simply because they try to keep their portfolio as wide as possible.
The other thing to consider is that it's a Samsung tablet being used to showcase Windows 8... the potential for integration (like Blackberry and their Playbook or HP Touchpad/Pre 3) is pretty strong (while you'd probably get easy syncing from a Samsung Win 8 tab and any WP device, they could probably sell quite a few handsets just from having promo material with the two devices).
I have to agree the reality of the situation as we know it does not fit the dump scenario. Why showcase an OME that is going to dump your OS, one that you are all on in MS case. Let's face facts after seeing the Keynote and a few of the second day videos it's clear Metro is the little red wagon. MS will push or pull, run over or buy their way into making sure it's a success, they're all in failure is not an option :straight:
The mire I see what my friends can do on there devices things I can not do with this ,OS the more I question what MS is thinking

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