Samsung Focus S vs HTC Titan Comparrison.


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Nov 20, 2011
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Hello everyone!

I?m new to these forums and I just want to say that not only is the site fantastic, but the community is very supportive and great as well! I hope I can contribute to some concerns today!

First off let me start off by saying I have literally owned almost every big name phone on AT&T this year. I?ve had the following phones in this order? iPhone 4, Samsung focus, HTC Inspire, Samsung Infuse, Samsung Galaxy S2, and now the Samsung Focus S. I am like a woman with shoes and purses when it comes to phones. I use my phone for both business and personal use, so I am very picky!

Secondly let me say that now with Mango, WP7 is by far the best OS on the market right now IMO of course. As you can see I?ve used them all! Android is the worst. It is such a resource hog, and so buggy, that unless you install a custom ROM it runs terrible. The iPhone was good, but I really don?t understand the popularity of it. After Mango was released, I went from my Galaxy S2 back to my original Focus! I just couldn?t stay away from that Mango goodness!

Now to get more on topic! I?ve owned my Samsung Focus S for 3 weeks now and love it. I had my heart on the Titan, but I after I played with the Focus s and the Titan, I am sold on the S. I want to talk about some of the issues and negativity following the Focus S right now.

I will start off by letting everyone know that I have not had any issues with reception, lag, battery, or really anything. The only complaint I have is the screen on a white background, and I will get to that.
The build quality on the S feels solid to me. Yes, the back is a flimsy piece of plastic but you?ll only notice the cheap feeling if you are taking it off. I have had the back off of it once to put my sim and battery in. When the back cover is on, the phone IMO doesn?t feel cheap at all. It has a very good feel in the hands and a very sleek look!

The screen is prenominal! Those saying the original Focus is better are doing something wrong. That was the first thing I did was compare the two. If you disable the auto brightness and auto display intensity, you can set the brightness to medium and it already surpasses the original focus. If you put the S on the high setting, the screen is very bright and gorgeous! The colors or great, the clarity is great, everything about the screen is better on the S! There is one minor issue I have, and it was almost a deal breaker for me. In the top right corner on my display on a white background, there is a dark blue tint. It?s small, but very noticeable to me and drives me crazy. Is anyone else having this?

The Focus S has the best reception I have had out of any of the phones I mentioned. I have better reception with the S than I did with my iPhone 4 which I never thought was possible! I live in Ohio where my signal is never great, but never terrible either. I have been extremely happy with the signal and reception I?ve seen. Call quality on both ends have been fantastic as well.

Battery life is 15hrs + easy! Monday ? Friday my phone is taken off the charger at 9am, and my critical battery warning comes up usually around 2:30am. Some days it?s a litter sooner like 12:30-1am, and others it?s later if I?m still awake! My phone use is moderate to high. I have a 30min commute to and from work in which I talk to my girlfriend. So I average around 1-2hrs of talk time guaranteed every day. There are days its 3-4hrs depending on work and different things. During my day I browse the web, play a few games and I listen to a good bit of music. So I am very happy with the battery! Now I will say I didn?t start getting the 15hrs + until about a week or so. When I first started using my S, I easily got under 12hrs. That first week I would completely let my phone die before charging, and every day it seemed to get a little better. Now I will be going on my 3rd week and I easily get the 15hrs +.

Performance on the S is great! Everything I throw at it during the day it has never had a hiccup or cough! As far as the laggy keyboard is concerned, it?s not the typing that lags. It is the sound which makes it laggy. I don?t use the keyboard clicks when I type, I have never been a fan of them on any phone. I?m pretty fast at typing and the S has never had problem keeping up. So right now if you turn the keyboard clicks off, you won?t even notice lag.
I am also very happy with the camera. I feel it takes great pictures and is right up there with the Galaxy S2. I haven?t really seen a major difference myself personally. I?m not a big picture taker though, so I?m not as picky as others might be.

Now for the Titan vs Focus S!

I was set on the Titan after it was announced. I was counting down the days like many of you. Trust me I feel your pain lol!

Anyhow I happen to have a good friend who is a manager at a local AT&T. My local AT&T hates Windows phones for some reason and don?t know anything about them. They didn?t even know they had the Focus S when I went in to buy it. They literally told me they never heard of it and I must have been mistaken!! Anyhow I?m getting off topic!

My friend received a display Titan in last weekend. He called me last Sunday and asked if I wanted to use it for a couple days before they displayed it this weekend. I was like a kid on Christmas! I picked it up from him this past Monday, threw in my sim card and tried the Beast out!

Let me say that I was 100% sure I was exchanging my S for a Titan! I have been counting down and couldn?t wait to get my hands on one! I told my buddy he better put one back for me as soon as they got them in! Now I only had it for a few days so I can?t give an in depth review. What I can tell you though is that I will be keeping my Samsung Focus S.

Let?s get this out of the way first. The biggest issue and deciding factor for me was the Pixel Density:( The resolution supported by WP7 just isn?t made for a phone that size IMO. I know when I first was hearing concerns I thought, ?Going from 4.3 to 4.7 can?t make that much of difference. People are just looking for it!? Well I was wrong unfortunately. Everything I did on the Titan I noticed it. I noticed it in the web browser, reviewing pictures, and even some games could look a bit stretched at times. Now for me after I noticed it, I kept looking for it and the disappointment just kept coming. I am picky when it comes to my phones and this is my opinion, you could grab it and love it! The resolution might not bother you. For me, it was a deal breaker. PLEASE USE ONE BEFORE YOU BUY!

As far as build quality it?s what you come to expect from HTC. If you are familiar with the Inspire the build quality is almost identical and just BIGGER! It?s a solid and premium quality phone. I don?t have big hands and l didn?t find it uncomfortable. I did have to use both hands to text comfortably. After using my Focus for a week, it was hard to get used to the Titan. The Focus I can have in my pants pocket at work and not even notice it. The Titan I knew was there and it was uncomfortable. I would have to take it out of my pocket and have it on my desk. Not a big deal, but I just thought to mention that.

The screen was very bright and vibrant. I really liked it and was impressed! Now as far as comparing it with the S, I can?t say one is better than the other. They both have positives and negatives and it comes down to personal preference. Personally I wish I could have the whites of the Titan, and the colors of the Focus S.

The sound quality on the Titan I had some issues. As far as Signal goes between the two, they were pretty neck and neck. I can?t declare one is better. Call quality on the Titan was bad in my experience. During the time I used it, I found myself having to repeat myself and my girlfriend said I sounded like a robot. There were also times she said I would fade in and out but she could still understand me. I drove the same roads to work and back as I did with the S.

Now I can?t really speak on the battery because I didn?t have the time to really test it. I did usually get through my work day with it, but definitely wasn?t getting 15+hrs. Keep in mind though I didn?t start getting those hours until after about a week of completely depleting the battery on the S. Sorry I can?t really give everyone a better idea on the battery. It did seem like a solid performer.

Performance was awesome. It was just like the Focus where no matter what I threw at it, it laughed at me and just chugged along seamlessly.
The camera was also a solid performer although it did seem to lack a bit indoors. I didn?t play with it as much as I would have liked to, but it did seem to struggle indoors a bit. Outdoor pictures were great and I have no complaints!

Like I said earlier, do yourself a favor and play with one for a while before you purchase. I know I can be pickier than the average smartphone user. The call quality really scares me though. I know I was so frustrated to have people say ?What was that you faded out? or ?Man you sound like a robot right now. What was that?? The Pixel density did it for me the most. It felt like everything I did it was stretched or blocky:( Needless to say I?m pretty disappointed. I?ve been counting down for the Titan for months! I am happy with the S though. It is a solid performer and I feel even better about it now that I tried the Titan.

That is my comparison, thoughts, and opinions. I really hope everyone finds this helpful in some way. Im sorry it is so long and messy. I wanted to write this up before I had to get on the road, so let me apologize now for punctuation and sloppiness.

Also, I wasnt sure what thread to post in. I hope this one is okay! Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!



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Jan 9, 2011
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That's a very comprehensive comparison of the two phones. Thanks for taking the time to post that JRose1088. Very much appreciated. I myself am hoping to get a Titan soon. :)

And welcome along to WPC. :)


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Nov 16, 2011
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Thanks for the info. It much appreciated! I currently have the Focus S and love it for the most part but a few things are annoying me. My biggest concern is the 4G reception which just isn't strong where I work especially compared to my iPhone 4. That of course is the deal breaker for me. I am going to exchange it for a Titan so hearing your mostly positive experience with it is fantastic.


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Nov 20, 2011
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Thank you for the warm welcome WeeBear! Thank you both for taking time to read and reply!

The Titan is an amazing phone. My biggest concern is with the call quality i experienced. If you guys get your Titan please let me know how your experience is.

I find myself waiting for the user reviews to start pouring in. Although the pixilation i experienced would bother me, I feel it is something I could learn to look past. Like I said, I found myself looking for it. I still have two weeks for an exchange. If I don’t hear anyone else experiencing the same issues I had, I would really consider exchanging my S for the Titan! Its just a really solid phone!

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Nov 17, 2011
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here's my experience of Focus S, I agree with most of your assessment, see where i disagree ..

Regarding screen resolution i did not noticed it in my short assessment, thiugh will go back to check it again....

Regarding camera, Titan took better pictures with correct tones....

did quick call quality check in store and my friend confirmed he is able to hear me well, though what you mentioned is concerning....


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Dec 3, 2010
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I was in the same boat having my mind set on the Titan but got tired of waiting and got the Focus S on its release date. So far I must be lucky because I havent had any of the issues that some complain about. I do have the blueish tint on the whites buT I know that is because of the Super AMOLED screen and I am fine with that little inconvenience since I always use the dark screen anyway.
I have been watching all the feedback on both the S and the Titan on here and XDA. I was getting very concerned with all the reports on Titan forums about 50% or more dropped calls and after all the time I have had my S I have not had a single dropped call. Maybe the issue with the Titan is more an international version issue and the ATT wont have it but when I went and was checking one out at a local store that they had on display I made a couple of calls and did get comments about me dropping out when I was just across the store. I had the Tilt2 and it also suffered from poor call quality alot so I was very concerned it would be the same issues with the antenna. The size wasnt much bigger than my S to me but it was more difficult to type one handed.
I think this is one of those times where it is all about personal preferences. My S seems solid to me and it doesnt feel or look cheap. The Titan had superb build quality as you would expect. I personally dont think you could go wrong with either phone.
I am sticking with my S for the time being as more feedback comes in but I think I will probably wait for the Nokia to come to AT&T before I change it for another phone if they bring out the wow device everyone expects.


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Aug 14, 2011
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Here's the reasons I'll never buy another Samsung phone again.
- GPS reception on my Omnia and Focus was miserable. Navigon and other software was constantly looking for satellites. When I had it plugged in to power it got even worse and was near impossible trying to use my Focus or my Omnia as a navigation device.
- My Focus (r1.4) still won't update to Mango. I guess they are trickling out that update too. I haven't checked in the last 24 hours, but I doubt it's ready to update yet...
- Sound quality using headphone jack sucked. I never really knew what I was missing until I got my Titan and started using it instead.

My At&t Titan is amazing so far! There's a couple hickups...
- If I have my car radio plugged in (headphone jack to Aux-in) sometimes the Titan thinks the car has a microphone and turns off its internal speaker.
- I definitely notice lagging when I scroll through lists. I'm not sure what that's all about... I thought I heard other people having the same issue. It's not a huge deal, but it happens on all apps, not just one.

I love the screen on the Titan. Looking back at my Omnia it looks like a toy. LoL
The sound is amazing. I notice a big difference listening to music through my car's stereo.
Zero problems with the GPS navigation so far. Navigon is great in case anyone in considering buying it form the app store.


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Nov 23, 2011
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Went to the AT&T store today and played with the two side by side. I'm are my thoughts:

Focus S: Nice feel to the screen, and the screen is the same size as my wife's Inspire so there was some familiarity to me for navigating web pages in terms of finger placement. The auto-dimming feature was out in full force even though I was standing in a single spot in the store with static light conditions. I turned it off as after about a minute. I actually liked how thin the phone was and the tactile feel of the back panel was nice too. The plastic feel of it didn't bother me as I had a Blackjack II for 2 years and that phone took everything I threw at it and laughed. I did accidentally click the camera button a couple of times. That was a bit annoying, but that could probably be solved by training myself not to or by a decent case down the road. The phone didn't seem as bright with with white background websites. No issues with the keyboard as the phone was on mute.

Titan: This phone is solid. The metal casing has that solid HTC feel just like my wife's Inspire. It is on the heavier side, but doesn't feel thick at all. In terms of how the screen real estate affects the user experience, I found text to be very readable if slightly pixelated, but the real problem came with one-handed use. Holding it with my right hand, as I would reach across the screen with my thumb the fleshy part of my hand where my thumb meets my palm would often touch the bottom corner of the screen and instead of a scrolling motion the phone would sense a multi-touch zoom type of motion and pinch to zoom. It happened to me several times. My hands are on the smaller side so YMMV. The webpages with the white backgrounds popped out and were very easy to read at arms length. I browsed the marketplace and looked at Fusion: Sentient screenshots. The screens were brighter on the Titan but there was some slight stretching/jaggies that weren't present on the Focus S.

In conclusion, I thought my hands-on would solve this for me but it didn't. I really like both phones but I have a few concerns. Coming from an iPhone owner, multiple OEMs are not something I am used to dealing with. Among the WP community which phone is more likely to me supported with patches/fixes in the future? HTC or Samsung? Does one of these makers have a better WP reputation when it comes to rolling out updates and other support? What are you're thoughts on the cameras of the two since that was something that is important to me but I wasn't able to try out?

Thanks for your thoughts and I hope to pick up one of these great phones from AT&T this weekend and join the WP7 family!


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Aug 14, 2011
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In conclusion, I thought my hands-on would solve this for me but it didn't. I really like both phones but I have a few concerns. Coming from an iPhone owner, multiple OEMs are not something I am used to dealing with. Among the WP community which phone is more likely to me supported with patches/fixes in the future? HTC or Samsung? Does one of these makers have a better WP reputation when it comes to rolling out updates and other support? What are you're thoughts on the cameras of the two since that was something that is important to me but I wasn't able to try out?

Thanks for your thoughts and I hope to pick up one of these great phones from AT&T this weekend and join the WP7 family!

I'll never trust Samsung again. They left half the Samsung Focus users out to dry and took forever to update to NoDo and then Mango. My Focus is still waiting to update to Mango.
I love the camera on the Titan. I've heard several reviewers say the Titan has the best camera of the Windows phones.
I took pictures with the two in the store and they were pretty similar. When I took a photo in the store they both seemed to work great.


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I have had the exact opposite experience of gekkoace. My Focus was a 1.3 build but I never had any issues with the gps and I have had Mango since the beginning. I blame ATT more for the wait I had for Mango but as a developer I had it long before ATT released it anyway. I have had every Windows Mobile phone that HTC put out on ATT and I had pretty good luck with them. I did always have a problem with calls where the other side couldnt hear me on every single one so thats one of the things I kept in mind when I chose the S. I have read a lot of posts about the Titan and call quality although the couple of tests I made in the store were good.

My Focus S has been great so far and I have had no sound issues. The sound issues I had on the Focus were easily fixed by going in and changing the gain settings using steps found in a post on XDA.

I think in the end either of the phones would be great and both will have their drawbacks. None will be perfect for everyone or please everyone.


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Nov 23, 2011
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I'll never trust Samsung again. They left half the Samsung Focus users out to dry and took forever to update to NoDo and then Mango. My Focus is still waiting to update to Mango.
I love the camera on the Titan. I've heard several reviewers say the Titan has the best camera of the Windows phones.
I took pictures with the two in the store and they were pretty similar. When I took a photo in the store they both seemed to work great.

Thanks for your feedback. I've read many of the same reviews regarding the Titan's camera but I just wish there were more reviews of the Focus S to compare it to. For some reason most of the major tech outlets have not reviewed the Focus S yet.

I have had the exact opposite experience of gekkoace. My Focus was a 1.3 build but I never had any issues with the gps and I have had Mango since the beginning. I blame ATT more for the wait I had for Mango but as a developer I had it long before ATT released it anyway. I have had every Windows Mobile phone that HTC put out on ATT and I had pretty good luck with them. I did always have a problem with calls where the other side couldnt hear me on every single one so thats one of the things I kept in mind when I chose the S. I have read a lot of posts about the Titan and call quality although the couple of tests I made in the store were good.

My Focus S has been great so far and I have had no sound issues. The sound issues I had on the Focus were easily fixed by going in and changing the gain settings using steps found in a post on XDA.

I think in the end either of the phones would be great and both will have their drawbacks. None will be perfect for everyone or please everyone.

Thanks for your thoughts. After discussing it with my wife, her recommendation was the Focus S, even though her last two phones have been HTCs and she is really happy with them. Her recommendation was mostly based on the size issue, and the likelyhood that I would get frustrated with the size of the Titan screen with one-handed use. The headphone jack issue on the Focus S is causing some concerns for me, as this is something I use fairly often.


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Some headphones have built in microphones. For some reason (never happened on my other phones) the Titan seems to sometimes think my headphone to aux-in cord has a microphone. So when I try to use the phone or respond to txt msgs the phone can't hear anything since there is no microphone on my cable. It should be playing sound through the headphone out and listening for sound through the phones normal speakerphone mic.

Sent from my TITAN using Board Express


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Its not a big deal though. I love this phone. We fond a second one in our area yesterday for my wife too :)

Sent from my TITAN using Board Express


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Dec 30, 2010
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I was sold on the Focus S when it was first announced. But I've heard so many good things about the Titan that I'm leaning towards that now.

The thing that makes me nervous is the whole reception thing. I live between mountains, so my reception kind of sucks anyway with my current Focus.


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Aug 14, 2011
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I think they are about the same.. I get 5 bars of 4G on the Titan, so it's hard for me to tell.

Sent from my TITAN using Board Express

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