Samsung Focus Volume Problem


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Hi guys,
I have the Samsung Focus and I absolutely love it, however I hate how the headset volume is so low and you have to crank it on max when outside.
So I decided to try the "increase volume" trick using the Diagnostics app and using the instructions posted here Boost the sound on Samsung Focus - Take 2 | wpcentral | Windows Phone News, Forums, and Reviews.
A couple of things to note was that I had to use the *#0002*28345# code instead since the *#0002*28346# did not work. My Diagnostics app version is 0.0929 and I can't seem to update it because it keeps giving me an error even though an update for it appears on the marketplace.
After completing the trick I realized that it had increased the volume of my speaker and not the volume of my headset at all. So my speaker got SO loud that it would crackle at really high volumes so I decided to revert back to the default values that someone posted in the comments on the link I pasted above. After a reset I noticed everything back to normal however now as soon as I get a phone call or plug in my headphones and remove then again, it goes back to that really loud setting. When this happened, I went back to the diagnositcs app to check on the settings and everything seems to be the normal default values.
Now my speaker volume is super high again and I can only make it go back when I restart my device, however as soon as I get a phone call or plug and unplug my headset, the volume will go back to being super loud.
How can I fix this issue? I don't want to reset my device since I want to keep all my text messages since I can't back them up :(

Thanks a lot!


Nov 8, 2010
Hmm... word of advice, read instructions very carefully, especially with something like this. The settings in the diagnosis tool (for volume) is specific to the audio device currently in use. If you launch the tool without any headphones plugged in, you open the settings for the speaker. If you launch the tool with headphones plugged in, you open the settings for the headphone jack.

In regards to your issue (I would simply reset, I don't see how text messages can be so important, but anyway...) I would suggest going back and following the instructions, and set them to the recommended (loud) volume settings. Set the speaker volume settings, do a soft reset, then connect headphones and change the volume settings for the headphones. Soft reset again.

Go back into the diagnosis tool and "GET" the settings, for both speaker AND headphones (obviously open the tool once with headphones connected, and again without). Make sure the settings are what you set them to.

Then, go back into the diagnosis tool if you're not there already and change the volume settings to the default settings (posted below just in case). Set it once without headphones connected, then do a soft reset. Then do it again with headphones connected, and do a final soft reset.

See how everything is after all of that. AND please read the instructions thoroughly... when setting the headphones volume, make sure you turn audience.cfg ON. (I'm not sure what this is, but I'm just trying to stress the point about following the instructions, I've changed my audio settings several times already without issue)

Default Volume Settings (Speaker)
Device Gain (max/min): 1200 / -500

Default Volume Settings (Headphones)
Device Gain (max/min): 400 / -1100


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Hi chsoriano,
I've tried what you suggested and it didn't work. The sound still increases when I receive a phone call or when I insert and remove my headphones. I'm not using the headphones that came with the phone but a pair that I own from before, but I'm not sure if that would make a difference.

Also with your comment regarding reading the instructions carefully, i did EXACTLY that the first time as well. I was changing the volumes with a device gain of 5 and not the ones with 7 (which are the speaker volumes). The wierd thing is that after I changed them the first time and had audience.cfg set to ON as well, my headphone volume didn't increase at all, instead now I've got this problem.

I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling the diagnostic app but that didn't work either.

Is there a way I can restore the settings for the diagnositcs app without having to restore my phone entirely?


Nov 8, 2010
Hmm... Do the headphones you're using have a volume control on the cord? Have you tried other headphones? I really doubt it is an external issue, but its a quick troubleshooting step.

I don't know if there is a way to reset all of the hardware settings (diagnosis) without resetting the phone... Hopefully someone else here does or you might have to do a reset.

Pete C

New member
Jan 24, 2011
I have the same issue. Listening to in the car via the headphone jack was far too quiet without the boost though. I think it might be worth living with if there is no solution.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
No my headphones don't have a volume control on them, but when I plug and unplug the headphones that came with the Focus, the problem still occurs :(

Hey Pete C, were you actually able to raise the headphone volume though, I wasn't able to and instead got stuck with the problem I described above. Have you tried to factory restore it?


New member
Jan 23, 2011
I just did a test with mine, I put my volume at 1 turned on a Zune song and let it play to see how loud it was...plugged in headphones that came with the focus, then unplugged them, had to restart the same song from pulling the headphones, still at volume 1 and it was way louder. So it's nothing to do with the diagnosis settings I do not think, Because I haven't ever fooled with that and mine is changing sound too. However, if you power off/on, it resets the music to low again. You can do the samething with the headphones and bam loud again!!


New member
Dec 14, 2010
AngryJedi, I have the EXACT same problem.

I didn't even do anything at first though. I just got to the Sound Diagnostics menu, but did not change anything. And now, my speaker gets way too loud like yours. Mine is more sporadic though, not just when I get a phone call or plug/unplug a headset.

It's really loud though. I'm at work and before all this, I would play music on volume level 1, but now with this speaker boost, 1 is way too loud to play in a quiet office.

I have to restart my phone to get it back down to the normal level, but it gets loud again anyway.

I've tried going back to the sound diagnostics and re-enter the default values for the speaker, but this is only a temporary fix, and it becomes loud again.



New member
Jan 27, 2011
Hey ehrratic and pinbak,
Would any of you be brave enough to try and factory restore your phone to see if it fixes the problem.
I really don't want to lose all my text messages so thats why I haven't had the chance to do so, but I am waiting for the No-Do update. Since it allows you to do a full backup, I'm hoping either the update fixes it, or restoring it and then restoring the backup on there fixes it. *fingers crossed*

At the moment though, I hope someone finds a way to fix this problem without having to factory restore the phone :(

Pete C

New member
Jan 24, 2011
No my headphones don't have a volume control on them, but when I plug and unplug the headphones that came with the Focus, the problem still occurs :(

Hey Pete C, were you actually able to raise the headphone volume though, I wasn't able to and instead got stuck with the problem I described above. Have you tried to factory restore it?

Yes, definitely. The changes to the diagnostic settings increased the headphone output. is much louder when I play it through my car. I used to have the jack the volume up which strains the amp.


New member
Dec 14, 2010
Ah sorry angryjedi, I'm in the same boat as you :( Waiting for the update so I can back it up.

I really hope the update fixes this somehow.

Pete C

New member
Jan 24, 2011
What about restoring the phone back to factory settings? It's a pain, but you could at least see if that fixes it. You would just need to re-install all your apps which is free for ones you have purchased already. Your calendar and contacts should be synced to Windows Live.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Has anyone tried the pre-Nodo update that was released a few days back to see if updating to that fixes the volume issue? I wasn't able to successfully complete the upgrade and it froze on "Creating Backup 100%". I guess I'm one of the unlucky 10% who had the update fail on them but luckily it didnt brick my phone.


New member
Dec 14, 2010
I'm going to try the update later tonight since it's been fixed for Samsungs haha. I'll let you know how it goes, and if it fixes the volume issue!


New member
Dec 2, 2010
Has anyone tried the pre-Nodo update that was released a few days back to see if updating to that fixes the volume issue? I wasn't able to successfully complete the upgrade and it froze on "Creating Backup 100%". I guess I'm one of the unlucky 10% who had the update fail on them but luckily it didnt brick my phone.

the update didn't do anything of the sort, it was just an update to prepare for the update coming soon. also i don't even think the upcoming update targeted any volume problems either. besides, there are many versions of the wp7, a MS update isn't going to be able to fix a problem only particular to 1 type of windows phone.

Pete C

New member
Jan 24, 2011
I tried resetting the phone to factory settings, and it worked more volume problems. Plugged in the headphones, unplugged, called my phone...volume stays put. No more loudness. With the calendar and contacts stored on the cloud in windows live, and the fact that you can re-install all your apps without having to pay again, resetting the phone is not a big deal.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
So I've updated my phone to No-Do and the volume issues still persist :(
Looks like factory restoring the phone is the only way to fix the problem however I have so many text messages that I would like to keep.
I guess my next hope is that the Kin Studio type software gets released for Windows Phone soon because I know that backs up text messages!


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Has anyone resolved this issue? The settings do not get fixed when doing a hard reset. Still have volume changes after plugging in headphones.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
hi timk,
I did a restore to factory settings from the about screen of the phone itself and now the volume issue is gone. How did you reset the phone?

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