Satya Nadella confirms he wasn't in favor of Microsoft's Nokia acquisition

I’m a Marlins fan, we got our 2 titles.

Dave Barry, who IMHO is one of the finest columnists man has ever known, wrote after the 2003 World Series: " the World Series, which we do, like clockwork, every 6 years."
Dave Barry, who IMHO is one of the finest columnists man has ever known, wrote after the 2003 World Series: " the World Series, which we do, like clockwork, every 6 years."

Love me some Dave Barry. Harry Anderson didn’t do him any favors the way he portrayed him on that TV show. Watched it all of 5 minutes.
@fatclue_98 OK your explanation makes sense. The reasons Microsoft has a monopoly in desktop are the same reasons there is a duopoly in mobile. Anyone who wants to run with the big dogs must provide something desired by the consumers. You like Windows mobile, I like(d) Windows mobile, but for whatever reason, the average consumer didn't. Therefore, the market shakes out with iOS and Android.

That said, my anecdotal observations caused me to conclude that the only people worried about the OS monopolies are the fans of whichever OS is not a participant. The WM fans are the ones complaining about the mobile situation. Likewise, Linux and Mac OS fans are not happy with the desktop situation. We all wish our preferences were on top, and we'll embrace any view that fits our agenda. Yet we're all affected exactly the same.

How about mid range Androids such as the OnePlus line? There is a plethora of those.

Totally agree.
Elop was a much better option than the "Hit Refresh" guy. Looks like that will be the thing to do at IBM 2.0 in the next 10 years or less!!!
I think everyone around here knows what I think about the subject. And they probably also know that I said all that happened would happen.

Nadella understood that without the power of the Nokia brand behind it, chances of WP were none. The world didn't need a third mobile OS. Blackberry had already proven that. But even less did the world need an OS that didn't get reputable OEMs on board and had to have hardware done my the same company doing the OS.
Couldn't disagree more. I love Windows Phone OS/UI way more than iOS. Satya is all about revenue and business. His sentiment is likely the same for all products and services, so any competition means he is willing to throw in the towel too quickly. I honestly do not know what more he could have asked for from Nokia.
Nokia had the best cameras and were pushing technologies. Personally, I think how Nokia was handled after the MS purchase is what led to the demise of Nokia/Windows Phone. I will always believe that allowing the most known face of Windows Phone, Joe Belfiore go on a sabbatical was a in part because Satya didn't/doesn't seem to care about mobile/phones. At the time, Windows Phone was gaining ground.

Windows Phone 8.1 is better than W10M!

Edited for typos.
Furthermore, I feel that the promotion of Phil Spencer was more about promoting Xbox to later sell off if it's not profitable. Likely more return on a Division of MS over a product line.
MS us going to follow BB and IBM down the path to focus only on business and enterprise. Fortunately companies are buying into 'cloud' and AI services. It seems easier for MS to focus on businesses than consumers for some reason.
I am really saddened by this. I really loved this OS and now struggling to get out. He just never believed in it.
Re: Nadella says “I did not get why the world needed the third ecosystem in phones”

If he already harbor this thought at the beginning, it's no surprise 🎊 where Windows Mobile is now. On the other hand ✋, it would be totally different if he thought the other way. It's all in the mind.

Windows phone 7 was different. It caught the imagination. Windows 8 and 8.1 were the beginnings of just how awesome the platform could have been.

Microsoft really messed up and it's costing them big time
With Android's OEM strategy & budget profiles; iOS alike quality, stability & consistency & with its own features like best camera, offline maps, exceptional design & integrations (hubs) etc. Windows Phone could be a winner on long run.

For me the problem was development of apps. I invested college time in learning WP7.5 development, then WP8 development & then WP8.1 Universal development, then W10 UWP development & now Xamarin development, I came through a long road in past 7 years & still till now I wasn't ab;e to reach major audience because of MS changing strategies.

Satya must know that Rome wasn't built in a day. First you have to invest in long term commitment, fulfill your promises, keep amending instead of hit refresh, to increase your brand equity; to get commitment from developers & consumers.
Before I begin, I am bias in favor of my WP10. Just putting that out there. :-) I feel like every industry is against any type of success with MS Mobile, and are making an effort to see to it that they do not succeed in that market. They have been ignoring it when creating apps, or the different types of electronic equipment. The excuse is, nobody is on the phone so we wont make it. The excuse of the consumer is, there are no apps so I wont buy it. You see the issue there? I never fully understood that logic. Nobody was on the other devices either initially. Then at the phone stores the sales people would nearly never show you a Windows Phone and say that it's a bad device. So now you have people not pushing your product and saying your product is bad. I would hear things like, it's too confusing and difficult to use. Really? I found it to be super simple to use. Then there's the marketing for Windows Mobile platform. Where is it? They start off with one commercial for a little then stop. They don't work to keep themselves in peoples minds. Kind of like Sega. I think lack of good marketing killed them off. They had a 41 MP camera! Man that camera was awesome. Why not build on that and make a updated 1020. Then their interface is unique. Not a bunch of icons randomly on the screen. It's easy to sort through that apps on the WP. They don't point that out in the commercials. The live tiles are actually useful. All of the things Cortana can do. She has a personality. Push that. I'm guessing that Satya doesn't use a WP himself on a daily basis so he doesn't care and just dismisses anything his company does in that market? :-/ And what's up with uservoice comments and suggestions. There's some really good feedback in there that gets ignored it seems. Just my perception. Like the swipe KB in WP10 still lags in quality when compared to how well it worked in WP 8.1 Ok I'm done with my rant. woooosaaahhh...
Re: Nadella says “I did not get why the world needed the third ecosystem in phones”

If he already harbor this thought at the beginning, it's no surprise ?????? where Windows Mobile is now. On the other hand ✋, it would be totally different if he thought the other way. It's all in the mind.

Nadella was Wrong People today buy Automobiles from more than 2
auto makers so why not smart phones. Windows smart phones had a uniquege interface that Millions of people liked and bought. Millions of People who like Windows smart phones are sad today because what they like is gone. they can buy expensive iPhones or Android smart phones I donot trust Android because hackers have a lot of data on how to put malware and spyware on them. Nadella I hope does not turn Microsoft into just a software and services company. It's more than that now. Many people want and buy Surface Pro Tablets, Surface books and Surface laptops. if Nadella kills the Surface line of prducts Microsoft only has the Xbox for consumers to buy. It will be a less exciting. People do not get carried away over Windows operating systems they just use and tolerat them
Re: Nadella says “I did not get why the world needed the third ecosystem in phones”

Weak market share?

You got to be kidding...

In this case it was Windows Mobile with 'Weak market share' as Nokia owned that market completely after they came on board and other OEM's having been burnt through a miss step (Wp7 to Wp8 transition due to a kernel switch from Windows CE to the Windows NT Kernel) as Microsoft sought to unify the core.

Look, I am going to absolutely, brutally honest here.

If Satya Nadella doesn't see why the world needs a third ecosystem and make no mistake that is absolutely disastrous for Microsoft. because Microsoft's services ARE the THIRD ecosystem.

If they weren't trying to create an "ecosystem" explain why there is a branding switch to Microsoft Store from Windows Store, Office 365 and consolidation services to Microsoft 365?????.

This is the true definition of irony.

As long the share prices keep going up, he will get a pass by the board. But the board doesn't necessarily have the best interest of the company at heart, just the share prices.

For example Dell, they were happy to churn out mediocre laptops and products just to generate a revenue stream and unwilling to take risks.

After Dell became private and was bought back by Michael Dell, we have seen a resurgence of risk taking and amazing products for example - the Dell 8 K monitor.

That is risk yes but it's a statement piece - look at what we can do.

Now compare the direction of Microsoft under Bill Gates and Ballmer with the current pathway. It's driven by short term share price growth and 100% risk reduction.

Surface was Microsoft's statement piece and through iteration they hit the sweet spot.

But even that is in jeopardy.

Wall street loves predictability, consumer products are not predictable compared to enterprise products and users.

Due to the fact Enterprises follow a set cycle or core pathway to ensure they remain up to date whilst ensuring they do not impact their cash flow.

Satya absolutely must embrace the Third ecosystem if Microsoft is to remain relevant even in infrastructure. To presume the competitors will sit idly by whilst Microsoft pushes forward with quantum computing for example, is fundamentally naive.

People do not love windows, most do not even acknowledge it's existence that's the price of becoming ubiqiotious. When a laptop breaks down for example, people do not say there is a issue with windows, they say "there is a issue with my laptop and it doesn't load properly". When you ask what version of Windows it is running they say "I don't know" even though they have seen the boot up logo countless of times lol.

People do not say "my phone runs Android", they say "I have a Samsung" or "LG phone" - iphones and ipads are given.

Similiarly they do not say I have a Microsoft surface or surface running windows-

they say "I have a Surface" or "I have a Surface tablet".

That is a step in the right direction but if they keep eroding consumer, oem and developer confidence, they will lose that as well along with everything else.
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This is one completely confused organisation. and led by a guy who has outstayed his welcome. I sold off my Surface Pro, 950xl. Switched to Mac and Android. And you know what? Their stuff just works, and works well. There are countless times I've been using this stuff and thought why the hell didn't MS think of this?

This is clearly not a unified company, they want the ONE Windows approach to things but the company itself looks fragmented.

They don't know how to market. They don't know how to communicate.

This is not down to just one person, this failure has continued through two different leadership's. I would love to see Microsoft turn things around, but they don't have the balls. And they don't have the luxury of Google and Apple, where if they do screw up, if they do miscommunicate, that they will recover easily. The Xbox One still hasn't recovered from that initial announcement.
I will never understand the logic of a "tech giant" like MS ignoring the largest customer base, mobile users. Nadella helping Microsoft in making money but i fear it's short term. I hope the share holders see that.

Twitter: @PhotographyET

Completely agree. Short term gain, long term loss.
Re: Nadella says “I did not get why the world needed the third ecosystem in phones”

"We should only be in the phone business when we have something that is really differentiated."

You had something that was really differentiated. There was nothing on the market like WP8/WP8.1.

Nadella is a wrong. He has no vision for the company. He isn't a real leader. He's no Gates/Ballmer. They actually cared.

Dear Bill Gates, Come back and save your directionless company before Nadella destroys it.
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