Satya Nadella is not having a good tenure at Microsoft thus far and perhaps he should resign

People want quick fixes to Microsoft's problems but appear to forget that these problems did not pop up since Satya became CEO. They have been there long before that. To think that they will get fixed in 2 years is absurd.

Microsoft held a dominate position in tech with Windows and Office but has been fighting off and trying to compete with new and innovating services and devices. They are one company that competes with Google, Apple, Salesforce, and Sony just to name a few. To maintain any level of focus doing that is extremely difficult and maybe impossible. I think Nadella has tried to do that much more than Ballmer.

The truth is that fixing these problems is going to take a long time and a lot of hard work. I think you have to give Satya 5 years before getting a good idea of his performance.
I very much disagree with the OP. It takes time to make changes to a companies direction when it's as big as Microsoft, it's like turning an oil tanker when the previous captain had you on a course to run aground. Satya Nadella is still carefully steering Microsoft away from the abyss Steve Ballmer had it heading to.

You can chart Microsoft's problems with mobile platforms back to them dropping Windows CE and Windows Mobile, they surrendered the mobile market to Android and iOS before a shot was fired. The mobile app/full app issue is a legacy issue of Steve Ballmers scattergun approach to Windows 8 and the whole Windows RT fiasco. With Windows 10 they are in a much better position to provide a unified platform.

With more manufacturers producing phones, tablets and 2 in 1 devices I think Microsoft has never been in a better position to fully exploit their OS. Why buy an Android or iOS tablet when you can buy a device that can run your full desktop apps but in a mobile device?

The XBOX One is selling faster than any XBOX device to date but it was hamstrung at launch by some ridiculous DRM issues and a focus on home entertainment rather than games. Again these decisions were made under Ballmers reign but since Phil Spencer took over from Don Mattrick the XBOX One has turned itself around and doing well despite those early setbacks. I own a PS4 and XBOX One and honestly struggle to notice much difference between multi platform games and as I have friends on both systems I have a number of games in both formats.

I don't understand the pessimism for the platform that some have. While Google and Apple play catch-up to the 2 in 1, full productivity tablet devices Microsoft already has ground and will continue to gain it. People will still buy iOS devices and Microsoft won't be beating them in sales any time soon but this is not a short term strategy Microsoft is playing out and this time they appear to have everyone singing from the same hymn sheet rather than shouting over each other like it appeared to be under Steve Ballmers control.
Lolwat, i dont think you realise how insignificant windows mobile currently is in the grand scheme of things at microsoft, but that doesnt mean they're not going to keep taking stabs at it to see what happens. windows phone up to this point has largely failed, balmer was absolutely not a success for windows phone, its never gotten out of niche territory globally nor made any real money.

as for Windows 10 Desktop and Xbox, i couldnt be happier with the direction they are going in, the Xbox one is a fantastic machine that get better every month, and the future of the platform looks very interesting and exciting even. Satya is taking the company in a great new direction and its actually exciting to watch again.

Mobile is really the only black spot, and at least until the magical surface phone gets revealed theres nothing exciting going on there, but they will keep at it and hopefully when the surface phone comes out and it will be exciting again, if its not a great phone, oh well guess i buy an android or iphone to replace my aging 1520, but thats really not going to impact my life much. i will continue to enjoy windows 10 and the xbox, which imo is a far greater machine that the ps4. if all you care about is graphics you would be playing on PC anyway, period! And the way they are merging their first party gaming on pc and xbox is awesome news to me.
With every crap phone release build I get angrier and angrier. My alarms that I use to wake me up fail to ring because of how crap these builds are. So frustrating.
With every crap phone release build I get angrier and angrier. My alarms that I use to wake me up fail to ring because of how crap these builds are. So frustrating.

If that's how you feel, then simply use something else.

An ecosystem is not a cult, a phone is supposed to help you be more connected and productive not cause stress. Honestly would you use a broken hammer to affix some nails into a wall for a shelf?

No you wouldn't, you would get the appropriate tool and equipment.

Like wise with your phone, If my 920 wasn't functioning correctly even after attempts to fix it - then it would be replaced.

As for your first post, I have noticed no one has mentioned these (I'll keep it brief as I don't want to end up typing up an essay).

1) The PS4 also is based on a similiar low end custom AMD jaguar chip - do you see that handling 4K natively?
Especially when Sony said explicitly a certain game's multiplayer was rendering in 1080p when in reality it wasn't and later retracted to say it was using "Temporal Rejection".

You're also forgetting that the X1 can leverage the "cloud" to provide additional compute power i.e Crackdown, which may also tie into the need for a xbox live sub.

2) Apps on the xbox 1, the xbox store hasn't been opened up yet and the xbox certification process is much more different than the store (more stringent) do you want a gazzillion fart apps on the xbox store?

3) Azure... Keywords here would be Linux and Virtual Machines. Don't forget they did pretty much did do this
Microsoft is providing the full .NET server stack in open source, including ASP.NET, the .NET compiler, the .NET Core Runtime, Framework and Libraries, enabling developers to build with .NET across Windows, Mac or Linux. Through this implementation, Microsoft will work closely with the open source community, taking contributions for future improvements to .NET and will work through the .NET Foundation.

Microsoft takes .NET open source and cross-platform, adds new development capabilities with Visual Studio 2015, .NET 2015 and Visual Studio Online | News Center

4) Xamarin acquisition, that's all I'll say on this point as details are pretty sketchy in regards to how they will proceed going forward since things are constantly evolving and being cancelled last minute.

5) Xbox should be modular?

As pointed out by others, in my opinion that is as redundant as using PVA glue to build a house :winktongue:. It won't stick.

6) Kinect works fine, albeit this evidence is annecdotal but if it works in a 7.1 surround sound environment with multiple speakers and sound bars (not my set up by the way) then you're clearly have either faulty unit or the speakers are far too close to the kinect.

Most likely the former as I have my kinect behind my TV as my desk is pretty small. I can bark commands at it all day with the TV pretty loud and it will work fine. The reason why it's behind my TV now because the lack of gesture support in the NXOE.

Lastly I know WM10 has it's flaws, primarily the UX but given the tone of this thread I will not go into that as I am not putting more coal into that fire lol.

So all in all.

I get it you're fustrated but to call for a CEO to fired because of your frustrations is just waaaay beyond excessive to put it politely.
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I very much disagree with the OP. It takes time to make changes to a companies direction when it's as big as Microsoft, it's like turning an oil tanker when the previous captain had you on a course to run aground. Satya Nadella is still carefully steering Microsoft away from the abyss Steve Ballmer had it heading to.

Nadella is steering Microsoft into incompetence and irrelevance.

XBOX is in its worst moment. According to some stats PS4 is outselling it 3 to 1. Microsoft is so ashamed that they won't report sales numbers anymore.
Video Game Charts, Game Sales, Top Sellers, Game Data - VGChartz

The adoption of Windows 10 is slower than expected. The product is not attractive to the users. As a consequence developers aren't adopting the platform. The strategy is not working.

Nadella is damaging the brand releasing low quality products that aren't ready for the public. Just try Windows 10 Mobile, Lumia 950 XL, Surface Book, Surface Pro 4. It's just bugs, bugs and more bugs.

Nadella has been a complete failure in Microsoft, I think he'll be paying low wages to women in other company, soon.
Is not right blame Satya for Xbox launch failure, the guy has nothing to do with that, he was named CEO in 2014 and Xbox One was launched in 2013.

I guess that the only problem with Satya so far is that que does not have yet a clear vision for mobile, the main personal computing area these days and literally every time he speaks about it it makes everyone more confused. That thing with Astoria wasn't nice and Islandwood is not what they are pushing people to believe in with incomplete extensions and almost deprecated iOS APIs.
Im not blaming him for the launch of xbox one. Im blaming him for not turing it around. And lets be clear this console is toast. It is done and ready for a new one to surface is as little as 2 years maybe 3.

The games studio situation this week. Omg. How do you close down fable? What in the world? He handled this public perceptionhorribly.

This guy us ridiculous.

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