

New member
Aug 23, 2011
Has anyone tried Scrapbook yet? There is a link to it from the new "My phone" page, underneath the map of your last found location, that says "See your recent check-ins at Bing". If you click the link it takes you to the Scrapbook page. Only it doesn't work for me. I've been checking into places on Windows Live via my phone, but nothing shows up on the Scrapbook page - just a map of the world.

Anyone tried this and had it working?
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Has anyone tried Scrapbook yet? There is a link to it from the new "My phone" page, underneath the map of your last found location, that says "See your recent check-ins at Bing". If you click the link it takes you to the Scrapbook page. Only it doesn't work for me. I've been checking into places on Windows Live via my phone, but nothing shows up on the Scrapbook page - just a map of the world.

Anyone tried this and had it working?

I tired it on my computer the other day and it also didn't work for me. I haven't looked into it again since...but when I read about it I did delete FourSquare from my phone, I had never gotten around to even setting up an account for it so I just gave up on it.
OK, I think it's as simple as only recording Facebook check-ins, not Windows Live check-ins.

All the while I was checking in via the "Me" tile and selecting Windows Live nothing was being recorded. When I changed to Facebook suddenly my locations are being saved by Bing maps. Strange that MS isn't recording Live check-ins.
No Foursquare support w/Microsoft Scrapbook

I have both the Foursquare and 4th and Main apps on my Focus and I can't get my FS check in's to appear in Scrapbook. If I check in using the Me tile, it shows up, but that only counts towards Linkedin and Facebook.
Wanted to bring this back it worked just fine for me.

It doesn't tie to Facebook as far as I can tell because if someone checks me in it doesn't register, you have to check yourself in from the Me tile as stated above.

Pretty neat, but what is the quick link / path from I can get there via the link in the article but can't really find the way I would get there regularly in the future.

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