Screen defect right out of the box?


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Mar 14, 2016
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I've been searching for a new replacement laptop and it came down to Surface Pro 4. I went with an i7 version and after almost on day spent on it so far I am overall quite satisfied. However, I quickly noticed that there seems to be two small spots, equivalent of the size of a pin head right on top of each other mid screen. At first I thought it may be dust or something I could wipe off but turns out if I run my finger nail over it I can definitely tell this is some kind of small defect in the screen. It's only really noticeable on pages with white background but none the less, it is there. Has anyone seen anything similar on theirs? I hesitate to replace the unit, firstly because no stores in my area have any left in stock and two, because in the past I have exchanged items and only wound up worse off with devices has more issues then the initial one. Any suggestions or opinions are appreciated!


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Mar 12, 2016
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looks like you have stuck or dead pixels. I've read somewhere that you can fix stuck pixels by playing different colors in rapid succession on the affected area. are those pixels solid black?


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Nov 15, 2015
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Mine had a fairly big scratch on the back right out of the box. I immediately went back to Best Buy. Luckily, they gave a new one without any questions, and gave me the option to open the box and verify there itself. Ironically, two weeks later, I got new scratches anyway. So, even if you get a new one, watch out. :)

Don't return it to MS support. You probably will get a refurbished unit. Return to the store. The question is will they accept the damage.


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Mar 14, 2016
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I'll keep checking their stock to see if they get another batch in soon. For almost $2k my expectation is a flawless device but this may not always be the case now days. Recently I bought a DSLR with debris or dust in the viewfinder, after replacing it for the 3rd time I still had the same issue so I ended up "settling". Might end up doing that here as well but at least I have 15 days to decide. In your case and even mine I feel that Gorilla Glass shouldn't have problems like this, ever. Unless of course your'e using a screwdriver or diamond ring as a stylus.
Dec 30, 2015
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I have similar issue. I have one on the right corner. And it looks like a dust stuck when they adhered the glass. They say it is a pretty common defect on touch panel devices. I just noticed it 3 months using my surface pro 4 i7 when I changed to a lighter wallpaper. Before it I was happy with it. I regret changing wallpaper that day. Lol. But returning it just for it is so much of a hassle. 3 months using it, I have configured everything. Installed and set everything to my liking. I don't want to redo everything on a new device.

Smithy London

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Dec 23, 2015
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I would get a replacement ASAP if I were you. My first Surface Pro 4 had stuck pixes and the first Surface 3 had touch screen issues within the first 10 days.... both replacements have been fine!

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