screen dimming...

I totally agree geereed. I will be right behind you. At this stage if the game, this is kind if unacceptable.
I returned my first phone because it seemed to be dimmer than the floor model on the same settings. Its noticable especially in whites. I exchanged it and I have the same issue, it happens on medium too. usually more dim than bright. randomly too. lock and unlock works, however it dims fast sometimes. It still looks good. I still love the phone, however they need to address this issue. I was thinking of trying doing one more exchange bc screen doesnt respond to gloves as well as the last one. setting is high
Mine has the problem too. But I trend to believe it's not dimming but calibrating the brightness level after you unlock the phone. The initial sharper bright is not the accurate one, the later dimming light is the accurate brightness you set.

Either way, I agreed it's annoying. And I hope there's fiveinstead of three in brightness level because I found medium is a bit dark but High is too bright and power-consumed.
It's not just doing it after unlocking. Sometimes it'll go 30 minutes before it dims.
It's not just doing it after unlocking. Sometimes it'll go 30 minutes before it dims.

mine has the same issue. It never lasted that long. It will dim sometimes immediately or even after 1-3 min, it never lasted more than 5 minutes for me. I would like forbit to stay that way because it makes a difference . As you stated, its not the time out dim because I can be in the middle of typing and it will dim.
Not to mention crappy software and a super low-res screen. That phone makes a good coaster for your table though.
It's kinda like saying, "My girlfriend has one boob that's slightly bigger than the other so I'm just going to dump her and start sleeping with men."
Anyone with this issue swap it yet and get a good one? I'd hate to swap it out and to have the same issue. I may exchange it before my 14 days it up.
My phone is still doing it, but I noticed that it only does it after I turn on the screen, it doesn't keep doing it after I've been using the phone for awhile. I don't think it's that big of a deal but sometimes it's annoying.
I actually bought two phones and tested both. They both dimmed about 10-15% minutes after unlocking the phone. I kept one and returned the second one. I hope they come out with a patch but I bet they don't.
I actually bought two phones and tested both. They both dimmed about 10-15% minutes after unlocking the phone. I kept one and returned the second one. I hope they come out with a patch but I bet they don't.

You must be new to Windows Phone and Nokia phones in general. Nokia is very responsive when it comes to issuing fixes and patches for their devices.
On day 15, one day past the 14 day return policy, the screen started to become all snow from time to time. In addition, programming code started showing up where icons used to be. They sent me a certified "Like new" device. The only thing I have to say so far is the screen doesn't dim at all. At least, not yet. I am disappointed that I got a "used phone" instead of a brand new one. I do hope I become a Nokia fan. Ironically enough, the Nokia rep was in the ATT store and couldn't help. He was as shocked as I was. I thought he could provide something for all my trouble. But he just handed it back and told me to call warranty claims. ��
Sorry, but your story just doesn't hold water. There is nothing that can cause matrix like programming code where the tiles should be.

I try not to call people out too often, but something smells here.
Mine did it...discovered it was preset to "Automatically adjust" in "Settings/Brightness" -- switching it off enables 3 levels: low; Medium; and high -- I chose medium -- now screen doesn't dim anymore...

Nice phone!

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