Comprehensive List of Fixes
(originally posted elsewhere)
What ultimately worked for me was calibrating the proximity sensor. Mine is a new Android 6" phablet, so I suspected it was a "settings" issue rather than a dust problem. But before I resolved my problem, I read
every forum I could find on the topic. So, I thought it might be helpful to provide a summary of nearly ALL of the "fixes" I ran across, with the hope that one of them will work for you! You might get a chuckle out of some of these, as well. I sure did.
Calibrate the Sensor
Als_ps calibration; (may be worded differently on your phone)
4: Use a finger or other object to
5: Follow the calibration prompts carefully.
(In my case, I simply had to click "Calibrate" followed by "OK".
Clean the Sensor
- "Just pucker your lips and blow the dust off the top edge of the screen. That's it."
- "take an old toothbrush and clean out the earpiece"
- Spray a burst of compressed air into the orifices of your phone.
- Simply wipe away smudges on the outside of the sensor and front-facing camera lens
Uncover the Sensor
Make sure that the sensor isn't obstructed. Did you remove the packing film? If you are using a cover, does it obscure the sensor at all? If so, remove the cover, cut out the appropriate corner, and replace.
Misc. Random and Quirky Ideas (quoted)
aka "The Users and Pushers Fix"
- "For me help came with using front camera, probably adjusts the sensitivity for light. Very bright out, so indoors phone thinks that the sensor is blocked all the time."
- "The camera trick didn't do it for me until I took a video using the front facing camera."
- "apparently if you put pressure between the att logo and the ear speaker on the top of the phone, the screen comes back on" (My phone isn't ATT, and it doesn't have a logo, but, hey, I'm trying to be thorough...)
- "try gently pushing your screen 'in' this cured the issue for me for my old 920 what used to click when i pressed the top"
- "Try pushing hard on the ear speaker(left next to your front camera) "
- "uninstalled Skype, took a photo & video with the front camera and soft-rebooted,"
- " I reboot my phone in a really dark room. After that my phone keeps working for a few days"
- "shining a very bright light into the proximity sensor"
- "I powered off the phone, then covered the proximity sensor (near the front camera and the Nokia logo), and powered it on again in a dark place"
- re "my Lumia 920 on EE in UK, ... I have since installed the 1308 update and this has sorted out the issue"
Most Creative Idea*
Do Not Try This At Home, or
May Be Hazardous To Your Health. Just sayin'.]
"need to open the phone (only two screws ;-) ) .... I just added a peace of sponge (W:4mm/H:5mm/L:15mm) (all weather door and window sealant) -that comes self adheasive from one side- and sticked a small peace on the board on the opposite side of the phonejack/secondary mic connectors ... this will add pressure on the board to be more tight ;-) tried it and working as normal. "
*See entire post
here. There are pictures!
A Summary of the Summary
- If you have a NEW PHONE, it is probably a calibration issue.
- If you have a phone that was working properly before but is no longer being cooperative, it is probably a dirt, dust, or obstruction issue.
Anyone remember the days of rotary dial phones. It was so much simpler...