Screen question


New member
Nov 10, 2011
Some of the reviews I've read comment on the screen resolution saying that it's not high enough for a screen this big. They say that certain elements feel "blown up" and that when some web pages are zoomed in on, the text starts to look jaggy and/or pixelated. Any truth to this? What are your experiences?
Some of the reviews I've read comment on the screen resolution saying that it's not high enough for a screen this big. They say that certain elements feel "blown up" and that when some web pages are zoomed in on, the text starts to look jaggy and/or pixelated. Any truth to this? What are your experiences?

I've played with the Titan quite a bit, and can tell you that the big text on WP7 means that you don't notice the pixel density. Yes, things are large, but it feels nice on the bigger screen. Regarding web pages, when fully zoomed out so you can see the whole page text will probably be hard to read, but when you zoom into a paragraph, text is nice and crisp. Regardless of pixel density, you aren't going to be reading a webpage fully zoomed out. I have an iPhone 4 and although you can read the text, its so unbelievably small you have to zoom in.

I also compared with a Lumia 800, and funnily enough, because of the awful Pentile pixel matrix on the Lumia, things looked more pixelated than they did on the Titan. The only place I saw some pixelation on the Titan was on the little buttons in the pop up menu. And that was only when you looked closely at the screen.
Lack of pixel density is probably something you'll never notice on the Titan. And this is coming from an iPhone Retina Display user. I've never thought a web page looked badly blown up or pixelated. I added some comparison photos with an iPhone 4 and the HTC Titan.
That looks great Muero_ thanks for taking the time to do the comparison piccies. :)

The white looks lovely and white too. :)
Yeah look at that white! It's perfect; nice and bright. That's what I'm talking about when I say I prefer this over super AMOLED+.
Yeah, im actually really glad this isnt an AMOLED display. They just dont look natural to me. I cant wait to see the Titan in person Sunday/Monday.
How did you get a Titan in Ohio?

Thanked 4 times in 1 post with only 3 total posts on the site. That has to be some sort of record. Thanks for the pics. Makes me happy to hear that a retina users does not mind the screen. Wonder why the ads do not show up on the Titan but do on the iPhone?
I posted this a lot already, but... For reference, the htc titan has higher ppi than an iPhone 3gs. Nuff said.

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Yeah, people seem a bit harsh on the Titan's resolution. Its has higher PPI than my tablet, which got glowing reviews for its screen. Granted that was like 6 months ago, but... Resolution is not what makes or breaks a screen. Its just one factor of many.
How did you get a Titan in Ohio?

Wonder why the ads do not show up on the Titan but do on the iPhone?

I bought it from eXpansys, so it's the carrier unlocked UK version. On AT&T, it seems to get HSPA but not HSPA+. It also uses a British accent when using Microsoft Tellme.

I don't know why the ads didn't show up on the Titan. I didn't even notice until you mentioned it.
I bought it from eXpansys, so it's the carrier unlocked UK version. On AT&T, it seems to get HSPA but not HSPA+. It also uses a British accent when using Microsoft Tellme.

I don't know why the ads didn't show up on the Titan. I didn't even notice until you mentioned it.

WPC IE9m bonus? :D

I dunno, either. Don't show up on my Focus S.
Female British accent? I want that if so. Need a dev to make an app that changes the voice on US versions then.

I hope IE9 does not have ads, that would be great. My guess is it just needs an update probably. Funny that the iPhone with its huge resolution still only shows the same amount of text on pages. WHY? Because the screen is so damn small that they have to increase the default zoom to be at all legible and that defeats the purpose of the higher resolution.
Thanks for posting the pics! The Titan's screen looks fantastic. I bought the Samsung Focus S this week but I think I am going to exchange it for the Titan.
Some of the reviews I've read comment on the screen resolution saying that it's not high enough for a screen this big. They say that certain elements feel "blown up" and that when some web pages are zoomed in on, the text starts to look jaggy and/or pixelated. Any truth to this? What are your experiences?
People are confusing the issue here. Notice that when they're complaining about the screen, they always note the rendering of the text in Internet Explorer. Yes, the text for the default font in IE is jagged, but this is because of crappy rendering of the only default font by the browser, not the screen resolution itself. And all other fonts look great. I'm amazed at how professional reviewers aren't distinguishing between these two things. If you look at text, big and small, fine or bold, throughout the rest of the OS, it's all extremely crisp; it's just in Internet Explorer that this is an issue. Microsoft needs to fix this quickly because it's causing quite a few people to put off buying Windows Phones until the physical resolution is higher, when really that's not the issue.

I've had an iPhone 4 since the day it was released and my main reservation about the Titan was the pixel density but I've had it for over a week now and used it ridiculous amounts of time each day and I can tell you that I'm stunned at how beautiful this screen is. It's fantastic, and better than the iPhone 4 in my opinion. The colors are amazing, it's bright, and I'd take this over a blue-tinted AMOLED or a jagged pentile display any day! Not to mention that Windows Phone is the most exciting OS out there right now :P
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Has anyone compared, or just flat out know, do the HTC Rezound and Titan have similar looking screens? (Can you use the same "screen/panel" with different resolutions?) I ask because, my friend just bought the Rezound and the screen is just beautiful! I have yet to see a Titan in person. I am just curious though.

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