Screen Sensitivity


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Jun 19, 2013
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I have noticed that the screen is not very sensitive to input(swipe/tap) commands, at least not compared to my HTC 8x. Is this a problem with my phone and I should exchange it or is it a limitation on this phone?


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Jun 18, 2015
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You should check your touch sensitivity options in settings.
I mostly used Lumia. That's why I say
in Lumia phones there is touch option in settings where we can manage touch sensitivity high or normal


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Nov 29, 2014
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I can confim that the responsiveness of the screen is not as good as e.g. the Lumia 930.
It's not a real problem and I figured it's just one of the differences of a cheaper device.


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Jun 19, 2013
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There is no sensitivity adjustment on 640, only tap to Wake and Nav key adjustment..
I looked at the touch area and there are no options for changing, no settings can be changed to improve performance. Boo.

I can confim that the responsiveness of the screen is not as good as e.g. the Lumia 930.
It's not a real problem and I figured it's just one of the differences of a cheaper device.
That is what I was assuming when I noticed this issue. What can I expect when I buy a $100 phone 0.o. Just needed it to tide me over till the flag-ships arrive.

Is the lack of physical buttons a new thing for Lumia phones? Or just the low to mid-rage phones?

Eric J F

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Feb 12, 2013
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I think it's normal for this phone. We also went from an HTC 8X and I noticed it, too. Both 640s we have have the same slightly lower sensitivity.


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Jun 17, 2015
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Is the lack of physical buttons a new thing for Lumia phones? Or just the low to mid-rage phones?

Assuming you mean the Windows/Cortana/back key... it's a New thing for windows going forward. (Think because it allows for reporting of a larger screen size and screen/body ratio by not having physical space taken up by the buttons).
If you mean the camera key on the side, that's a midrage device $ saver.


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Jun 19, 2013
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I think it's normal for this phone. We also went from an HTC 8X and I noticed it, too. Both 640s we have have the same slightly lower sensitivity.

Glad to hear it isn't just me but sad that a integral part is a place that they would go cheap. I know, I know, it is a cheap phone but it doesn't matter how cheap a phone is if the main way of interacting with it does not work well.

Assuming you mean the Windows/Cortana/back key... it's a New thing for windows going forward. (Think because it allows for reporting of a larger screen size and screen/body ratio by not having physical space taken up by the buttons).
If you mean the camera key on the side, that's a midrage device $ saver.

Yes, I was referring to Windows/Cortana/Back/Camera. The main problem I have with it is that while it does function, it doesn't seem to work well. On many occasions the navigation menu cuts off the content because the content is behind the menu but you cannot scroll down any more to show the cut off content. It feels like the poor implantation of the auto-hide on the start menu in Windows. Granted, I can swipe to close it, just that is annoying.

Plus, when I open the notification menu the navigation menu disappears and I cannot just hit the back button to close it, I now have to swipe it up on that small bar to close it.


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Nov 6, 2014
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Hi do you also encounter micro stuttering when swiping with your finger continuously on screen? Or in other way do you see any difference in swiping slowly with your finger on screen or just flicking it away and lift your finger up? Its most noticeable when swiping slowly from start screen to list of apps with finger on screen all the way, or if you start swiping with finger on screen and than lift it and let phone finish scrolling by itself. I cant still figured out if its common behaviour for all Lumia phones or just cheaper ones or those without puremotion 60hz or is it some kind of issue that can be fixed


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Nov 6, 2014
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I've found interesting thing, not sure if it proves anything but at least it could be a potential reason for this scroll jitter. I've looked at how WP work with touch and find out that they actually differentiate scrolling by dragging finger across the screen which they call simply DRAG, and just flicking the screen to scroll which they specify as FLICK. That's a fact so there is actual difference between dragging and flicking which some of us see. Now remember that this micro stutter looks like a content of the screen that is being scrolled sort of jumps number of times. Well Microsoft specify that when people start moving finger across the screen manipulation event called ManipulationStart occurs and than during drag ManipulationDelta event occurs number of times until movement stops, to notify system where exactly users finger is. Did you see this certain similarity there? System deals with touch by firing delta event multiple times like screen jumps multiple times, but when we just flick the screen and lift our finger from screen no delta event occurs as same as there is no jumping of content that has been scrolled. I know it could be nothing and I really don't understand how WP work and how rich works but it sounds pretty concurrent to me. Also if that's how it is, it would mean that this phenomenon is actually how system itself works and thus all windows phone devices as well. And that would mean that some of us are seeing things or others doesn't see this thing that is clearly there :D. Otherwise power of placebo effect ;). What do you thing could this be proof that this scrolling jitter affects all Lumia phones and possible source of this "issue"?


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Jul 20, 2015
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I haven't noticed that kind of unresponsiveness, what more I find it very responsive since I upgraded from Asha 300's resesitive touch screen. And one more thing, I find this capacitive buttons very convince.


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Apr 16, 2014
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The function to change the touch sensitivity on the 640XL does NOT exist like it does on other Lumia Windows phones. Why did MS remove that feature on the 640XL?

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