Screen wobbling is a REAL issue!


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Jul 29, 2013
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My SB screen definitely wobbles when I'm using the touchscreen with the clipboard docked to the base. It is only really an issue when I'm playing touch-intense games that require a lot of quick tapping (e.g. taptiles by Microsoft). The wobble is enough that I actually will place one hand behind the screen to stop it from bouncing around while I tap. Annoying, but to be expected with this hinge design. I'm not terribly bothered by this because the screen doesn't wobble when I type or anything.

But, I wouldn't declare that the screen wobble isn't an issue at all -- I can definitely see how people would be very bothered by even just the slight movement of the screen (my screen can and sometimes does bounce if someone say, accidentally kicks the table I have my SB sitting on while using it). I have found myself with an interesting new habit because of this -- I will often place one hand on the side/back of the screen just to keep it steady when I'm reading something. This is a habit I never had with my Surface Pro 3.


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Oct 4, 2015
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If Surface Book didn't have the instability issues and sleep/wake issues, Wobble-Gate would be irrelevant. Come on MS, fix your damn product!

Vic da G

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Jan 3, 2016
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If Surface Book didn't have the instability issues and sleep/wake issues, Wobble-Gate would be irrelevant. Come on MS, fix your damn product!

Screen wobble is a non issue. I never noticed it. Maybe I don't touch the screen hard enough. NON ISSUE. more importantly, I have all the latest drivers, firmware, and updates, and this SB is still freezing. THATS what needs to be fixed. While typing this 5 minutes ago I disconnected the screen and as soon as I pulled it off there a loud ongoing Buzzzzzzing sound coming from the speakers and the PC Graphics becomes frozen. All the SB could do was disconnect and reconnect screen. I had to force shut down. Now that's a relevant issue.


Jan 3, 2013
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There is a wobble, when compared to actual laptops. But the wobble doesn't really reduce productivity or anything.
No there isn't. The screen is certainly more stable than the Dell M3800 I had before it (the only other touchscreen laptop I've owned) and feels more solid than other laptops. The most you could say is that there is some give in the screen position when you press but it returns instantly, and without wobble, to the original position when you remove your finger or pen.
I don't have a Macbook air, but my 13" macbook pro has no wobble AT ALL.
Then it is the same as my Surface Book, except for the fact it has neither a touchscreen nor detachable clipboard, of course.
The Surfacebook is a really nice device, but as always Microsoft engineers make slight design mistakes, that honestly I don't understand how they happen. In its normal position, its fine. But if you are want to use it in (tent mode setup) like a surface pro, and you flipped the screen and kept it straight up, then using the screen will be in the direction of rotation, meaning if you touch it, it will try to close. That's of course not a good design.
This is ridiculous. The hinge is equally stiff in either direction so it is no more likely to try and close than it is to try and open out further. i.e. The screen always stays exactly where you place it.
That's not true. I did a test with my Macbook Air and it had minimal wobble while typing. Especially it's an issue since they made it a touch-screen and want you to TOUCH it, it will wobble like crazy if you do that on a SB.
No it won't. Not even a little bit. You are making assumptions about something you have never used. If any laptop of mine had even the tiniest screen wobble while typing, like your Air, I would be ditching it for something better.

Anyway, I live on a yacht and when it is windy the whole boat vibrates like crazy. In the past this has caused terrible screen wobble on monitors and older laptops I've had but the Surface Book exhibits zero screen wobble, even when the wind is gusting over 30mph. It is absolutely rock-solid. I have a lot of other problems with mine but screen wobble is a complete non-issue.


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Dec 8, 2015
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Screen wobble is a non issue. I never noticed it.

lol just because you do not notice the screen wobble, does not mean the issue isn't there. There are a lot of issues with this laptop that do not directly affect me. But they are issues none the less.

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