Screwed by the Store Again!


New member
Aug 20, 2013
It wasn't bad enough that Groove Music won't let me download music I purchased a couple of years ago (goodbye, John Coltrane and a other artists) but, today, I found out that if I want to download the excellent soundtrack to the equally excellent Cuphead game, I need to purchase the game first on Steam. I made the bad decision to purchase the game in the Windows Store and, while the store lists the soundtrack, it is not available for sale.

To recap: if I bought Cuphead on Steam, I could have gotten the soundtrack for an additional $10. Since I bought the game in the Windows Store, I cannot download the soundtrack there, and will have to fork over $30 to secure the soundtrack (I'll have an additional license for the game, but it'll be tied to my account).

Thank you, Microsoft, for teaching me not to trust you. I'll make sure for now on I check Steam first before I consider a software purchase...
In the meantime, you can always get the soundtrack from YouTube. It is bad though that the Store version does not match Steam in terms of the additional items you get with your purchase.

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