Season Of Hell For Windows Phone


Active member
Feb 18, 2011
WP users want cheap prices... No let me digress they demand everything for free and complain needlessly when it isn't. Heck they complain needlessly about beta versions that aren't completely finished and bad mouth developers... I have seen this on this forum first hand...

This is, no question 100% Microsoft's fault and I think they F'ed it up here. By Whoring out cheap phones (yea, you can buy a Windows Phone 8.1 device for $39.99 or less from some carriers) they attracted the "cheaper" client. Who expects everything for free.

You don't see a iPhone for $39.99 unless it's a iPhone 3, a modern iPhone 6 is $200 on contract, the Windows Phone $39.99 device is No contract. If you want a brand new model, your only option is cheap phones, there is no NEW high end models. It's the Market MS was going after.

By MS whoring out these phones at a low cost to gain market share(where they are still losing on anyway), they just got the clients that they don't really want. A client who is not going to buy apps even if they are $.50 each no matter how good they are.

I know MS is trying to get that share but, I think that is the worst thing they could of done for the platform.

I don't mind paying for a good app or game (depending on price of course) but, the quality of apps are not there compared to iOS or Android

I kind of forced my wife to get a 928 last year, she had a failing iPhone 4, she learned it and downloaded all the apps she could and that she needs.

No local apps (local news that gives weather and local news), no specialty apps (not huge websites), and the over all quality of apps. She showed me 25 apps on her iPhone 4 and showed me the same apps on WP. After the 5th app, it was such a big difference, I told her to return the 928. I paid to get her an iPhone 5...

She liked WP, she said that many times but, the Apps killed it for her and I can see why, with WP sitting at about 2.7% share, the high QUALITY apps are not going to come. Once we are over 10%, they will flood in but, will we ever get there, that is the question.

Ali Collins

New member
Feb 27, 2015
The high quality apps will come in time, they just may not be immediately familiar. New things can be awesome as well. I'd like to think Windows Phone is on the up and up, it's a great piece of hardware and the number of good quality apps is rising.


Nov 29, 2012
It sure feels like the "season of hell" for this user, despite the frigid temps and seemingly endless winter.

I'm honestly at the point where I might just stop reading tech news; delete Twitter; delete the Windows Central app; drop my all of my TWiT podcasts.

The constant drumbeat of negativity, and daily news stories about anti-Microsoft behavior is starting to raise my blood pressure. And almost every day it's something new to aggravate the situation.

Just this week we've had the following:
  • Google buys Softcard IP. Softcard kills WP app
  • Pebble spurns *free* WP app and support (and D Rubino suggests Dunkin Donuts may have also rejected WP app from MS)
  • Google says they will back Apple and not support Touch Events standard
  • Tech press falls over themselves to praise Moto E, ignoring/forgetting that Lumia 535 brought basically same specs, value and build quality to market several months ago (yes, I know there is a Moto E variant with 4G/LTE)
  • Today's false report about Waze update reminds us all that Waze will NEVER be updated for WP

And earlier this month we had Bank of America and Chase pull their apps within days of each other.

Seriously, this stuff just infuriates me. Microsoft is bending over backwards to please developers, OEM partners, consumers on other platforms and the tech press; and they just continually get beat up for it. It shouldn't bother me at all. It's a stupid phone, or a computer- but it does. And I just don't want to deal with it anymore.
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New member
Dec 31, 2012
It's easy to focus on the negative. But this year there is positive to. More OEMs. Windows 10 which is a major upgrade. More games and other app wins. Major banks etc. in places like UK and India, new flagship coming. Growth in several markets.

Sure, you still can't get Snapchat, but this was never going to be an easy game - coming into a market with 2 established platforms.

As I say, the wins outweigh the losses. It's human nature to focus on the negative news but that won't help anything.

Think of talking about a phone to a friend. One conversation talks about negative, one positive. Which helps?

Michael Alan Goff

New member
Jan 15, 2012
It sure feels like the "season of hell" for this user, despite the frigid temps and seemingly endless winter.

I'm honestly at the point where I might just stop reading tech news; delete Twitter; delete the Windows Central app; drop my all of my TWiT podcasts.

The constant drumbeat of negativity, and daily news stories about anti-Microsoft behavior is starting to raise my blood pressure. And almost every day it's something new to aggravate the situation.

Just this week we've had the following:
  • Google buys Softcard IP. Softcard kills WP app
  • Pebble spurns *free* WP app and support (and D Rubino suggests Dunkin Donuts may have also rejected WP app from MS)
  • Google says they will back Apple and not support Touch Events standard
  • Tech press falls over themselves to praise Moto E, ignoring/forgetting that Lumia 535 brought basically same specs, value and build quality to market several months ago (yes, I know there is a Moto E variant with 4G/LTE)
  • Today's false report about Waze update reminds us all that Waze will NEVER be updated for WP

And earlier this month we had Bank of America and Chase pull their apps within days of each other.

Seriously, this stuff just infuriates me. Microsoft is bending over backwards to please developers, OEM partners, consumers on other platforms and the tech press; and they just continually get beat up for it. It shouldn't bother me at all. It's a stupid phone, or a computer- but it does. And I just don't want to deal with it anymore.

​Softcard killed ALL apps of theirs. :|


New member
Oct 2, 2013
I've spent a lot of time and effort with WindowsPhone 8.0 and 8.1. I have also spent a lot of time and effort with Androd (from 2.3 to 4.4), with iPhone up to 8.4 and with my BlackBerry 9900 OS 7. Sorry, I don't do BB10 - maybe some day. I like BIS for my company business.

I converted to Windows 8.0 and 8.1 for a full year. It's by far my favorite GUI on any phone anywhere. If it had a few more apps that I personally need (like Banking), I'd carry it as my 2nd phone. I had to drop it (lack of Banking and a few other key apps) and now carry an Adroid 4.4 as my 2nd phone. I must admit, Android has come a long way in their GUI, Apps and Widgets. It's a very robust platform. iOS is there because it works for so many. Personally, I'm not a fan of the big button, with hunting on screen for back and menu buttons. I prefer Android's back and Menu and the fact that you don't have to plaster all of your apps on screens. Sure, you can put them in folders on iOS, but that's it. Android lets you keep them hidden totally in an App menu, and put icons or widgets on screen when you see fit. Better for the GUI from my point of view. But iOS apps are a bit more beautiful and elegant on many apps. They still have the app edge IMO. Windows has a lot of catching up to do.

I am a creature of functionality and efficiency and convenience. Many of us are. iOS and Android do a lot of things conveniently for you. As does the old BIS BlackBerry Platform. No you say? BlackBerry is at the very bottom of productivity? Hmm. Well, BlackBerry Travel can run circles around TripIt or WorldMate for travel AUTOMATICALLY plugging in to your calendar with reminders for business travel. NO user interaction required, EVERY SINGLE TIME. Nobex Contacts is the best auto contact capture I have ever used on any platform. Invitations from colleagues to attend meetings or WebEx or GOTOMEETING similar online meetings are easily accepted and responded to automatically, and email... well, email is what BlackBerry was DESIGNED to do.

So we have come full circle to Windows. It's by far the most elegant GUI that I have ever used. I love the live tiles. I like most of the apps that ARE available, but there are some that are sorely lacking in functionality. Then there are inherent flaws in the OS for certain things that I have desperately tried to bring to MS attention both online and in their stores. Among the most severe of these FOR ME, is the invitation acceptance flaw for things like GOTOMEETING invitations. You get invitations, you accept them, and voila! Once you accept, rather than the OS populating your calendar with the details of the meeting, it simply sends the acceptance, AND FULLY DELETES the original invitation, and only puts "GOTOMEETING XXX Time XXX Date" in your calendar. How nice. With WHOM? About WHAT? What is the dial in number? What is the web address? Oh, wait, it's all been deleted by the WindowsPhone OS when you accepted the invitation, and you didn't write it down. Why would you write it down? Whether or not you have installed the GoToMeeting App, the acceptance is independent and is a calendar function with or without an ICS importer. It SHOULD populate all the details in your calendar, right? Wrong. So you can just call and find out the details from the meeting organizer if you remember whom that was. Sure, you are the only one calling, because you are the only one using WindowsPhone, and you look like a disorganized goofball, but that's life, right? Major flaw in the OS. Major. Windows needs to FIX THIS.

Still, through all this, I like WindowsPhone. I'm glad it's here to stay, because I believe some day, I'll bury the Berry for Business (I have to retire sometime, yes?) and ax the Android, and be left with WindowsPhone. Sorry iOS. You are just not my cup of tea. WindowsPhone, you are beautiful. Seriously. Just fix some issues and do what you can to get developers back. You can't loose banking apps like Chase and expect users to be OK with it. Some of us need to have remote check deposit. Some of us need to actually accept meeting invitations and have the data saved in our calendars. Some of us need XYZ app, just because we need it.

Hopefully, all these issues will be resolved in a year or two. I hope so.

Finally, CORTANA. Personally, I think it's the best personal assistant out there. It needs to be broken out from the phone because it's that important. I've used Siri extensively. I've used Google Now (voice) extensively. Cortana has the edge. Her location based reminders are superior. Her personality is superior. Her voice recognition is superior. Her power over the phone is superior. In some areas, she is about equal to the others, but in most cases, she is better. Her music recognition is outstanding. The integration into calendar is wonderful, and it's a better all around experience using Cortana. Then, there is her singing and joke telling. OK, that's a crazy playful thing and has nothing to do with productivity, but it does make the phone a little more "fun" as I have heard some people say. I tend to agree.
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Great deal

New member
Nov 13, 2012
Windows train is coming, its big, its full of opportunity. I wont forget some of the players who dropped support though - they will be coming back with their tails between their legs soon. It just shows their lack of vision. Bring on W10 and the future!


New member
Oct 2, 2013
Windows train is coming, its big, its full of opportunity. I wont forget some of the players who dropped support though - they will be coming back with their tails between their legs soon. It just shows their lack of vision. Bring on W10 and the future!

I sure hope you are correct.


New member
Jul 3, 2015
I think that for all the negativity, there's positivity. Of all the apps pulled lately I am glad to say I don't use any of them, nor can I imagine them being missed by all that many users.

In a way W10 IS a reboot because it stirs the pot up far more than previous versions have done. Let's face it, Ballmer was a buffoon. Now he's gone it feels like things are actually starting to move.

The loss of the bank apps is real. Chase and BOA are huge! It is fast becoming necessary to have a smart phone for deposits. That recently became true of even my local bank - and they don't have a WP version of the app.

Without support from the banking community, WP will take a hit.


Great deal

New member
Nov 13, 2012
One app will mean access to Xbox users, WP users, PC/Tablet users, Hololens, IoT? Continuum? The amount of effort required to reach (potentially) a massive base of users is minimal, create once spread everywhere, that's MS strategy, make it easy and too good to ignore.


New member
Jul 14, 2015
Hey there trying you dont know how hard satya is trying you try being the ceo of microsoft and see how it feels

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


New member
May 5, 2015
Windows train is coming, its big, its full of opportunity. I wont forget some of the players who dropped support though - they will be coming back with their tails between their legs soon. It just shows their lack of vision. Bring on W10 and the future!
Where have I heard that before, it sounds familiar? I think it was wp7. And wp8. And wp8.1. You'll forgive me if I think it's more prudent as a consumer to continue using Android and Apple phones until such claims actually become reality.

MS and Blackberry have continued to make these promises for years now without delivering. How irresponsible and unwise of a purchaser to allow myself to repeatedly believe them would I be? Quite.


Active member
Nov 10, 2013
So I had to phone screen a candidate today while I was offsite. I forwarded my work email to my personal email account on my Lumia 830 running Win10TP. The meeting got scheduled correctly on the calendar and since the phone number was in the subject I had the number to call the candidate but the attachment in the original email which was forwarded (the resume of the candidate in MS Word) never showed up....what the heck? How am I supposed to now interview the candidate? Luckily I had my tablet with me and that had the attachment and I was able to interview the candidate just fine. So I can agree with what BBerryPowerUser is describing.

Also I use GoTo Meeting quite a bit and need the information to make calls routinely. I always do that on my Nexus 7 tablet though...

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