Sees Wifi, enters correct password but can't connect

Some routers don't allow connecting to them with passwords from L920 (sounds impossible but it is true). A friend of mine has a TP Link 740N I think, and he gave me the pass and everything and I couldn't connect. Then I asked him to remove the password and voila - the phone was connected. Then we set another pass, and the connection was refused again. On the other hand, I have TP Link WR340G, with MAC filtering enabled, and a password, and the phone didn't have any trouble from day 1. U should reset ur router and start everything from scrap.
Third party. I'm on ATT tech support right now because my parents didn't want me to factory reset it. (I'm 16) but they ain't helping much.. We'll see how this goes

If you know how to set it up, just reset it.

if you don't, do it anyway..we'll help you.

But don't tell your parents I said so :P
ATT said we should exchange it, so we're gonna try that today. And if that doesn't work then I have permission to reset the router! And yeah I know how to set it up but if I have a problem I'll be sure to ask for help!
Ha we went to exchange it and then they said that it was fine and wouldn't exchange it so I'm gonna reset the router soon and go from there! Thanks for the help so far guys!
Okay. Both the router and phone have been factory reset. Phone still says password incorrect even when I'm 100% sure it's right. I'll talk to ATT UVerse tech support and see if they can help because I'm at a loss.
Every other device connects fine to router. The phone connects to other routers fine.
Any and all suggestions welcome!!:)
Something to try, How about adding the phone MAC address to Router itself does it work that way ?
Disable wireless security on your router and try to connect to unsecured wifi. If that works, just change the security to WPA/WPA2 or whatever what will work with your phone. There could be some slight incompatibility/bugs/whatever, I see this almost on a daily basis at my customers. You can also try to flash your router with a new firmware if available.
Disable wireless security on your router and try to connect to unsecured wifi. If that works, just change the security to WPA/WPA2 or whatever what will work with your phone. There could be some slight incompatibility/bugs/whatever, I see this almost on a daily basis at my customers. You can also try to flash your router with a new firmware if available.

Okay Thanks I'll try that and see what happens!
I created an open network and it worked fine on the L900 but still not on 920. Except this time instead of saying password incorrect it said connection unsuccessful. Your phone couldn't connect to the network because there was no response from the network.
Why do you have 2 ssids? :/

What model is your router

Or are you using a router and a range extender / access point?

I think that the device might be faulty.. or maybe try changing the Wi Fi channels or bands?

Also does your router have push n connect (WPS)?
Or are you using a router and a range extender / access point?

I think that the device might be faulty.. or maybe try changing the Wi Fi channels or bands?

Also does your router have push n connect (WPS)?
No extender, just router.
Idk because it works everywhere else so I don't see how it could be the device.
Yes but it's disabled. Should I enable it?
Try turning the firewall on the router off.

I would also recommendWPA2-Personal. TKIP +AES

You don't need two SSID's. Idon't even know HOW you can set up to. Just have one. As recommended try adifferent channel

Have the bands set to b/g/n as well
I tried what both of ya'll suggested. And it still wouldn't connect. But then a couple of hours later we entered the password and it connected but internet still wouldn't work. It showed it was connected but when we tried to search something it said no internet connection.

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