Seidio Case Give Away

looking at all the one post poster, I would say this little contest is working for you. I think each commenter in this post should be entered into the give box once for each post they have that is not in this thread.
I like slipcases, rather than actual fitted cases that you keep on. I had one for my G1 android that would have fit my WP7 but lost it one drunken night and never got around to getting a new one :(

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I honestly think an extended battery with a stretchy silicone case would be great! I have an extended for my HD7, but now because of the extra size, no case will fit, which leaves my phone exposed. The extra battery life is great, but having a combo of the extra battery power and a nice cover to protect the phone would be ideal!
I'd like to see a docking station to use with Zune and maybe also a case with detachable kickstand/belt-clip for viewing movies
I'd really like to see a tripod mounting system for various Windows Phone 7 devices.

I can see an X-shaped adjustable bracket with a tripod screw hole at the bottom. The bracket could be adjusted to fit various phone models wheather they are in a carrying case or not, and the X-Shape of the bracket is designed so it does not occlude the lens. Alternatively, existing cases could be modified to include a tripod mount.

Either way, this would be fantastic.
I'd like to see a hardcase that has a cover for the screen that you can flip open when using it. That way I don't have to worry about smashing my screen, but can just flip the cover out of the way when needed. And this is probably far off, but if they could incorporate a keyboard into that cover (and have it fold landscape direction like my old enV II) that accesses the phone through the USB port, THAT would be awesome. I'm getting used to the touch screen on my Focus, but miss the hard keys at times. I probably shoulda got the Quantum like my wife did, but I got greedy on screen size, lol.

I'll have to say that I'd like to see different colored back plates for the Focus. The least appealing part is the back itself. It's very easy to remove and replace, but I've never seen any back plates in the market.

I agree with other posters that a charging cradle would be great. This one thing I miss most about previous phones I've had is a charging cradle that also charges a 2nd battery. This was not only a convenient way to charge the phone, but having a fully charged backup battery saved me may times.
The location of the USB port on top of the phone does mean that this would be inconvenient, but it would be worth even having to plug in an extra cable.
Docking station, speaker set in a slimline but, with good bass case. A nice looking office/bedroom charger for the HTC Trophy.

What would of been nice if MS actually made all WP7 models have the connectors in the same place on each of the phones, then all that speaker docs and alarmclock things could be made for WP7 like the iphone.

I plan on getting the HTC Trophy when Verizon wireless releases it, I would love a good case to protect it.
WPCentral and Seidio would like to congratulate our five lucky winners in the Seidio Surface Case Giveaway. We had over fifty comments in the forums discussion on what accessories you would like to see come to Windows Phone 7 and randomly drew five names from those entries.

The winners are: ctt1wbw, anglirich, PTK8ofBH, mvierling, and hawkstone.

They will have won thier choice (from what's available) of the Innocase Surface Combo Case from Seidio. Confirmation emails will be sent out shortly to our lucky winners. WPCentral would again like to thank Seidio for sponsoring this give away.

We'll keep this post active so if you have any suggestions or thoughts on Windows Phone Accessories, feel free to chime in.
Nobody knows this but Infinit had a case for the Focus that came with the new M56. That's the case I chose! Sweet!

Thanks guys, I never win anything!
So I see the case I picked out has a "now shipping" status update for that particular product... Not to be picky or anything, but has anyone heard of a shipping status to them yet?
I sent an email to our Seidio contact this afternoon and received an Out of Office reply. I copied the alternate contact listed on the reply and hopefully I'll hear something soon. Once I do, I will let you guys know.
Anybody get their swag yet? I got mine yesterday. Fits like a glove, very nice. I'll try to get some pics and put up a little review for it on my blogs hopefully today.

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