Selling My iPhone 4 - Help Me Transisition to Samsung Focus


New member
Jul 25, 2011
I've been following Windows Phone 7 since it's inception and now hoping to try it out. I understand that all Mango phones are coming in Fall/Winter so I thought I try it out now and sell my iPhone 4 before the reboot. I'm just looking to buy Samsung Focus to hold me over to see what happens with iPhone 5 and new WP7 devices.

So I'm hoping to get some information how to make the transition as smoothly as possible. Here are my list of questions from order of importance:

-How would I go about buying the device? I understand there several different versions? Should I stick to ebay for security or craiglist is just reliable?

-How would I go about transferring my contacts, sms(is this possible)?

-How would I go about transferring my iTunes playlist(is this possible)?

-How would I go about buying a 32 SD card that is 100 percent reliable(I know there has been several threads)?

-How would I go about having the latest Mango beta(are certain hardware versions not compatible)?

That's pretty much my main concern. I tend to use this phone to hold me over to see what happens in the Fall/Winter. I use my phone primarily to check emails, listen to music(while at the gym - I spend an average 15 hours a week), and take pictures. Those are probably the most important.

I really need to have the extra space for my music and podcast. So having at least 32 GB or more is crucial. For me this is an upgrade since I loved my Zune.

Also not sure what the dip in quality is in terms of camera, but I can live with this. My iPhone 4 pretty much replaced my point and shoot camera. Also love the fact it takes pictures fast. Again, really hoping to be impressed by the Nokia WP7, since from what I hear their cameras are high quality.

Finally are their any other things I need to know that I might need to know before purchasing, transferring my data, and finally using the Samsung Focus?
-How would I go about buying the device? I understand there several different versions? Should I stick to ebay for security or craiglist is just reliable?
ebay but buy from someone with good feedback, craigslist is not reliable at all..

-How would I go about transferring my contacts, sms(is this possible)?
creat a windows live id, which you will need anyway, and import them that way

-How would I go about transferring my iTunes playlist(is this possible)?
download zune, it will automatically pick up all you mp3's, however if they are in aa4 format, you will need to convert them which is pretty easy, ask if you need help

-How would I go about buying a 32 SD card that is 100 percent reliable(I know there has been several threads)? amazon, it is cheap and reliable, just search for 32 gb sd card samsung focus

-How would I go about having the latest Mango beta(are certain hardware versions not compatible)? having never used a windows phone, wait for the real thing, it is right around the corner and beta doesnt give you all the features of the rtm release... i am still on nodo

***also, seriously consider the hd7, it is my favorite wp7, and trust me when i say HTC WILL ALWAYS GET UPDATES BEFORE SAMSUNG, i speak from experience. heck they already have custom ROMs for the htc's over in xda... the focus is very nice if you want a brilliant display, but beyond that it is too lightweight and feels cheap, too much plastic. plus samsung will piss you off when it comes to updates. good luck!!!
hey , welcome to Wp7! (or soon to be)

1.- well the best way is to go to a actual store and get one from them , but i rather Greggs list or KIJIJI over e-bay ( because you normally get people near you , and you can meet them in person to exchange cash for phone )

2. for your contacts , ether import them all into your E-mail account ( hotmail ,live ect.. ) you can also save them to you SIM card in your Iphone , then when you put SIM in the WP in the people hub you can IMPOIRT from SIM.

3. you can Xfer all your Itunes music to ZUNE or your phone No problem , as long as the music is NOT protected.

4. for the SD card i would just look at a thread of some one claiming it works and go with it . but it think if you go to the MS website they have a list of Working SD cards

5. for the Mango BETA i would almost wait , but you can ru run a easy search only ( how to get mango beta ) and your gona get like 20 results . its very easy to do , just make sure you BACKUP your phone cause your gona need to go back to NODO before you can update to the FULL mango

your gona be able to stream your music’s over the CLOUD using your 3g Network with mango to help if u need more room.

the Camera on the FOCUS is pretty amazing im enjoying it . id like to say its as good if not better then the Iphone 4.

over all i LOOOVE my Focus!!

***also, seriously consider the hd7, it is my favorite wp7, and trust me when i say HTC WILL ALWAYS GET UPDATES BEFORE SAMSUNG, i speak from experience. heck they already have custom ROMs for the htc's over in xda... the focus is very nice if you want a brilliant display, but beyond that it is too lightweight and feels cheap, too much plastic. plus samsung will piss you off when it comes to updates. good luck!!!

i dunno about getting update before the SAMSUNG considering MS release updates NOT HTC , and the last update just had a problem with the NEW Samsung Hardware. so that statement is not 100% accurate. And that update problem should no longer happen.

Custom ROMS are for OLD WM phones and Android and have nothing to do with WP7.

Focus might feel cheap and light weight ( witch i rather have a light weight phone to be honest. doesn’t feel like i have a brick in my pants) . and the AMOLED screen is ALOT more Durable ( witch is the important part of durability ) but the HTC has metal frame so its good if you plan on JUMPING ony our phone or letting your kids throw it around , HAHA ;)
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really, craigslist over ebay? im not agreeing on that. yea you can meet people, but whos to say they are honest people? you can only do so much testing before you part ways, then you get home and realize market doesnt work because of a software bug from trying to install mango beta... or there is water damage but the sticker was removed... or they are a serial killer. at least on ebay you are protected as a buyer, and you can look at sellers feedback. if something is broke it can be returned... try returning a craigslist hahaha, ring ring ring ring ring ring ....dial tone..............

and actually the roms are for the htc surround and htc hd7, i will provide a link. and although the updates come from microsoft, they are released to the manufactures, who then test them on their devices and release them to the carriers... so yes samsung will be last, they always are... just wait and watch

link for the roms
well to be honest i would never use Gregs list OR ebay lol i dont trust online things like that.

as for the Update , i got the NODO at the same time as my buds HTC hd7 . ( i have the first Version fo the FOCUS(1.3) , so i dint have the HARDWARE problems updating like the FOCUS on 1.4 )

as for the Custom ROMS i missed that News report ( was out of town in the woods :P lol ) my bad ;)
The Focus/Omnia are recognised as the best WP7 available. Use ebay, sellers with very high ratings, read the latest feedback esp sales of the Focus or other phones. Research a bit but get the Focus over any HTC, the screen, camera are miles ahead and these 2 things will never be fixed with any amount of custom roms which at the moment have little value.

Samsung also frequently releases firmware updates, one in particular disabled the capacitive buttons when playing games, which no other OEM has done so far so it shows how Samsung is doing their bit to improve the user experience with their WP7 devices. Update issues were due to hardware component changes, nothing to do with their quality and Samsung phones along with other WP7 devices on att will get Mango about the same time. Get it, sit back and enjoy for a few months and see what other options open up for you.
Samsung had problems with the pre NoDo update and the NoDo update. Which was before the 1.4 problem.
Samsung also frequently releases firmware updates, one in particular disabled the capacitive buttons when playing games, which no other OEM has done so far so it shows how Samsung is doing their bit to improve the user experience with their WP7 devices. Update issues were due to hardware component changes, nothing to do with their quality and Samsung phones along with other WP7 devices on att will get Mango about the same time. Get it, sit back and enjoy for a few months and see what other options open up for you.
Samsung had problems with the pre NoDo update and the NoDo update. Which was before the 1.4 problem.

i never had a problem ,maybe it depends on your OEM? ir emember the second isa w a post on WPCENTRAL saying an update was available ( pre nodo and NODO ) i got it RIGHT AWAY!! i remember checking my phoen and their it was...

maybe it was a couple hours later?? lol ether way i never had a problem upgrading mine.

and like we posted befor all the problem SHOULD be fixed so it shouldnt cause problem any more ( for does of you who had problems )
You may have seen that it was Finally available, but that was after it was pulled for not updating properly. My pre Nodo upgrade and my NoDo upgrade went well. But that was after the delay.
Can someone post a link to which way is best to migrate my contacts? I google and found many different methods.
I recommend to add all your contacts with phone number to your email account's contact list (Gmail or Hotmail / Live). When adding your email account on your phone, you get the choice to import all your email contacts, and voila, you got it all on your phone now too. Big plus is, that you always have your contacts safe on the web, managing them is much easier on a pc and importing them to other smartphones is a no-brainer, no need to worry about backups.
Can someone post a link to which way is best to migrate my contacts? I google and found many different methods.

My last phone was a droid, so I put my contacts in gmail. I'm on verizon so I saved my contacts to backup assistant then exported them to gmail as a cvs file. I can't remember the details but I recommend putting contacts in gmail because all platforms support gmail.
Best method is to just sync your contact with your Google account and then no matter which phone you get in the future, it will most likely support Google contact import. I've gone from iPhones, to Android, and to WP7 and all of them support Google contacts, so it takes 2 seconds to sync my contacts and keep them up to date.
the BEst way is to save your contacts to your SIM CARD , then simply import from sim , that will follow you every where. to any phone , No matter what the phone ( smarphone reg phone , anything )

this way you dont need to manually Import them to your e-mails ,
the BEst way is to save your contacts to your SIM CARD , then simply import from sim , that will follow you every where. to any phone , No matter what the phone ( smarphone reg phone , anything )

this way you dont need to manually Import them to your e-mails ,

I'd still say syncing with Google Account is the best. Then you never have to worry about backing them up or importing them. Or what if you lose your SIM card. (Plus I'm on Verizon and don't have SIM cards)

Plus, if you make a change to a contact or add a new one, it's instantly changed on the Google contacts site and will change between all your devices connected to your Google account.

Plus being able to manage and edit them on a website in bulk is very helpful sometimes.
the BEst way is to save your contacts to your SIM CARD

This might be a good solution for his intention to import contacts to his next phone, but that's where it ends. He can easily click on >import SIM contacts< to have them automatically saved in his email account, but there is no option to create new contacts on the SIM card. Other than that, there is also the risk that you lose your SIM card, and all your contacts would be gone. SIM contacts are a very last century method.

Oh and I don't know how extensive SIM contacts are, but I doubt they support profile pictures, multiple phone numbers, emails, addresses, titles and what not.
Hi guys , Im new here (kinda , since I read\check always the Central , but this is my first post in the forms)

If you happened to have an Xbox live account or a live gamer tag (Im sorry im not sure about the exact name) , use it to Log in\Sign in the first time you start a windows phone 7 device , that way you get to keep your Microsoft points , achievements , Xbox extras , ...etc & get the maxim function of the Xbox feature in WP7
Then you can add any Email accounts you want

There is more informations in Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 blog if you have both Xbox account & Zune account

I would've posted the link , but I reed it about month ago & forgot to bookmark it

I thought I should mention this

Sorry to jack up the thread , but
Im also considering jumping to Windows Phone 7 (from Android)
currently I've a Motorola MILESTONE (aka DROID) & looking forward to upgrade (by the end of the month) & my choices are limited to
- Motorola Atrix
- HTC Trophy (GSM variant)

I've been following the Windows Phone 7 since it launched last year (& I got a chance to play with it couple of times lately -HD7 & Trophy-) I really like it & I'm more than tempted to switch to it , but I got some concerns & I need to be sure before I decide (WP7s are rare & expensive in Saudi Arabia , plus I had a really bad experience with WinMo back in the day)

My questions are :

- with the upcoming Mango (& Tango & WP8 after it) , can the current devices handle the upcoming updates , or they gonna be dropped from the Supported devices list (like the HD2 , which the HD7 is an updated version of) due to Hardware restrictions ?
I see it happens in Android all the time

- Can I transfer my iTunes music (DRM free) to zune without losing the "IDtags" (Title , Artist , album , track number , disk number , year , lyrics ...etc) & still get the background pictures in the Zune music app in the phone ?

- Can I Play my mp4 music videos (160 of them , which I already converted to make em work on my iPod Touch) without reconverting them ... again ?

- With the upcoming Ringtones feature in Mango , can I use any file (mp3) or like the iPhone they have to be converted (M4r) to work & they have to be under 30 seconds long ?
I don't wanna hear my phone rings "Sexy back" or "Banana phone" , but still , its a nice thing to have (Like Android & Symbian)

- Which one do you recommend (Trophy , HD7 or Atrix-android- )?

Thanks , much appreciated ...
icedree: i would not recomend the atrix. i just got rid of mine. the new update makes it a lot more reliable, but i still dropped more calls on that than any other phone (ip4, bb 9700, inspire, and i went thru 4 atrix's). they seem to me to very unreliable. could just be android, but i doubt that.
Out of the options you put out, I would get the Trophy or the HD7, certainly not the Atrix.

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