Seriously WTF? WP8 Sync with Mac 10.6

Dinbbka i need help to run through, , almost there , but still cant download windows mobile app to change that like ibooks. Do i download it with a pc for a mac is that what is required. Help would be much appreciated.
How about because my computer already runs like **** without having the newest OS on it?

does not compute. backup to external, install fresh, then push your old apps and preferences over. it's about an hours work, and a huge speed bump to clear out all those caches and goofs from years ago.
Dear Friends. I tried to do an installation file of a working version of "windows phone 7" - its running on my mac with 10.6.8. Hope it works for you as well. You can download it here: - Download Windows Phone 7 - I can't give you some guarantee and the use is of course on your own risk. But maybe I can help someone with that.
Thanks - for further question use facebook or email.

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