Setting up a new 950 XL


New member
Apr 22, 2012
Hi all. I hope to be upgrading my 930 (running 8.1) to a 950 XL this weekend. I've looked at various support resources and the general advice is don't do a backup/restore from 8.1 to 10 if you want a nice clean install. I'm good with that as I don't mind installing apps again.

However, I do have a few questions that are bugging me...

1. If I don't do a backup / restore then does that mean my SMS won't come across or are those saved separately / associated with my MS account that I enter on first boot and will they come across that way?
2. I'm thinking of getting a microSD card but may not get it in time for Sat. Is there a problem (i.e. hassle with changing default save places) putting it in after the phone is set up or should I not worry?
3. If I do get the microSD card should it go in before I start the set up process or does it prompt you?
4. I see that transferring Whatsapp from one phone to another is hit and miss in terms of restoring old chats. Any advice here?
5. Any other gotchas or words of wisdom that I should watch out for?

Any help or advice from anyone who's gone through this before would be great.

Your sms messages will be restored if you have the backup option for sms message backups enabled.

Won't be a problem to add your sd card after you've set up the phone. If you get it before you get the phone, then it makes sense to insert it at the same time as you put your sim card in.

I know nothing about WhatsApp

Take a little care when taking the back off, there's been reports of minor creaking around the corners.

I set me screen text display scaling to 300%, I find it gives me a better experience of Windows 10 Mobile that way, and set the screen colour balance to "Vivid"

When using Windows Hello, try to look at the camera on the right rather than the light on the left (seems to work better for me that way).

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