Should i buy Lumia 950 XL or HP Elite ? Or Move to IOS or Android phone

Not sure why you think the commitment to WM is lacking. The OS is constantly being updated.

Updating and making strides are two different things, many of those updates were fixes for that which they broke during the last instalment. From my perspective, MS is really indecisive on their approach in that they can't decide what's priority, its as if they are constantly going in blindfold, but then when you are ONLY relying on your users for input that is the results.

Take the store for example, IMO that is core to WP yet there is performance, stability, information and consistency issues that still persist today with MS still struggling to get it right, that alone shows how committed they are.
Updating and making strides are two different things, many of those updates were fixes for that which they broke during the last instalment.

I guess we shall have to agree to disagree. The quote in question was about commitment. Continuing to update the OS shows commitment. Continuing to release insider previews shows not only commitment but further development. Not every update needs to be full of new features to show commitment. I also think that working with 3rd party manufactures like HP and Alcatel shows an on going commitment to the OS.

I'm not familiar with the problems with the store. My personal experience is that I can download apps from the store and my installed apps update regularly. I'm not saying they don't exist, I just never had an issue. I have read there are some issues for those on the fast preview ring but that's to be expected when testing pre release software.
I agree with most of the posters say here. 1) Microsoft is committed to Mobile and 2) the operating system is fine.

But it's the apps that dragging me down. So, I'd suggest inventorying your favorite apps to help sort out what to do.

A few to highlight which were important to me:

Groove Music is very good now, even excellent if you have a lot of your own tracks, which you can store on OneDrive and stream in anywhere. It's exceptionally good at discovering music with "My Groove", Radio, and Explore

Amazon Kindle dropped support, which was a big hit for me. (An Amazon online help guys said they'd received many complains, but who knows if a UWP app will appear soon.)

Microsoft apps are fine, though its taken people a while to understand that "Mobile First" means getting the best Mobile apps out to Apple and Android first; after all they are 99% of the market. Bit you probably know all about that.

So, it's apps.

Good luck. And keep us posted on your decision.
I guess we shall have to agree to disagree. The quote in question was about commitment. Continuing to update the OS shows commitment. Continuing to release insider previews shows not only commitment but further development. Not every update needs to be full of new features to show commitment. I also think that working with 3rd party manufactures like HP and Alcatel shows an on going commitment to the OS.

I'm not familiar with the problems with the store. My personal experience is that I can download apps from the store and my installed apps update regularly. I'm not saying they don't exist, I just never had an issue. I have read there are some issues for those on the fast preview ring but that's to be expected when testing pre release software.

So you consider what's been spewing out of Redmond as MS dedication to the platform? I see nothing that differentiates today from the past other than the OS and WPs state in the marketplace, and considering where the latter stands I'd say that says a lot about their commitment. In the past we had Samsung, Acer, Hisense, Alcatel, HTC, Huawei, Blu and many more, so I see nothing about those who chose to step back into the ring as being a reassurance of Msft's commitment.

Then we get into the quality of updates, one can use what ever excuse they want (Alpha, Beta) yet some of them should have never left the playpen period. If this were anyone other than Msft I can guarantee you that people would not be labelling that company as being "committed", and that's a fact. As for continuing to update the OS, releasing insider previews, well those who are doing the testing and reporting need some sort of payback as its well known Msft is not doing the majority of in-house testing.

As for the store, if you are not experiencing anything you'd consider out of the ordinary then either I'm a one-off or you are willing to tolerate a whole heck of a lot more than me. I usually run Public Releases and sometimes Release Previews and every single time the store has become another thorn in my side, sluggish, errors, lacks much info, clunky interface, etc. Suppose if you've acquired all your apps, set them to "auto update" then never have to delve into the store you wouldn?t be aware of them. All in all I find it a pretty lame attempt by MS which far from radiates "commitment".
I agree with most of the posters say here. 1) Microsoft is committed to Mobile and 2) the operating system is fine.

But it's the apps that dragging me down. So, I'd suggest inventorying your favorite apps to help sort out what to do.

A few to highlight which were important to me:

Groove Music is very good now, even excellent if you have a lot of your own tracks, which you can store on OneDrive and stream in anywhere. It's exceptionally good at discovering music with "My Groove", Radio, and Explore

Amazon Kindle dropped support, which was a big hit for me. (An Amazon online help guys said they'd received many complains, but who knows if a UWP app will appear soon.)

Microsoft apps are fine, though its taken people a while to understand that "Mobile First" means getting the best Mobile apps out to Apple and Android first; after all they are 99% of the market. Bit you probably know all about that.

So, it's apps.

Good luck. And keep us posted on your decision.

Wish I had your optimism on commitment and OS front, which I don't, but agree whole whole-heartedly on apps. The latter was never much of a concern until I ventured over to the other side, became real apparent then.

Not sure there is much "we" can do unless you are a developer and want to take on the challenge. It's a double edge sword in that if WP keeps riding on the bottom and doesn't start flourishing then the Dev's aren't going to bother taking a second look, what really is there to entice them?

In my opinion the advent of 10 didn't only alienate past WP users but the developers too (not one myself). Either way, don't have enough fingers and toes to count how many times a dev stated the APIs were too restrictive. Why is that, is MS trying to keep the platform from rising above its mudsucker status?

In the end I see little hope a surge of new apps will be overwhelming the store any time soon, if anything it's only going to get worse.
So you consider what's been spewing out of Redmond as MS dedication to the platform? I see nothing that differentiates today from the past other than the OS and WPs state in the marketplace, and considering where the latter stands I'd say that says a lot about their commitment. In the past we had Samsung, Acer, Hisense, Alcatel, HTC, Huawei, Blu and many more, so I see nothing about those who chose to step back into the ring as being a reassurance of Msft's commitment.

Then we get into the quality of updates, one can use what ever excuse they want (Alpha, Beta) yet some of them should have never left the playpen period. If this were anyone other than Msft I can guarantee you that people would not be labelling that company as being "committed", and that's a fact. As for continuing to update the OS, releasing insider previews, well those who are doing the testing and reporting need some sort of payback as its well known Msft is not doing the majority of in-house testing.

As for the store, if you are not experiencing anything you'd consider out of the ordinary then either I'm a one-off or you are willing to tolerate a whole heck of a lot more than me. I usually run Public Releases and sometimes Release Previews and every single time the store has become another thorn in my side, sluggish, errors, lacks much info, clunky interface, etc. Suppose if you've acquired all your apps, set them to "auto update" then never have to delve into the store you wouldn’t be aware of them. All in all I find it a pretty lame attempt by MS which far from radiates "commitment".

Like I said, we shall have to agree to disagree. It seems you have a bit of an issue with MS. I don't. I have enjoyed watching the development of Win10. My 950xl does everything I need it to do and more. If I needed my mobile device to do more I'd switch to iOS or Android. But for me there is no need to switch, at least not yet. As long as MS continues do develop the OS and add new features I will think they are committed to the OS. When they stop and go into maintenance mode, then I will think the commitment is gone. Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but as I said earlier, I really enjoy this OS, and I have had a good time being part of the preview program. Our devices should give us enjoyment. Mine does. If it was not, I'd find something that made me happy instead of being pessimistic.
Like I said, we shall have to agree to disagree. It seems you have a bit of an issue with MS. I don't. I have enjoyed watching the development of Win10. My 950xl does everything I need it to do and more. If I needed my mobile device to do more I'd switch to iOS or Android. But for me there is no need to switch, at least not yet. As long as MS continues do develop the OS and add new features I will think they are committed to the OS. When they stop and go into maintenance mode, then I will think the commitment is gone. Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but as I said earlier, I really enjoy this OS, and I have had a good time being part of the preview program. Our devices should give us enjoyment. Mine does. If it was not, I'd find something that made me happy instead of being pessimistic.


As for me having issues w/MS, that is a definite understatement to say the least and encompasses WP and PC. My main dislike is their inability to get it right while giving the public an OS that can't decide whether is is right side up or upside down, way to much instability, inconsistency in this day and age, from my experience the other platforms are miles ahead leaving those using it confident, for the most part, they'll be getting what has been claimed. Not saying they don't have their share of problems too yet from my experience it pails in comparison to MS offerings.

Just had my "best" computer last night apply the latest update (non-Insider) and for over 2.5 hours I was sitting on the edge of my seat wondering if it was going to recover, being that this is far from the first time same happened, those outcomes being far more worse, find this totally unacceptable. Never in my life have I fresh installed, hard reset so many devices due to constant software glitches and it's inability to decipher "the" next move.
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MS support for OS is probably fine, although I wish they do it right (the first time) sooner than us waiting for next release!

However, beyond the prevalent App gap, my recent contention has been with hardware support for their flagship 950XL - I have been struggling with random reboots, several times a day and there is no way to purchase a genuine battery from MS or their service center in India. And I upgraded my father & wife to 950XL (from 920s & 625)!

I am now concerned about the money I spent on three 950XL over the last few months - ideally I would purchase a flagship and use it for 2.5 to 3 years but the lack of H/W support won't help. Lumia was certainly better off with Nokia. App gap also hurts more as I miss my bank, gym, credit card, maps / navigation (accuracy compared to Google maps). There are so many savings offers (discounts / cash backs) on iOS & Android apps!
Everyone has there reason why they switch. Ok sure I wish I had my bank app. But nope and that's ok. My bank only a 3 mile walk lol

Go with what you feel that works best for you. Or that you desire to have the most. Every OS has there flaws. Many of Us stick with WM. I choose to stay cause I feel in love with WM10. That why I upgraded to the 950. And I don't regret it even though there are issues. I look at it this way. The more people give the OS a chance. The more devs will come along. But don't let any of us make your final choice. You are the one spending the money. So think for what you want out of a phone and need :)
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As for me having issues w/MS, that is a definite understatement to say the least and encompasses WP and PC. My main dislike is their inability to get it right while giving the public an OS that can't decide whether is is right side up or upside down, way to much instability, inconsistency in this day and age, from my experience the other platforms are miles ahead leaving those using it confident, for the most part, they'll be getting what has been claimed. Not saying they don't have their share of problems too yet from my experience it pails in comparison to MS offerings.

Just had my "best" computer last night apply the latest update (non-Insider) and for over 2.5 hours I was sitting on the edge of my seat wondering if it was going to recover, being that this is far from the first time same happened, those outcomes being far more worse, find this totally unacceptable. Never in my life have I fresh installed, hard reset so many devices due to constant software glitches and it's inability to decipher "the" next move.

I totally understand your pain. I'm rather heavily invested in the MS ecosystem and I have had my share of issues as well. My Surface Pro 3 needed a reload of the OS after an update. I suffered through the growing pains of the Surface Book. I have reset my Lumia 950xl more times than I can count (although I have to blame myself for this one for jumping too deep in the insider program). And most recently I needed to reset my Xbox One after being on a support call for over an hour. The tech suggested I return the Xbox for repair, but a reset fixed the problem. I will agree that MS is far from perfect, and MS support can be fantastic or horrible depending on the person you get.

But our discussion was about commitment to the mobile OS. I know we both have our opinions but its articles like this that make me a believer. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Windows 10 Mobile could get full x86 app emulation for 'Redstone 3' by late 2017 | Windows Central
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Everyone has there reason why they switch. Ok sure I wish I had my bank app. But nope and that's ok. My bank only a 3 mile walk lol

Go with what you feel that works best for you. Or that you desire to have the most. Every OS has there flaws. Many of Us stick with WM. I choose to stay cause I feel in love with WM10. That why I upgraded to the 950. And I don't regret it even though there are issues. I look at it this way. The more people give the OS a chance. The more devs will come along. But don't let any of us make your final choice. You are the one spending the money. So think for what you want out of a phone and need :)

AGREED. If you love W10M, stick with it. All this talk about the demise of Windows phone shouldn't freak you considering most people shouldn't have to keep a phone for over 3 years (to stay up to date) at which time you can then decide if it's safe for you to stay on. I use 950XL and I'm encouraged Alcatel and HP are putting out equally great products.
I have the Lumia 950,loving it,my wife to be recently shattered her 830 screen ,I then replaced with her phone with 830,I soon after lent her my 950 for a week while I used the 640,she didn't want to give me back,so accustomed to the speed,I got my 950 during April 2016 BOGO deal,my neighbour and I got it,he took the 950XL,now my assistant and I just took deal,he gets a new 950,I get XL,my girl get my previous 950 & my neighbour that get the dock for 50 bucks,can't go wrong with such a deal at fraction of cost for great devices.
Definitely use Windows 10 and get yourself a Lumia 950. If for whatever reason you decide to switch id advise avoiding android and choose iOS.

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If u can afford it get the elite x3 over the 950. Should have better battery life which is most important imo

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For me, the support of the platform is what let's it down. I've been using WindowsCE, Windows Mobile, iOS, then Windows Phone and now Windows Mobile until today. The backup system now appears to be broken, and having to use B2X for support simply isn't good enough. The Lumias have been outstanding business phones, but if I can't get access to my calls/texts when I have to reset the phone then I have no faith in the ecosystem any more.

If B2X can't sort this by tomorrow, then I'll be off to iOS unfortunately. :(
I have been there where you are. 6600, 6303, Lumia 720, Lumia 535, Lumia 640xl, Lumia 830. And i too had the same dilemma.
And what did i do?
Got a Lumia 950XL. :D
And lemme tell you, it rocks. I am proud to use it. People get amazed by this phone's camera and the continuum feature. It is lovely.
iOS is good, no doubt. But not a cup of tea for me. I love windows. And gonna stick to it till the end.
Oh Oh also, you shall feel exclusive. :P everyone you see around you had android and ios. Nobody's got what yout windows phone has.
And the phone is pretty nice as well. So I would personally say go for windows.
Now whether to go for Lumia 950 or hp elite x3, it is simple.
If you want good camera, and lightweight, go for Lumia. And if you prefer other functions over the weight and camera, go for hp.
Hope this helps.
Simply put what you want is what you get.
I switched to android a cheaper priced phone, just to sus it out and must say performance I far better than the 1020 I had and also 1/10th the price I paid for 1020. things that I miss from windows phone L1020 are the slow loading camera, glance double tap to wake up and lack of apps. When the 1st party apps that were available started to drop support one by one. I dropped support to MS.
I haven't had any regrets moving to android. Only that occasionally my hand slides over the screen or sometime I double tap only to realise that I have switched phones. Almost a month into getting used to the OS and the frequency of double tap or glance use has reduced. Don't miss Cortana either. ETTO YMMV.

In short
If you like OS stick to WP but also consider if you need minor things like NFC and other components that vary in 950 vs x3.
If you want to move on to a world of all apps with constant updates Android is better as you have more choices and less cost compared to IOS.
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one. I dropped support to If you like OS stick to WP but also consider if you need minor things like NFC and other components that vary in 950 vs x3.
If you want to move on to a world of all apps with constant updates Android is better as you have more choices and less cost compared to IOS.
One thing I don't miss on my S6 or my son's S7

Unfortunately has stopped


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