Should I come back to Lumia phones??


New member
Nov 25, 2011
I am also a WM fan ... I used lumia 800, 820, 920 and 1520 ... then I shifted to iPhones ... used iPhone 5s, 6s and iPhone X. But recently my iPhone X is got broke and hence I am back to my iPhone 6s plus. but I found a good and for cheap prize lumia 830 and I bought that (waiting for the phone to come). I have seen Windows evolving, from windows 7 to 8 then 8.1 and 10.

It is very painful for me that this OS is the best And Microsoft knows this but still doing nothing. Even with little attention on mobile os they can do some good stuff then if they do it more seriously then they can change the market completely. Like surface phone. I dont know what is stopping them. I dont know how I feel after going back to WM after 3 yrs of gap

How is windows 10 os on 830 ? smooth ?? if I liked it, I am thinking to buy a new 950 and use it as a daily driver.
I am not a heavy user. just WhatsApp, Skype and FB is very important for me. rest apps I used once a year. Any suggestions?
I am also a WM fan ... I used lumia 800, 820, 920 and 1520 ... then I shifted to iPhones ... used iPhone 5s, 6s and iPhone X. But recently my iPhone X is got broke and hence I am back to my iPhone 6s plus. but I found a good and for cheap prize lumia 830 and I bought that (waiting for the phone to come). I have seen Windows evolving, from windows 7 to 8 then 8.1 and 10.

It is very painful for me that this OS is the best And Microsoft knows this but still doing nothing. Even with little attention on mobile os they can do some good stuff then if they do it more seriously then they can change the market completely. Like surface phone. I dont know what is stopping them. I dont know how I feel after going back to WM after 3 yrs of gap

How is windows 10 os on 830 ? smooth ?? if I liked it, I am thinking to buy a new 950 and use it as a daily driver.
I am not a heavy user. just WhatsApp, Skype and FB is very important for me. rest apps I used once a year. Any suggestions?

It should work okay but Facebook isn't supported on devices with less than 2gb of RAM so it will be rough on the 830 but fine on the 950. WhatsApp is built very well, so that would be fine. I'm not sure about Skype though.
It should work okay but Facebook isn't supported on devices with less than 2gb of RAM so it will be rough on the 830 but fine on the 950. WhatsApp is built very well, so that would be fine. I'm not sure about Skype though.

Thank You for your suggestion. It helps a lot. I hope Skype also should work fine.
I'm going to say no to your question. I was a die-hard Windows phone fan. Sadly MS forced me to move on to Android and I'm okay with it. Going back to Windows 10 Mobile, on any device, would just be a silly thing to do. You might like going back to start with but the limitations and lack of attention from MS will soon be apparent, sadly. Then you'd have to carry around and start using two phones (because your other iPhone/Android would fill the gaps in W10M) which, to me, defeats the purpose of it all really. It's ultimately your own choice, obviously, and enjoy if you do decide to go back, just don't have any plans of staying with W10M for any forseeable future.
@Ryujingt3 You correctly said. This is the reason I moved from MS to iPhone. and now also I have iPhone 6s plus as a first mobile and windows 830 will be second mobile. I completely agree with you with "defeating the purpose". I feel very sad that why MS can not do it. Dont they see this?? May be yes but they have their own business concerns. So, after so many yrs, I think I will be very much nostalgic. but I feel that MS is good enough for me in current version. I ONLY use FB, Skype and WhatsApp, I dont use (almost) not even camera. so I think it is enough.

Are you from Iceland?? Thanks Anyways.
I was a big fan of windows phone too, but I would honestly not recommend it to anyone. It's dead
Can't recommend WM either yet it appears your mind is made up. Best to try it for yourself (as planned) as you'll never really know until you do, at least you have your iPhone to fall back on if it doesn't pan out.
I still use winmo. If ur not reliant on apps outside of Microsofts eco then try it. I like my Xbox app, Microsoft office, movies and tv,.. Then theirs Spotify still working and Netflix. Facebook messenger is all I really need or instagram. That's about it.
I still using my Lumia 930 with WM10. I don't need nothing from Android or iOS, I don't use too much apps. I just miss some specific games, or apps, but nothing important; the device works fine and Andromeda is comming soon to relieve!
@Ryujingt3 You correctly said. This is the reason I moved from MS to iPhone. and now also I have iPhone 6s plus as a first mobile and windows 830 will be second mobile. I completely agree with you with "defeating the purpose". I feel very sad that why MS can not do it. Dont they see this?? May be yes but they have their own business concerns. So, after so many yrs, I think I will be very much nostalgic. but I feel that MS is good enough for me in current version. I ONLY use FB, Skype and WhatsApp, I dont use (almost) not even camera. so I think it is enough.

Are you from Iceland?? Thanks Anyways.

I'm from the UK. I'd love MS to have another try at mobile but they won't. They've burnt too many bridges and overpromised, yet underdelivered too many times in the eyes of consumers. They will never be able to escape the ghost of Windows Phone, no matter what mobile device they release or how they spin it. It's a shame. Windows Phone really had some great things going for it.

If you just use FB, Skype and WhatsApp, then yes, it's fine for that. But be prepared that any of those apps on W10M may be discontinued at any time, without notice. Which means you'll have to use your iPhone instead from then on.
I am also a WM fan ... I used lumia 800, 820, 920 and 1520 ... then I shifted to iPhones ... used iPhone 5s, 6s and iPhone X. But recently my iPhone X is got broke and hence I am back to my iPhone 6s plus. but I found a good and for cheap prize lumia 830 and I bought that (waiting for the phone to come). I have seen Windows evolving, from windows 7 to 8 then 8.1 and 10.

It is very painful for me that this OS is the best And Microsoft knows this but still doing nothing. Even with little attention on mobile os they can do some good stuff then if they do it more seriously then they can change the market completely. Like surface phone. I dont know what is stopping them. I dont know how I feel after going back to WM after 3 yrs of gap

How is windows 10 os on 830 ? smooth ?? if I liked it, I am thinking to buy a new 950 and use it as a daily driver.
I am not a heavy user. just WhatsApp, Skype and FB is very important for me. rest apps I used once a year. Any suggestions?
I'm still using my 2 year old 950 and still loving it. As you say, I also use WhatsApp, Fitbit (well updated by them) and fb. . You are right, MS still has a great OS on their hands and is at least on a par with others. I still believe they should bring out a surface phone running W10 and totally get behind it.

Sent from mTalk
I have had 950 since it was released and still love it. I use these apps all the time multiple times a day: WhatsApp, News (MSN, guardian, Converge) Outlook, Podcast, Camera (multiple apps), Weather, Groove, Spotify.
Few times a day: OneNote, HomeRemote,, Skpye/Messaging, Money, Cortana (driving mode).
Few times a week: Yahoo Sports, TuneIn, Skype for Business, Maps, Readit, OfficeLens, Couple of tracker apps for biking.
Occasionally: Uber, Netflix, TED, tons of games, and so much more.
I use limited things on a phone as well. I picked up an Android to mess with offline and found I didn't use apps more than my Win Phone has. So I bought a 950 and carry on.
As with people on the blackberry forums who went through the same thing, buy it for it does now and know that support, including 3rd party support will be nonexistent. I have a 950 as backup and it could be used as primary device but I don't use many apps or play games on my phone.
Batterylife on lumia phones can be stretched to two days if u limit it to just phone and texting and social media apps. It has been more reliable to me than my other android phone which dies in less than 12 hrs.
Thank You all friends.
An update form me. (I have also shared this on another thread "Lumia 930 - Big problems"), is just the brief. I bought used 930 and well, shamefully, within 24 hours, I have problem with outlook mail. CHECKING APPS IS VERY IMPORTANT PART OF MY JOB. outlook mail app will crash (always) on first attempt but it will open in second attempt. But then the app will freeze. I can NOT open the mail and reply. I have restart or sometimes I have to reset. OMG.
then , as a solution, I went back to 8.1 and then again to windows 10 (latest build STILL version 1607). Rest other apps were stable and working fine. But now, as I upgraded to win 10 from 8.1 (again and again) now it works good (not smooth). May be I am expecting too much from MS (at one time, I used a lot of WM phones, 800, 820, 920 and 1520), may be, because, the fastness, I was used to on IPhone X. I hope this will continue good working.
Like, I have said, for me, MAIL, WHATSAPP, FB, SKYPE is important. I dont have any games and neither have time to play.

If I compare with blackberry (I owned BB passport) with blackberry OS, I know it has not developed, lack of third party apps, but the OS is stable. I mean, the app will not crash or freeze at all.

Well any suggestions about how to upgrade my Lumia 930 build from version 1607 to latest ?? I tried everything I can. Thank You in advance.
Can't help on the upgrade front per se but - own the 830 and it was upgraded from 8.1 to ten residing now on version 1607. So my gathering is that if it did not come out of the box, or wasn't specifically designed for W10M, then it is restricted to a certain version of 10 with the only changes being to the builds. Just upgraded my 830 today (hasn't seen use for a couple of months) from build 10.0.14393.2363 to 10.0.14393.2431 yet still resides on version 1607 of the OS. Check to see what build you have and if it is same as mine then I think that is as far as it goes, unless there's a hack to up it further but I wouldn't even bother trying as one never knows where that'll end up especially on this platform.

And when it comes to W10M there is a very good reason "inconsistent" is synonymous with the OS, as you are finding out. It's sad because it could have been so much more IMHO. And those inconsistencies are one of the big reasons I've chosen to look elsewhere for my mobility needs as we don't need to be contending with them on a regular basis, bad enough losing apps I once depended on. And no, a browser won't fill those voids.
Batterylife on lumia phones can be stretched to two days if u limit it to just phone and texting and social media apps. It has been more reliable to me than my other android phone which dies in less than 12 hrs.

Well of course it only makes sense if one limits their usage battery life can be stretched, same would hold true for many devices no matter the platform. My daily driver can get up to four days and somewhere in the neighbourhood of 45-48 hours if need be w/o stretching it so to speak, just use it as I normally would during our awake time. And yes tis a Droid.

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