Should I exchange my 928 again?

Well I've heard back from Nokia, actually a couple days ago I received a call, luckily it was posted right in my signature when I e-mailed over, so it saved a lot of back and forth, they called me without even asking for a good time to call or anything, they just took the initiative and called and left a voicemail initially when I didn't answer. Returned the call right away and talked with my associate that's helping me work on the exchange. I'm in the same boat as both both of you now Wize and Hop, currently waiting on Nokia stock to come in. I expected that when I spoke with Nokia after hearing the results from both of you. Sent in a few pictures of my soft key as well to Nokia so they were able to see my soft key as well.

Glad they got this information so they can use it in the future with their future phones. Nokia support has been nothing but great and helpful!
Best of luck. This was all I got from their twitter folk:
View attachment 35963

Well are you referring to the Windows Soft Key or the the back-light of the keys? I can understand if they say that about the back-light a bit on how bright it may be, but as for the glue like substance that's a different story...

I'm waiting on Nokia to receive stock to actually replace my phone, then mine will be replaced by Nokia directly so I really have had a great experience with them. My recommendation to you jamsesh is to e-mail their customer care instead of using twitter.
Sorry I didn't update this thread, but here is where I'm at as of about a week ago....

Well guys and gals, after 6 exchanges, an email to Stephen Elop, Nokia currently still working on my case and currently on my 7th 928, I am throwing in the towel. Today is the last day to return my 928 to Verizon and I am going to do so. I was able to pick up a brand new in box Galaxy S4 for $440, so I will be ahead nearly $100 ($499 for my 928 plus CA sales tax came to $531 and some change).

I just can't deal with these defects anymore and I don't want to spend anymore time trying to get a defect free device and be happy. I know most of you probably don't care, and I'm not starting this thread to bash WP or say my experience was all bad. To be honest, I believe that WP is a better built OS than Android. I really enjoyed most parts of it, but the experience on the S4 is just more enhanced and is more built for me at the moment.

If/when Nokia cleans up these issues and when the 8.1 WP update comes out which hopefully will include a notification center and better multitasking, I will be back. There is no doubt that my brief time with WP was enjoyable and the OS and UI are very impressive to me. So I'm seeing the S4 as a transitional device for me to get back to WP by the end of the year or so. I really think Microsoft has a good thing going here. It's such a smooth and unified OS.

I just want to thank everyone in this great community that has given me solid advice, read all of my posts, etc. A special thank you to hopmedic who was such a great person and helpful throughout my ownership of this device.

Well, I'm off to the other side but I will be back soon enough. Thanks again and enjoy your devices guys!
Sorry I didn't update this thread, but here is where I'm at as of about a week ago....

Well guys and gals, after 6 exchanges, an email to Stephen Elop, Nokia currently still working on my case and currently on my 7th 928, I am throwing in the towel. Today is the last day to return my 928 to Verizon and I am going to do so. I was able to pick up a brand new in box Galaxy S4 for $440, so I will be ahead nearly $100 ($499 for my 928 plus CA sales tax came to $531 and some change).

I just can't deal with these defects anymore and I don't want to spend anymore time trying to get a defect free device and be happy. I know most of you probably don't care, and I'm not starting this thread to bash WP or say my experience was all bad. To be honest, I believe that WP is a better built OS than Android. I really enjoyed most parts of it, but the experience on the S4 is just more enhanced and is more built for me at the moment.

If/when Nokia cleans up these issues and when the 8.1 WP update comes out which hopefully will include a notification center and better multitasking, I will be back. There is no doubt that my brief time with WP was enjoyable and the OS and UI are very impressive to me. So I'm seeing the S4 as a transitional device for me to get back to WP by the end of the year or so. I really think Microsoft has a good thing going here. It's such a smooth and unified OS.

I just want to thank everyone in this great community that has given me solid advice, read all of my posts, etc. A special thank you to hopmedic who was such a great person and helpful throughout my ownership of this device.

Well, I'm off to the other side but I will be back soon enough. Thanks again and enjoy your devices guys!
Luke! I am your father! Come join me on the dark side, and together we will rule all! :wink:

Honestly, if i was in your situation i'd probably do the same...but instead of Android i'd go with iPhone 5 (yes a bore but still solid smooth OS). It really is unfortunate Nokia hasnt been able to deliver a near perfect build of their flagship phone after 6 attempts, although my L920 is great it does make this sort of thing stick in the back of my head for the future.

Good luck and enjoy the lagfest....i mean AWESOME fest ;)
Luke! I am your father! Come join me on the dark side, and together we will rule all! :wink:

Haha! I will most likely be back at some point, until then hold down the fort! :winktongue:


Honestly, if i was in your situation i'd probably do the same...but instead of Android i'd go with iPhone 5 (yes a bore but still solid smooth OS). It really is unfortunate Nokia hasnt been able to deliver a near perfect build of their flagship phone after 6 attempts, although my L920 is great it does make this sort of thing stick in the back of my head for the future.

Good luck and enjoy the lagfest....i mean AWESOME fest ;)

Believe me, I am in no way discrediting your opinion or trying to start anything, but when is the last time you tried Android? The latest Jelly Bean version has very very smooth and snappy. I haven't had much of any lag on my S4 yet. I'm rooted with a custom ROM, but even stock it is smooth and fast.
Believe me, I am in no way discrediting your opinion or trying to start anything, but when is the last time you tried Android? The latest Jelly Bean version has very very smooth and snappy. I haven't had much of any lag on my S4 yet. I'm rooted with a custom ROM, but even stock it is smooth and fast.

I'm just goofing with you dude, I'm sure the phone is amazing. My prior phone was a GS3, it was my first and likely my only android mobile phone I'll have. In terms of flexibility it was great, I'm sure its a great device for you.
I did see the post Wizeguy and its a shame to have seen you leave...but I do believe you will be back as you said. Even with the minor defects I've been able to deal with my 928... This may be because I used an 8X prior to my 928 and didn't have the small defects on the phone itself... Either way no dock to you as you should be overall happy with your device and your of luck to you!
My replacement phone is "Out for delivery" on a UPS overnight trip from Fort Worth, TX. When it arrives I'll let y'all know if it has the gunky problem.
Well, it came. It has the same gunky button. I'm just going to keep the phone I already had. No point in taking a refurb over the one I got new, with the same defect.

Also, they didn't include a return shipping label, or even a note that says where to send back the old phone. Nice. If they want the phone back, they'll send me a shipping label. I think my wife may end up using this one if they don't send a shipping label. It's nice that they didn't ask me for any credit card information, so they have no way of charging me for not returning it - which I will be happy to do if they provide shipping.

Here's a picture of the button on the replacement.
Well, it came. It has the same gunky button. I'm just going to keep the phone I already had. No point in taking a refurb over the one I got new, with the same defect.

Also, they didn't include a return shipping label, or even a note that says where to send back the old phone. Nice. If they want the phone back, they'll send me a shipping label. I think my wife may end up using this one if they don't send a shipping label. It's nice that they didn't ask me for any credit card information, so they have no way of charging me for not returning it - which I will be happy to do if they provide shipping.

Here's a picture of the button on the replacement.
View attachment 36135

Wow, this is so disappointing and disheartening to see. This is the one that they supposedly hand picked for you right? If so, what a complete embarrassment. This just tells me that these issues may never be acknowledged or fixed. Such a shame for an otherwise awesome phone.

Now with the rumors of Huawei possibly buying out Nokia and scrapping WP in favor of Android, I'm starting to wonder how much support this phone will even get and the future of WP in general. Of course that is doom and gloom and speculation up to this point, but it's still disappointing to hear.

Man, I really wished that Nokia came through better for you on this one. It's funny too because Nokia called me when they shipped your phone and said they were ready to ship mine. I told them I already moved on and I'm kind of glad I did after seeing this. Good luck bro, I hope everything works out in the end.
Nokia L920 never had these issues but then it had HUGE battery drain problems! I truly believe that "Nokia Care US" is solid quality than Nokia's manufacturing and quality control departments :winktongue:.
I was in this thread to see how 928 was going but Nokia doesn't seem to learn anything from L920 "qualityless" manufacturing. This company was one of the best for build quality?
Well, it came. It has the same gunky button. I'm just going to keep the phone I already had. No point in taking a refurb over the one I got new, with the same defect.

Also, they didn't include a return shipping label, or even a note that says where to send back the old phone. Nice. If they want the phone back, they'll send me a shipping label. I think my wife may end up using this one if they don't send a shipping label. It's nice that they didn't ask me for any credit card information, so they have no way of charging me for not returning it - which I will be happy to do if they provide shipping.

Here's a picture of the button on the replacement.
View attachment 36135

Ouch...i got a call back from Nokia asking me to send my phone in so they could replace it and were willing to expedite the process....i told em find a way to send me the phone so I can send you mine...told em I can't live more then a day without the phone due to work etc.

They originally were willing to but now it seems they aren't I dunno. We'll see...
Well Nokia is send me a replacement device after I spoke with them today. So now it's a matter of waiting to see how the device looks so we'll see. I guess they are supposed to test it prior to sending it out. We'll see how it works I guess.

Hopmedic, have you heard anything more on your "spare" that you have sitting there?
They called last night but I wasn't able to take the call. I'm sure they'll call again today.
Mine will be exchanged. Not for the issue here, which mine has, but because the ear speaker came loose. It had been kind of going for a while, now only works when I put a lot of pressure on the phone right behind it. This involves me going "is my phone not working or is this an awkward silence" on nearly every call.
After reading many comments on some of these devices, it saddens me that:
  • the hardware quality on these phone is almost expected by some here to be faulty.
  • there are enough fan boys of the WP to just accept it.

Seeing comments like this one below should not be the norm when buying something that costs so much $$ over the life of a contract plus initial purchase.
...only if you get a defect free one. A lot of the 928's are carrying some defect or another it seems.
If people accept issues like this 928-gunk-button problem then don?t ever expect manufacturers like Nokia to put any more effort into their QA/QC.

Either folks here have a lot higher expectation of their WP, complain more than other mobile phone sites, or manufacturers of WP hardware are inept and careless.

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