Should I go all in with a ZuneHD?

I think it's a done deal as they say - the HD is dead, i.e. in terms of being replaced.

In terms of a Zune HD replacement I also think Paul Thurrott is probably right in terms of what he said on Windows Weekly - if, if a replacement comes out, it'll probably sell ~200K units and then that will be that. i.e. Not worth anyone's effort if they're thinking about mass market.

Personally, I would also rather that instead of developing a probably-doomed 'iPod Touch wannabe', they made a faster move to make the Zune portion on WP7 the best darned media experience out there.

I agree with you. What I don't get, is what about the folks that don't want a smartphone, but do want an mp3 player? I guess the used ones will always be on ebay. And yes it will fail without advertising. That's what killed the Zune mp3 player the first time around. I think it's bad planning on MS part.

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