Should I make a new Microsoft account for a second device?


New member
May 23, 2014
I have a Lumia 520 and I have a Microsoft account for it. I just bought a Nextbook 10.1 (Windows 8.1) but I haven't set it up yet. What are the advantages or disadvantages of using the same account on both devices? My instinct tells me it would be better to have separate accounts because then nothing could get confused during updates, etc.
I have a Lumia 520 and I have a Microsoft account for it. I just bought a Nextbook 10.1 (Windows 8.1) but I haven't set it up yet. What are the advantages or disadvantages of using the same account on both devices? My instinct tells me it would be better to have separate accounts because then nothing could get confused during updates, etc.
If you have purchased any universal apps then you would be better off using the same account for both devices.
My surface and my phone both run on the same account. My card is linked to both, my calendars sync and my OneDrive stuff shows up on both. I've never seen any apps get confused with updates... 8.1 does everything automatically anyway, I can't see any disadvantage with having the same one
Same account, that's the purpose Microsoft, Google etc are aiming for.
If ones a phone and one isn't then updates won't even be a factor, not that they would anyway.
Only benefit I can see of have 2 accounts is the 2 lots if OneDrive storage, but they'd be separated by the 2 accounts.

One account, buy everything once, everything backs up to the same place, everything is together.

Don't follow your instincts, they lie.
Agree.... 2 accounts means uploading pics and vids to OneDrive twice. And if you buy a universal game then you will have to buy it twice. Just stick to one account.
Not only would you have to upload stuff to Onedrive twice but you would in effect have TwoDrive (That don't talk to each other without an awful lot of work).

I have a phone, Surface, laptop, desktop and Xbox One, they all share the same account and all work as an integrated unit so for example I take a picture on my phone, this gets sent to OneDrive, it is viewable on all the other devices including on my telly via the Xbox One, another example, if I do a word document it is viewable and editable across all devices, I have an Xbox Music pass, any music I add to my collection is downloaded to each device.

There is nothing to stop you doing it with two accounts, but you effectively end up as two people with different email addresses and very little integration, and if you actually want extra email addresses you can always do this anyway.

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