Should I stick to Windows Phone?


New member
Jul 22, 2014

I love Windows Phone. I bought a Lumia 525 some months ago and so far, I love it. However, I'm facing constant harassment from friends and family for buying a Windows Phone. Also, I have to admit, the ecosystem here leaves a lot to be desired. Should I stick to this platform? Is the future of WP so good that I will have nothing to lose if I do stay?

Also, about high-end Android Phones, there are always drawbacks. HTC One M8 has a relatively poor camera, Xperia Z2 has poor screens in that class, LG G2 has too many pixels to keep up on performance, and I don't like Galaxy phones. I also am not fond of the Lumia 930. So, please give your opinions whether I should stick, and get a high-end Lumia (I'll wait for 940) or ditch for Android? And please give reasons why, if you can :grin:
Lmao. If they're teasing you then fair enough. If not, then you need new friends! Though about the family, you're kinda stuck there :)
I get support by my friends whatever I choose. It's just sad that people should be ridiculed because they did not conform any copy everyone else.

Lol I plan on doing so.

Look, you don't have to stick to the platform. If you want, go away to another platform, see how it goes, and maybe in a year or two WP will have matured greatly and you'll be ready to return. You could even give the new Amazon Fire a go. (Just, please for the love of all things holy, don't go to iPhone. That would be a completely facepalm thing to do.)

The main thing is that you explore the market. Leaving now doesn't mean you don't have to come back later!

That is a real good advice, but I kinda wanna stick to WP. I wanna stay with it as it grows :) . Also, there is not a single chance of me switching to iPhone, so don't worry lol.
Anyway, If my family and friends ridiculed me about my phone, I'd say my phone is likely worth more than my family. I'd go to a family-store and see if I could get a new and cheap family on contract. Pro tip: make sure that the family you get has the popular pay-allowance and make-breakfast apps included. Failing that, I'd go to a self-esteem store and get one that is less susceptible to ridicule about my phone, and try to make up my own mind about how much I like or don't like my phone. If I then found out I'm using it only because I hope it gets better in the future, and that it doesn't currently offer me anything that I really enjoy, then I'd switch, otherwise stay.

This is all tongue in cheek. If they notice that you couldn't care less about what they think about your phone, because you like it, I bet they'd stop. Some might even take a more serious look at WP themselves.

Don't worry, by family I meant my brother and some of my cousins. But a cousin of mine is now madly in love with Windows Phone and would love a Sony WP a lot, since he is a fan of Xperia phones.

I love the Metro UI, too, but I don't mind some other new tweaks. I know I have background wallpaper (technically it's foreground lol), and wow it looks good :D

I just hope the ecosystem improves at all, to begin with....
I suggest you do what you want to do. If you are so lilly livered that the opinion of your friends make you feel inadequate, I suggest you grow a pair. I know this is harsh, but jeez, doesn't anyone make up their own minds anymore? And let me remind you, every phone ecosystem has its positives and negatives. I recently saw a friend's Android do its little red light flashing to alert her that she has notifications. My reaction was, "How frickin' archaic!" Compare to notifications on Glance, you get to know what service is notifying you.
I'll tell you the honest truth, Windows Phone will shine next year in the spring. If you can wait that long, great! If you can't, I suggest trying another OS at a good price (don't get a cheap Android phone with a skin, I would suggest the Moto G) to satisfy you until next year. :)
I'll tell you the honest truth, Windows Phone will shine next year in the spring. If you can wait that long, great! If you can't, I suggest trying another OS at a good price (don't get a cheap Android phone with a skin, I would suggest the Moto G) to satisfy you until next year. :)
Naw, I'm good :)
I just got this phone. And I love it. Hopefully, your prediction will come true...
i myself get alot of criticism because my main phones are a lumia 720 and a BB Z10
i dont care because both phones are unique and serve my purpose better than my nexus 5(still have it for development) and iphone (which i sold)
i suggest you get an ipad mini or a nexus 7 to complement your phone,you wont regret it and will be happier with that combo than just an android phone
I'll tell you the honest truth, Windows Phone will shine next year in the spring. If you can wait that long, great! If you can't, I suggest trying another OS at a good price (don't get a cheap Android phone with a skin, I would suggest the Moto G) to satisfy you until next year. :)

Where did you get that great shot of Jobs holding a Windows Phone? I love it. I put your low rez version in an email and my Macaholic friend became unglued.

Any like to a larger image?
"I'm facing constant harassment from friends and family for buying a Windows Phone."
- My sis was once poking fun at my Windows Phone but when she actually saw the platform in motion she was stunned. Too bad she just bought a mid range Sony Android phone. My co-workers love my Windows Phone.

Also, I have to admit, the ecosystem here leaves a lot to be desired. Should I stick to this platform? Is the future of WP so good that I will have nothing to lose if I do stay?
- If you are app crazy, then go someplace else. If not, give Windows Phone a chance. I'd suggest you wait next year if you want a flagship but if you can't, the Lumia 1520 will be your best bang for buck. If you think it's big, I think the 730 or 830 will suffice for at least another 3-4 months before some new announcements
I'll stick to WP for as long as they're around. The world is already full of Droids and iPhones. I really enjoy using my 720 (no games for me) and just want to be different. I don't care much about specs, RAM, ROM or other technical blabla. I want a reliable, easy to use smartphone and that's exactly what I've got....
im sure steve jobs is smiling down on windows phone because apple went against his wishes now with ipad mini and iphone 6 etc :P

Why would he be smiling at Windows Phone?

His wishes(or at least one of them) we're that screen sizes didn't go above 3.5 inches(or 4) and Apple went above that, Nokia went upto 6 inches.

So clearly he wouldn't be happy with either.
Why would he be smiling at Windows Phone?

His wishes(or at least one of them) we're that screen sizes didn't go above 3.5 inches(or 4) and Apple went above that, Nokia went upto 6 inches.

So clearly he wouldn't be happy with either.

He was certainly grateful that Bill Gates "Invested" in Apple in the mid 90's, thus saving them and said so in an interview they did together.
I am apart of the dualos crowd as well. I have an iPad mini so the needs I don't find in my phone, I have in my tablet

but aside from battery, most of my needs are met.
- native xbox music allows me to download music by artist and not by creating this monster playlist
- word flow is brilliant along with how the prediction will help predict your sentence without you barely having to type
- although they took away some features, I'm still able to see family and friends social media updates at a glance
- the apps I need are there in the ecosystem, but maybe not for you
-cortana has been a great feature and the unobtrusive way they've implemented the notification center still let's me to not be overwhelmed like I would be on iOS (all those red notification numbers) and android

i could go on but I know I'm sticking with windows. Hardware was just a matter of an issue
I too have been on the fence about what to do,I currently own a Lumia 521 and I love the phone alot! But it's the small things like lack of native printing support(not that I even own a printer right now), and the app store(app quality - Facebook, and selection of great games) and I'm thinking of upgrading to a Lumia 635 but I'd really like a 1020 update available on all networks. I stay attached to my Lumia phone hoping for a brighter future soon....
- Sent from my Windows Phone
I too have been on the fence about what to do,I currently own a Lumia 521 and I love the phone alot! But it's the small things like lack of native printing support(not that I even own a printer right now), and the app store(app quality - Facebook, and selection of great games) and I'm thinking of upgrading to a Lumia 635 but I'd really like a 1020 update available on all networks. I stay attached to my Lumia phone hoping for a brighter future soon....
- Sent from my Windows Phone

HP put out a great printing app a while back ago. Works great, easy interface and you can print documents or pics just fine.

Sent from my YP-G1 using Tapatalk 2

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