should I switch to wp7 Mango


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Aside from all the fanboyism in this topic, wp7 mango is a good OS. You really need to try it before you buy, it is nothing like ios. It is simple to learn, but some tasks are more complicated than the iPhone imo. Like I said, just try it and see if it's for you.


Active member
Nov 14, 2008
Aside from all the fanboyism in this topic, wp7 mango is a good OS. You really need to try it before you buy, it is nothing like ios. It is simple to learn, but some tasks are more complicated than the iPhone imo. Like I said, just try it and see if it's for you.

Dont see the fanboyism, just advice on trying it first, good humoured posts and some of the unique features of the OS.


New member
Sep 21, 2011
There is a bit of fanboyism IMO, but that's to be expected from a technology that a given person enjoys. I was kind of hoping for some ****** insight when I came to this forum to ask about WP7. It doesn't seem as overwhelming as fanboyism from fans of Apple, though. The users here have honestly said that giving a try before making the leap is a good idea and I've never heard a fan of iOS say the same.

From the posts here and the 30 days with WP7 linked by scottcraft I am more seriously considering WP7, although I will visit a phone store before making the purchase. The one thing that is really holding me back is the lack of an Audible app, but hopefully there will be one before I have to make the purchase.

Of course I may end up having to carry both my personal and my business phone, in which case I can use the iPhone as a glorified iPod for Audible and the wp7 for everything else that I do.

*to clarify on the ****** comments I made, I meant them as a compliment rather than the normal negative connotations. I suppose it's not so much ****** as simply fan in the case of most of the posts I have read here.
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New member
Sep 23, 2011
Yes...and no

File handling is not native. In other words, you can't mount the phone like a USB stick and drag and drop to it. I miss that, but that being said, I do like the closed environment. Far less opportunity to hose the phone with malware IMHO.

Where iOS and Android are app-centric, WP7 is 'people-centric', meaning that the OS sees contact and messaging data as a resource to be let out and about to mingle with the phone's various hubs. Hard to explain, but works really well. I think it's highly intuitive.

What I really love about the phone is the Metro design. It's so easy to see and interact with. No more pages of miniature Chicklet-sized icons and squinting to see stuff. The Live Tiles are so useful as quick sources of information I don't know how I lived with Android for so long.

I had no problem getting and Exchange Server account set up as well as GMail or Facebook. Easy. And I always use the One Note integration in my Office Suite at work, so that's a really plus.

When Mango hits, anyone who has any appreciation of how a smartphone should work will see WP7 as the real leader in mobile OS's

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