Should you buy the HTC One M8 for Windows?

What are you talking about?

Thinner gorilla glass cracks more easily than thicker. Curvature, engineering, and housing also affect how the glass can handle stress on various impact points.

Dismissive as your last comment was, it's irrelevance is an admission of Apple's and HTC inferiority.

BTW, the iPhone has many more redeeming qualities. does the HTC One M8, haha. I don't doubt that the One M8 may have thinner glass, more easily broken, etc., but that's not a reason to just not buy a device. If you're biased against HTC, great! I'll admit, I'm a little biased against Apple. I know they make great products but I would rather have a Nokia Lumia 520 than an iPhone 5s. Just personal preference.
So enjoy your opinion-sure you have your reasons. But there's a great difference between truth and fact.
I went from 8x to Lumia Icon. I advised my father to go from a Droid DNA to a Moto G. I never recommend HTC for the above stated reasons. Only difference is they were in the other side of the equation before with Verizon withholding updates from their phones. Now they figure they'd join the club against Lumia owners. That's why I'm switching the family lines to a GSM carrier with unlocked devices.

HTC does use thin glass, and the screens break easily.

The Taiwan argument is relatively unimportant to me. But I mean to insult them and that issue is of great importance to them. Henceforth, let them be insulted.

Quick fix: Stop dropping your phone.
What are you talking about?

Thinner gorilla glass cracks more easily than thicker. Curvature, engineering, and housing also affect how the glass can handle stress on various impact points.

Dismissive as your last comment was, it's irrelevance is an admission of Apple's and HTC inferiority.

BTW, the iPhone has many more redeeming qualities.

There is no phone out there with a large glass face that will not break when dropped in a certain manner.

None. Zero. Zilch.
The fact is, you posted a thread titled " should I buy a HTC?"....

Either you wanted an honest answer. Or more likely, it seems as though you were phishing for praise. I offer none. HTC has proven miserable with quality of materials and blocking SW updates for superior devices is an abysmal show of poor form.

So if I answered your question, please thank me. If all you were doing was trying to elicit good marks about OM8FW, then please know failure like the company which manufacturers that device.
The fact is, you posted a thread titled " should I buy a HTC?"....

Either you wanted an honest answer. Or more likely, it seems as though you were phishing for praise. I offer none. HTC has proven miserable with quality of materials and blocking SW updates for superior devices is an abysmal show of poor form.

So if I answered your question, please thank me. If all you were doing was trying to elicit good marks about OM8FW, then please know failure like the company which manufacturers that device.

I got an update today.
If you read the title it doesn't say "Should I Buy a HTC..." it says "Should You..."
I appreciate the honest answer but bloating your answer with general truths isn't getting anywhere, haha. EVERY device EVER made has issues. There has never been a perfect phone. Consumers may go "this is the perfect phone" but the next person goes "too easily broken. Not good enough camera. Stupid screen. Don't like the platform. Too heavy. Too big. Etc."
The Samsung Galaxy S5 has sold over ten million units. You think that's a perfect phone? Every phone has issues.
Quick fix: Stop dropping your phone.

Dropping one's phone can, often times, be just an accident. No one drops their phone on purpose. At least, not anyone in their right mind. With that said, I think people just need to be more aware and alert of what they are doing with their phones and not handle the phone nonchalantly. When you hold it, hold it tightly, not loosely. Or, just put it in your pocket, yet be aware that it's there before you do possible damage to it.
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Dropping one's phone can, often times, be just an accident. No one drops their phone on purpose. At least, not anyone in their right mind. With that said, I think people just need to be more aware and alert of what they are doing with their phones and not handle the phone nonchalantly. When you hold it, hold it tightly, not loosely. Or, just put it in your pocket, yet be aware that it's there before you do possible damage to it.

True, but if you find yourself judging glass thickness because you keep dropping them so often, it might indicate a problem somewhere ;)
If you read the title it doesn't say "Should I Buy a HTC..." it says "Should You..."
I appreciate the honest answer but bloating your answer with general truths isn't getting anywhere, haha. EVERY device EVER made has issues. There has never been a perfect phone. Consumers may go "this is the perfect phone" but the next person goes "too easily broken. Not good enough camera. Stupid screen. Don't like the platform. Too heavy. Too big. Etc."
The Samsung Galaxy S5 has sold over ten million units. You think that's a perfect phone? Every phone has issues.

By half-truths, you must be referring to opinions. But here's an undisputable fact, the Nokia Lumia ICON has zero issues. You should buy a Nokia Lumia ICON. I should buy a Nokia Lumia ICON. We should all buy Nokia Lumia ICONs.
By half-truths, you must be referring to opinions. But here's an undisputable fact, the Nokia Lumia ICON has zero issues. You should buy a Nokia Lumia ICON. I should buy a Nokia Lumia ICON. We should all buy Nokia Lumia ICONs.


Indisputable fact?

PLENTY of issues threads in there, just like ANY OTHER PHONE.

Stop spreading nonsense. We have no need for cheerleader theatrics.
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By half-truths, you must be referring to opinions. But here's an undisputable fact, the Nokia Lumia ICON has zero issues. You should buy a Nokia Lumia ICON. I should buy a Nokia Lumia ICON. We should all buy Nokia Lumia ICONs.
+925 for sarcasm ... I chortled ;)
I've had mine since first week it was offered by Verizon.

It's OK... actually better than OK. But I would not go as far as to say GREAT!

If I had it to do over again, I would still get it. Here are the things I don't like:

1) The camera does not appear to be everything people seem to be claiming. I am seeing poor color, and poor focusing. When trying to take pictures of products to show to customers, for example, I will ALWAYS start with HTC One. But often, I will not be happy with the pictures, and end up breaking out the iPad 3.

2) The sounds/notification are a bit of a problem. If I have it in my pocket, it is often hard to hear. I also have the vibration set, but it only vibrates once, and very briefly at that. So I do miss calls, texts, etc. (But the good news is that it does not bend! )

3) The touchscreen is SUPER sensitive. Scrolling though a list, like on HTC Blink (a poor substitute for Flipboard, by the way), I will often find it thinking I have touched the the link, when I did not. Of course, some will attribute this to "stupid user", but I've been using touchscreen devices daily for many years... I'm quite familiar with how to use them.

These are all annoyances to which I will learn to adapt... or learn to ignore.

I like the phone.
Can't recall a better , more stable device than my M8 in years anyway. This is what my icon should have been. I'd recommend it 100% to anyone. Unless your wanting a phone for a camera, (then icon is for you) you can't go wrong.
If you are talking about the device itself, it's a spectacular one. Arguably the best Windows Phone out there.

Comparing it to it's Android sibling however and it stands barely any chance, just my opinion.

Great device nonetheless.
By half-truths, you must be referring to opinions. But here's an undisputable fact, the Nokia Lumia ICON has zero issues. You should buy a Nokia Lumia ICON. I should buy a Nokia Lumia ICON. We should all buy Nokia Lumia ICONs.
Of course the Nokia Lumia Icon has issues. Just like every phone. Ever.
But like I said-a phone can be perfect for one person, and not good enough for the next. If you think the Icon is perfect, great! But it does have issues. It could've been a whole lot better.
If you are talking about the device itself, it's a spectacular one. Arguably the best Windows Phone out there.

Comparing it to it's Android sibling however and it stands barely any chance, just my opinion.

Great device nonetheless.
I think the Windows version is better, personally. Putting the platform aside, the Windows version has a better battery and is a little bit more efficient. And I think Windows just looks more at home on the One M8 than Android.
I think the Windows version is better, personally. Putting the platform aside, the Windows version has a better battery and is a little bit more efficient. And I think Windows just looks more at home on the One M8 than Android.

Ha, I thought I was the only one that felt that way.
I think the Windows version is better, personally. Putting the platform aside, the Windows version has a better battery and is a little bit more efficient. And I think Windows just looks more at home on the One M8 than Android.

Obviously I won't make fun of your choice, no doubt Windows Phone is a beautiful OS and it looks great on the M8.

The reason why I said the Android version was better because HTC Sense and the apps IMO just looks better on the M8, Sense was "made" for the M8.

Add to that the fact that the Android version supports extra gestures such as holding down the volume button to open camera, HTC Zoe, Blinkfeed a swipe away, better notification toggles, the better looking keyboard(IMO), and overall the better update cycle.


Now look at the above photo and tell me which looks better? Sense feels like to me it was made for the HTC One, whereas Windows Phone is the same experience throughout most devices.

And as far as performance goes, I've seen a few speed tests and Android came out on top against Windows Phone, while battery life is technically better on the WP variant but that's because the WP variant simply can't even do a fraction of what the Android variant can.

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