Simultaneous file save to two drives?


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Sep 6, 2018
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My main SSD drive just died stone dead and I had to replace it and reinstall Windows 10.

The problem is that I have a habit of saving a lot of files on my desktop. I know it's not wise to do this (as evidenced by the fact that I just lost them all) but the reason I do it is that it helps me stay aware of what needs attending to whereas when they are all stored away in folders I forget about many of them or even when I try to remember what needs attention I struggle to do so. A case of 'out of sight, out of mind'.

I did keep a whole load of files on an external WD 2 terabyte drive and that darn thing died a year ago too so the arn't safe there.
I have a 1tb dropbox paid account and use the (glitchy) dropbox app on my desktop but essentially it's the same issue for me in that when everything is tucked away in folder trees it's hard to stay aware of what needs attention.

One option is to always have things on dropbox or a backup drive and only have shortcuts on my desktop but then having to create a short cut for every file is a pain; especially as I am running a startup and generate a huge amount of different kinds of documents and files.

The secondary problem is that I need redundant backup. The dropbox app for desktop is limited in functionality so it feel so constrained just using that. It also crashes and glitches a lot.

So my ultimate questions is, is there a way I can save a document to two external drives at the same time. One save action that is duplicated. So for example, I would have a short cut to eternal drive D: and when I drag something to save it there it also does the save action to external drive F: So one drag and drop save action that saves the file on two seperate drives?
having lost loads of work twice now in the last three years I just don't trust saving stuff in one location and don't feel dropbox is streamlined enough to use it for every single little save task.

Any thoughts?


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Apr 20, 2014
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I would make a folder in OneDrive, then copy a shortcut to this to your desktop, you can then save to desktop as per usual and then drag stuff to the shortcut, or always save in the folder and then sort files out when you need.

But as it's all on OneDrive you can wipe your PC as often as you like, just re-create the shortcut.

As to having another copy, just do normal backups and include your OneDrive folders.

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