Skype - How to enable touch mode?


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Apr 15, 2013
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MS are, as we are aware, about to cut off the Skype metro touch app on Windows. They say that the desktop version can now be used for touch as well. A bit like Office 2013 can. Thing is, I can easily find the option to enable touch mode in the Office apps (such as it is) in the ribbon but I can't for the life of me find the touch mode option in Skype for desktop. In fact, it seems to have no ribbon at all. This leaves me with a drop down menu based wimp system which I need to connect a mouse to my tablet devices to use effectively.

Clearly even MS doesn't mean for touch users to use this method in Skype when they tell me 'We?re simplifying your experience down to one app that you can use either with your mouse and keyboard or with touch'. Could someone please let me know where the option to enable touch mode is? This is driving me up the wall.

Also, is there any metro app available that can show Skype notifications and live tile updates without having to have the full desktop package running in the background the whole time? It is munching limited tablet resources like a demon. Just a simple notification checker app, not the full thing. Then I needn't run up the full Skype package until I get a call notification from the checker. Anything like that available for Win8.1 or in the pipeline? I know MS are making a set of apps for W10 but that won't help W8.1 so I need something simple to keep Skype going on touch devices.

Thanks for your help folks.


New member
Apr 15, 2013
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So, no ideas? I really thought there would be a touch mode hidden in there somewhere after getting that email from MS. Good grief, this is so Windows 10. If this is MS's idea of touch capable these days, it doesn't bode well for W10 on anything other than legacy systems.

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