

New member
Dec 6, 2010
Anyone playing this? Is it overly complicated? I've watched youtube videos, and I see people in the menus more than they are in the game. I see it getting pretty much perfect scores, but so did Fallout 3, and I thought the game was average at best. I was told that Skyrim is just Fallout with dragons.

A lot of question in one small paragraph, let me know what you think of the game. I ordered it as a MW3 relief game, but forgot that this was a holiday week, so It'll be Monday or Tuesday before I get my hands on it.
I have Skyrim. I really like it, but I've played Morrowind and Oblivion. If you don't like wide open RPGs, then you won't like this. There is a story line that you can stick to, but the beauty of the game is wandering around and seeing what you can find. That means a lot of running or riding (it's relatively easy to get a horse early in the game).

It's all in how you play. You can load up with heavy armor and a two-handed weapon and just go around bashing things. You will still have to use menus to drink potions, buy/sell items, and level up, but it's not that bad. Or you can get into all sorts of alchemy, enchanting, blacksmithing, etc., where you will be in menus a good portion of the time.

There are elements of the game that are really fun. I like how they have kill shot animations. When I killed a dragon, it showed me jump on its head and hack it with my axe a few times. I'm trying to find out how to join the bard college. I'm hoping it means I can sing at inns and earn money. I make my character drink a lot of beer. It does get tedious though. The game is designed to consume a lot of your time.
I've never played Morrowind or Oblivion, but I did play some of Fallout 3. I've been watching a video walk through on youtube, and it seems to be more fun than F3. I've already ordered it, so I guess I'll mainly stick to main quest. But from what I've seen so far, it looks really amazing. I think the post apocalyptic setting and feel of Fallout 3 is what made me not really get into it. Skyrim looks much more intense. I can't wait for it to come. It'll be a game I can play late night when no one is up and bothering me.
I have Skyrim. I really like it, but I've played Morrowind and Oblivion. If you don't like wide open RPGs, then you won't like this. There is a story line that you can stick to, but the beauty of the game is wandering around and seeing what you can find. That means a lot of running or riding (it's relatively easy to get a horse early in the game).

It's all in how you play. You can load up with heavy armor and a two-handed weapon and just go around bashing things. You will still have to use menus to drink potions, buy/sell items, and level up, but it's not that bad. Or you can get into all sorts of alchemy, enchanting, blacksmithing, etc., where you will be in menus a good portion of the time.

There are elements of the game that are really fun. I like how they have kill shot animations. When I killed a dragon, it showed me jump on its head and hack it with my axe a few times. I'm trying to find out how to join the bard college. I'm hoping it means I can sing at inns and earn money. I make my character drink a lot of beer. It does get tedious though. The game is designed to consume a lot of your time.
Started Oblivion in 2006 and still haven't finished.

I'll pick up Skyrim in 2015 or when I finish Oblivion, whichever comes first.
Lol. I'm not ino games that last forever. In gonna play until I get bored.
Started Oblivion in 2006 and still haven't finished.

I'll pick up Skyrim in 2015 or when I finish Oblivion, whichever comes first.

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yaeh like FF13 on Xbox .. over 150hours of game play and i dint even completly finish the game.. LOL

got bored and got Black ops. LOL ( last year )
How are the controls? I am deciding between the Xbox version and the PC version.
How are the controls? I am deciding between the Xbox version and the PC version.

I have an Xbox360 and a PS3. I always buy my games on Xbox360 because of the controller. My PS3 is just a Bluray player.

For this game, the controls are great. The only complaint I have is that I always click the left thumbstick while in battle causing my character to go into sneak mode. It takes some practice to not push as hard.
Just finished the first three quest! This game is very good. I also keep hitting the sneak button too. The dragon is on my ads right now and he's killed me twice. The only complaint is the damn bears! WTF these are some epic bears. Two hits and BAM, you're dead!

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How are the controls? I am deciding between the Xbox version and the PC version.
Controls are absolutely fine, especially on the PC. Don't listen to those who moan about the menu system being designed for the console and not being optimised for mouse + keyboard. You can use either your mouse or WASD keys and I've not had any issues.
I don't think it's the best game ever andding a coop mode would push it towards that title though.

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I am 100% against adding co-op. The game is meant to be played single-player.

I dunno. I just think that if they spent the time working on co-op stuff they couldn't make their single player as amazing as it is. I just don't get why EVERY game now-a-days has to have some form of multiplayer. I mean even Assassins Creed and Fable have it. IMO games like that and Skyrim don't need multiplayer.
Well to be honest, the game is buggy as ****, so might as well add more options to it. And if you don't want to play with a friend, then don't. Options are good. After spending five more hours with the game, I'm starting to see annoyances. Also I see how people say they've put in 100+ hours into the game, there's a lot of foot travel that takes a very long time. Also, the quest marker isn't great. I spent 2 hours just trying find the "greybeards". It's a great game, but the more you play it, the more you'll start to see it's flaws.
I am 100% against adding co-op. The game is meant to be played single-player.

I dunno. I just think that if they spent the time working on co-op stuff they couldn't make their single player as amazing as it is. I just don't get why EVERY game now-a-days has to have some form of multiplayer. I mean even Assassins Creed and Fable have it. IMO games like that and Skyrim don't need multiplayer.
This game isn't user friend to those of us not use to Oblivion games. Every time I kill a dragon, it says "Dragon soul obtained" Ok, what does that mean> I'm only level 9, so what do I do with the dragon souls. I have several questions...

1)What level can one start to fill soul gems?
2)What leve can one enchant a item and how does one refill an enchantment?
3)How does one soul trap?
4)Can I buy soul gems?
5)Where is the college located?
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